
Business is Booming!

The town game by DecodeUnicode from roblox has arrived in arknights.

Plutoisplanet · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Chapter 1 [OLD]


Somewhere in the middle of nowhere.


In this middle of nowhere stands a town, a very loud and violent one. It can be both welcoming and unwelcoming, people are very battle-hardened. And in one part of the town this house stands out.


This particular house is a Gun Shop and a Restaurant, But the employees who work there? They are all... Let's say there quite special and diverse.

Dogboy, the boss, is asleep on his bed, as the employees work downstairs.

The main employees Guyman, the Robloxian who runs the store together with Spepsi and others. Then there's boopy the clown, he's just there.. Don't underestimate him though. He's always high on drugs and his "Friendly Attitude" maybe lure you in.

They did this for like 2 whole months, There little store has been growing little by little. And has attracted quite a bit of attention, there has been a few raids and night raids.

The clock reached 8:00AM and the workers immediately got to work.

Every morning the usual customers that live close to the store goes there to eat a lot of the times. Some are there to restock ammo, the store also has a small lounge area where they can get coffee for the day.

But this day is different, as people begin to exit the store they noticed the sky was dark.

Random#1: "Hey wasn't it like morning just a few minutes ago?"

Random#2: "Uh.. yeah."

Random#1: "Should we tell everyone else?"

Random#2: "We should."

Going back in the 2 customers tell everyone what just happened outside. A lot were curious, was it an untold Solar eclipse? Or like idiots say an Alien Mothership. Everyone went out checking it out including the employees.

They were surprised it wasn't a Solar Eclipse or Alien Invasion. It was just night time.

One of the employees with gray hair and glasses. noticed the area that was the Open flat-field became a forest.

???: "Umm.. When did the surrounding area of the town become abundant with tree's?"

When he mentioned that everyone else has just noticed the surrounding area has become a forest.

Random#3: "What the?"

Timeskip 4 hours.. (I got lazy)

???: "So. Some went out and scouted the area out and found nothing for 5 kilometers. On the way they did mention a few things, like different plants and almost no animals. And this strange rock."

The employee presented for everyone to see of the gathering in the middle of town.

Random#22: "So what's with the rock?"

???: "Well... just look." As he grabs a Fire Match and told everyone to stand back, doing so he drops the match and runs. The rock explodes in fire which shocks a lot of the robloxians.

Random#1: "So.. It's high flammable?"

???: "Not only that... What we were told it's very abundant in the wild, From I was told they keep on finding some of it every few minutes.."

Random#2: "So your telling us to avoid using fire recklessly and the use of grenades in the forest?"

???: "Yes."

Random#2: "How did they find out it was the flammable one anyways?"

???: "They told me one of them was smoking. Apparently he threw away the cigarette and one of the rocks ignited causing an explosion."

Random#1: "I see... Wait.. He threw away a lit cigarette in a forest?!"

???: "Nope, he knew he was in a forest and made sure after he was done he put out the ambers to prevent a forest fire."

Random#1: "...So it ignited even though the cigarette was already put out?"

???: "Correct, the scary thought that it still ignited with just little heat from a cigarette.."

Random#12: "Logically it should explode if it reaches summer.. But considering the surrounding area not having any deep holes, or looking concaved. It probably has a natural protection against the heat of the sun."

Random#1: "That might probably be the case."

Random#12: "I'll take the rock you guys can find. I want to research into it."

???: "You'll have to wear an EOD suit if you don't wanna die."

Random#12: "I would probably."

Random#1: "Have you told your boss about this?"

???: "Nope. But I'll tell his assistant to wake him up and explain the situation."


Guyman Pov

Checking all the supplies they have and along with ammunition and guns they have. It isn't much but It should provide ammo for everyone if it's ever needed. A lot of them know how to make gunpowder, but it's the materials that's missing.

Guyman: "*sigh* We really need to know about this fast world or we die starving trying to."

Thinking it through the people who braved it and scouted ahead came back without seeing any signs of animals. This might make some desperate enough to venture deeper into unknown territory or start cannibalizing.

This thought just made him shiver but that broke as soon as he heard someone come through the door and went to check out who it was.

Guyman: "Who is it?"

???: "It's me sir, have you told the boss the situation yet?"

Guyman: "No, not yet."

???: "You should tell him about it now sir."

Guyman: "Alright I'll tell him, you should stay here and guard the store, I'll be right back." Telling him this he goes up to the second floor, arriving and knocking at the door he opens it to still find there boss asleep.

He enters the room and kept shaking the living hell out of him until he woke up, There boss finally woke up with a tired look on his face.

Dogboy: "Bro what is it?"

Guyman: "There's a uhh.. Situation outside."

Dogboy: "Is it the raiders again?"

Guyman: "No... It's much more different, we.. no, The entire town got transported in another world."

Dogboy looks at him with a face saying 'are you drunk or high or maybe both.'

Guyman: "I'm perfectly fine and sane, I checked our ammunition and food supply we can probably like. Last 2 months at most or 3.5 months if we eat 1 meal a day."

This would make Dogboy concerned this isn't the first time there supplies almost ran out.

Dogboy: "The best we can keep doing is sending people in Humvee's out to keep finding out more about this new world then."

Guyman: "Um.. Were surrounded by forest's our Humvee's a useless, unless we make a road ourselves."

Dogboy: "That's bad news. What'd the 2 factions do?"

Guyman: "The SCP Foundation Wannabe's Barricaded themselves inside their base. Meanwhile the U.L.F (United Liberation Front) Sent armed guards to patrol the town and sent a few scouts into the deep forest."

Dogboy was giving everything a thought If a battle were to break out It will make the situation worse. But good thing these 2 factions leaders know this and refrained from fighting. During this time he already thought, hey wouldn't it be nice if we just stole materials from this world.

Dogboy: "What're the other's doing right now? If there free call them here." He said with a small grin

Guyman: "The other's are currently working there assigned jobs, While the rest are either taking a rest or eating."

Dogboy: "Tell the others to gather at the diner, will have an important meeting and lock all doors, got it?"

Guyman: "Got it." He follows what he was told without questioning what the meeting will be all about.

The employees are called to gather at the middle of the diner, and while others are already there seated or standing some just arrived.

Dogboy: "Alright everyone, you all here?"

Everyone nods and answers with a 'yes' or 'yea'.

Dogboy: "Alright good, We are gathered here today because of something important."

???: "Is it about expanding influence outside the town?"

Dogboy: "I uh- eh- Yes, you guys know me well."

???: "Of course because your showing a giant shit eating grin on your face. It usually means expansion or something else."

Dogboy: "...Let's continue. Now that it was spoiled, the plan is to expand our influence into this new world. But.. were low on supplies and materials. So were sending Guyman for the job."

Guyman: "Ey yo what? Why me??"

Dogboy: "Because your the only reliable guy here to come back alive."

Guyman: "That's bullshit, but fine since your the only guy who pays me."

Everyone now disperses as dogboy tells them too, While everyone leaves Dogboy approaches guyman and gave him some money to buy swat armor. "Why do I need to buy swat armor??" Guyman questioned, "That's because It comes with a gas mask, you never know what's out there. It's just to be safe too. Even it's also buying armor against a rival store." Dogboy answers.

5 minutes later..

Guyman finished the preparation, now wearing a gas mask and swat armor. He holsters his magnum pistol he calls 'Wildey' and being supplied with an SKS along with a Humvee.

???: "Your supplies should last a while and we removed the back seats for extra space. So we put your food supplies there and along with the ammunition."

Guyman: "How am I getting the Humvee out of the forest??"

???: "Uhh.. Boss said deal with it."

Guyman: "That bastard dog."

???: "But.. There should be an area where there's less trees, you can drive through there. Careful on your way back, Boss also said to bring scrap metal so we can smelt it into parts and the start production of guns again."

Guyman: "Man, I feel like a parent going out on a trip and being asked to bring home Chicken Nuggets."

He just didn't want to complain anymore and packed whatever else he need's. Entering the Humvee he starts it up the engine, and good thing it was Automatic and not manual as he doesn't know how to drive manual. Saying his farewell and drives into the moonlight, and right into the forest he goes.


Did I do good? Busy with the exams. And I failed math...