
Buying skills with real money. Improving my life in the real world.

When life decided to grant him a blessing in the form of a gamer system Evan was happy. But that happiness didn't last. He slowly lost his family, his loved ones, and those he needed in his life until he felt like he couldn't sink any lower. But he finally gave in and used his real money to pay his system for the chance to improve his life. A chance to finally be more. And man he is going to love it. If only things were cheaper!

Silverfang · Jogos
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23 Chs

Training Montage! (Part 2)

Everyone in the gym was shocked at how hard Evan went in his training over the next two weeks.

They saw him training alongside Zoey on the mats. Which seemed strangely like hangouts or dates as they would often take lunch breaks together or chat about random stuff during said breaks. They even exchanged numbers and had casual walks outside the gym sometimes during the last two weeks.

Evan even shocked Zoey with how fast he picked up her tips and skills in wrestling. At the point they were at Evan was keeping her on her toes. Literally. Her toes were sore from having to bounce on the soles of her feet so much that it wasn't even funny at times.

Evan apologized with foot rubs that had Zoey sighing in relaxation from the treatments and tell Evan that she was firing her masseuse and hiring him at this rate. He chuckled and offered her a personal massage when she felt up for it.

She blushed hard at that but simply said, "I'll think about it." While sporting a shy smile on her face.

Many people in the gym had to take the last two weeks to get used to this new side of Zoey they hadn't expected to see but they didn't hate it. Just caught off guard really.

They were also shocked to see Zoey getting along with Zara and Miu.

Both Zara and Miu seemed to enjoy spending time with Zoey when they weren't busy or went out for girl time together.

Everyone shrugged it off but Zoey was having a blast.

Meanwhile Evan had been doing his best to train with the aid of Zoey, Zara, Thomas, Derrick, and even Miu.

Zoey helped him with his wrestling, Judo and Jujitsu styles.

Thomas aided him in Boxing and kick boxing. Even helping him apply the techniques to improve his Muay Thai.

Derrick helped his stamina and endurance using his track and field experience. He even helped Evan learn the basics of parkour to give him some kore flexibility in the ring and to aid him in dodging and being more reactive against different opponents.

Miu gave him yoga, tai chi, and even gymnastics training. They also made these into hangouts and dates similar to what Zoey did during her time with Evan. Evan had no complaints and Miu enjoyed the foot rubs and shoulder massages that Evan did for her when she over did some muscles. When she asked how he got so good Evan simply shrugged ans said, "Eh. I watched and read a course online for some good massages for sports practitioners. They seem to work on you, Zoey and Zara pretty well."

Miu couldn't help but smirk at this and simply giggled while saying, "The man can cook, massage, protect, and aid in recovery. I'm starting to want to make things official soon with our relationship!"

Evan blushes at that as Miu tells him, "All I'll need is just one more reason and you are my boyfriend."

Evan looks forward to that day and continued to massage her.

Zara helped him out the most. She watched and Hyo would stop by and teach Evan some kung fu styles that he was rusty on or didn't have in his arsenal of styles for the upcoming tournament.

Zara would compound this by giving Evan pointers and training tips to internalize the styles and put them into muscle memory. She also used every chance she got to spend time with Evan thanks to their new relationship status that the gym was slowly picking up on. They never kissed on the gym floor but they seemed to enjoy touching each others body a lot more intimately than necessary to correct a form. Or guide the other through a lunch or kick. Or even when they were simply walking along and their hands seemed to clasp together subconsciously at times.

Many girls were happy for her and how well Evan treated her but many men were biting their knuckles in envy at him getting one of the most beautiful gym girls in the gym as his girlfriend.

Though many seemed to say something like, "No! Our real life tomboy waifu girl is taken!! Damn you Evan!"

Evan sweat dropped every time he heard those words but Zara simply gave them a chilling smile that promised pain and they shut up quickly. Though many compared her to Miroku and Yoruichi for some reason.

They were quickly knocked unconscious by an irritated Zara at those comparisons.

But the last two weeks passes relatively quickly as the first round of the local tournament came closer and closer.

Evan also used his lotto strategy with Thomas and Derrick once more each week to build up funds for his big purchases this week before the first fight came.

He was currently in his room with over 780k ready for use. And his savings suddenly having 200k in reserve for whatever he may need for emergency spending. And it has helped for his dating needs with Zara, Zoey, and Miu.

He grins softly as he thinks to his girlfriend Zara, his dating interest Miu, and his dating friend Zoey. Zoey might become official with him soon though. She has been promising that if he wins the first round she would be ready to 'reward' him with a full relationship. And when he told Zara she seemed perfectly fine with it. Something about 'girl talk negotiations' going well or something.

He shrugged to himself as he refocused on his growth and his new stats. Along with what he will focus on upgrading for the tournament rounds. They will be fighting three local gyms in this local bracket. And the fights are only 3 days apart. Enough time to rest and recover injuries between rounds. But not enough time to grow your skills by too much either.

Evan exhales as he knows this time he has left is going to be do or die time. The first round begins tomorrow and their gym is hosting this one.

He looks at the notification that he had summarized for the sake of easy shirt hand tracking of his growth.

*Congratulations! Thanks to your visual learner, learning prodigy and the efforts of so many allies. You have gained the following skills and stats!

+ 6 levels

+ 23 str

+ 15 agi

+ 22 end

+ 17 int

+19 sense

Massage rank III gained!

Parkour rank III gained!

Mantis style rank II gained!

All previously known styles upgraded by 2 ranks!

Gymnast increased by 2 ranks!

Strategist increased by 1 rank!

Tough body increased by 1 rank!

Ki user increased by 2 ranks!

Healing factor increased by 1 rank!

Enhanced Reflexes increased by 1 rank! *

Evan was overwhelmed by all those improvements from 2 weeks of hard work. He can't help but feel like if his learning prodigy wasn't there he would barely be seeing half of this amount of growth.

He then checked his stats to see how well they were applied to him.

Name: Evan McLean

Race: Super Human

Level: 26

HP: 910/910

MP: Locked

Ki: 208/208

Str: 74 (+83)

Agi: 69 (+71)

End: 76 (+76)

Int: 79 (+44)

Sense: 75 (+59)


Uncanny luck: Boosted luck that makes you seem like the luckiest guy in the world

Martial Prodigy 2: For each martial art you learn you gain bonuses to your stats based on each style and their rank. And you have the skill to match. Each rank in the martial art is equal to 2 years of training in them.

Goto ryu Karate V: +10 to str and end

Muay Thai V: +10 to str and end

Kick Boxing V: +10 to str and end

Tiger fist VI: +12 to str and end

Jujitsu VI: +12 to agi and sense

Dragon fist VI: +6 to all stats

Tae Kwon do IV: +8 to agi and str

Jeet Kune Do VII: +7 to all stats

Wrestling III: +6 to str and sense

Frank Dux Karate IV: +8 to str and agi

Mantis Style II: +4 to agi and int

Ki Fighter (Rank VI ki user): Gain ability to empower yourself with ki. 2 ki point add +3 to strength, agility, or endurance. Any amount of ki used only stays for 6 minutes at a time until more ki mastery is gained.

Ki healing rank IV: Heal an ally of any mid ranked disease for 10 ki points or 50 HP over 2 minutes for 25 ki points, can be used to help regrow fingers or other small missing parts of the body.

Tough stuff V: Your body grows healthier and is now tougher +20 to end, +25 to HP per level

Healing factor V: Regenerate 10 HP per minute, recover from exhaustion 35% faster

Learning Prodigy V: You are now able to learn things both body and mind related much faster! Your body is now at the super human level of adaptation! X10 learning speed.

Visual Learner Rank V: Using your higher than average intelligence and reflexes as a fighter you can copy any movement you see and recreate it using your own body. You will need to practice it to make it natural. But you will not forget the action easily. If you don't perform the action within 16 hours of seeing it you will lose the action and have to rewatch it being used to remember.

Gymnast VI: Your body is way more flexible now! And you are more aware of your space, +12 agi and sense

Parkour III: Your body is uses to moving and leaping in midair! +6 to agi and sense

Strategist V: +15 to int from thinking fast and better now!

Enhanced Reflexes V: React faster! +10 agi and sense

Sixth Sense rank IV: Gain the ability to perceive your surroundings without using your eyes or ears. You can detect bloodlust or intent up to 40ft away from you with a 45% chance to know what their intent is.

Thicker skin rank IV: Toughen your skin passively to make it harder to damage. Current rank = Whale Shark hide +20% physical dmg reduction.

Enhanced muscles rank IV: Your muscles have improved in tensile strength! Now they can generate more power and last longer! 12 to str.

Smarty Pants rank IV: Pure mind muscle awaits you! Gain better memorization and faster thought processes! Even better usage of actions like multitasking or multithinking! +12 to int.

Massage Rank III: Gain the ability to massage and ease the muscle pain of those you care for. Your massage recovers 3% fatigue and pain per minute of massage.

Enhanced Human Physique: Stat limit of all stats has risen from 100 to 200!

Super Human physique: Stat limit of all stats has rise from 200 to 400!

Evan was now gaping at his stats. Based on the totals with the bonuses added to his bases he was nearly superhuman! He was practically Captain America or fricking Spider man at this point! He was stumped on how to spend his money though. As many of his skills were now rank 5 and higher they wouldn't be cheap. And to increase them further meant he would be taking away valuable resources from other future skills.

He thought back to the skill board and remembered which ones looked the most impressive and which he should focus on the most.

Then his thoughts turned to his growth and his stats.

He would reach a limit. It wasn't a matter of if but when. And right now he had the money and the ability to push those limits to beyond what he had right now.

He knew what he had to do.

He looked up the skill board and focused on the two skills he absolutely needed to help the gym reach nationals at the very least.

[Demi god physique: Cost 30,000]

[Saiyan physique: Cost 50,000] (Locked)

[Learning Prodigy 6: Cost 32,000]

[Learning Prodigy 7: Cost 64,000] (Locked)

[Learning Prodigy 8: Cost 128,000] (Locked)

[Learning Prodigy 9: Cost 256,000] (Locked)

[Learning Prodigy 10: Cost 512,000] (Locked)

Evan breathed out harshly and knew which ones he had to grab first.

He grabbed the two race ones and sees their effects ping in his stats. But waits to check until after the learning upgrades are done. He then goes on the splurge and grabs as many learning upgrades as his remaining 700k allows.

He manages to buy all the way up to rank 9 learning prodigy and sighs in relief when he sees his remaining money is still sitting nicely at 220k. He stores that for later and checks his updated stats and race.

Name: Evan McLean

Race: Saiyan (Low class)

Level: 26

HP: 910/910

MP: Locked

Ki: 208/208

Str: 74 (+83)

Agi: 69 (+71)

End: 76 (+76)

Int: 79 (+44)

Sense: 75 (+59)


Uncanny luck: Boosted luck that makes you seem like the luckiest guy in the world

Martial Prodigy 2: For each martial art you learn you gain bonuses to your stats based on each style and their rank. And you have the skill to match. Each rank in the martial art is equal to 2 years of training in them.

Goto ryu Karate V: +10 to str and end

Muay Thai V: +10 to str and end

Kick Boxing V: +10 to str and end

Tiger fist VI: +12 to str and end

Jujitsu VI: +12 to agi and sense

Dragon fist VI: +6 to all stats

Tae Kwon do IV: +8 to agi and str

Jeet Kune Do VII: +7 to all stats

Wrestling III: +6 to str and sense

Frank Dux Karate IV: +8 to str and agi

Mantis Style II: +4 to agi and int

Ki Fighter (Rank VI ki user): Gain ability to empower yourself with ki. 2 ki point add +3 to strength, agility, or endurance. Any amount of ki used only stays for 6 minutes at a time until more ki mastery is gained.

Ki healing rank IV: Heal an ally of any mid ranked disease for 10 ki points or 50 HP over 2 minutes for 25 ki points, can be used to help regrow fingers or other small missing parts of the body.

Tough stuff V: Your body grows healthier and is now tougher +20 to end, +25 to HP per level

Healing factor V: Regenerate 10 HP per minute, recover from exhaustion 35% faster

Learning Prodigy IX: You are now able to learn things both body and mind related much faster! Your body is now at the super human level of adaptation! X18 learning speed.

Visual Learner Rank V: Using your higher than average intelligence and reflexes as a fighter you can copy any movement you see and recreate it using your own body. You will need to practice it to make it natural. But you will not forget the action easily. If you don't perform the action within 16 hours of seeing it you will lose the action and have to rewatch it being used to remember.

Gymnast VI: Your body is way more flexible now! And you are more aware of your space, +12 agi and sense

Parkour III: Your body is uses to moving and leaping in midair! +6 to agi and sense

Strategist V: +15 to int from thinking fast and better now!

Enhanced Reflexes V: React faster! +10 agi and sense

Sixth Sense rank IV: Gain the ability to perceive your surroundings without using your eyes or ears. You can detect bloodlust or intent up to 40ft away from you with a 45% chance to know what their intent is.

Thicker skin rank IV: Toughen your skin passively to make it harder to damage. Current rank = Whale Shark hide +20% physical dmg reduction.

Enhanced muscles rank IV: Your muscles have improved in tensile strength! Now they can generate more power and last longer! 12 to str.

Smarty Pants rank IV: Pure mind muscle awaits you! Gain better memorization and faster thought processes! Even better usage of actions like multitasking or multithinking! +12 to int.

Massage Rank III: Gain the ability to massage and ease the muscle pain of those you care for. Your massage recovers 3% fatigue and pain per minute of massage.

Enhanced Human Physique: Stat limit of all stats has risen from 100 to 200!

Super Human physique: Stat limit of all stats has risen from 200 to 400!

Demigod Physique: Stat limit of all stats has risen from 400 to 700!

Saiyan Warrior (Low class) Physique: Stat limit of all stats has risen from 700 to 1100!

Evan grins before noticing that little detail. He checks again and is so shocked that he barely realizes that his body is in a dull throbbing pain all over as his organs, bones, and muscles have all changed to become a saiyans build and biology.

He gapes at the parentheses and double checks the skill board as he sees that yes. The saiyan physique is the beginning of a new realm of limitations for him to break.

[Saiyan physique (Mid tier): Cost 100,000] (Locked)

[Saiyan physique (High tier): Cost 200,000] (Locked)

[Saiyan physique (Elite tier): Cost 400,000] (Locked)

[Saiyan physique (Royal tier): Cost 800,000] (Locked)

[Saiyan physique (Legendary tier): Cost 1,600,000] (Locked)

[Saiyan physique (God tier): Cost 3,200,000] (Locked)

Evan takes one look at the updated list. And is both happy he can grab even higher limits. But also sad that it will cost him literal millions even to just reach Vegetas level of physique.

He curls up in the fetal position to process this information for a few hours. Just lamenting how far he still has to go to become the most powerful that he can.