
Burnt Souls

Life can be too harsh sometimes. Living or choosing to die is always your wish. Can you live a life of misery? Would you allow yourself to love and be loved after being hated for so long? Can love truly overcome all? _________________________________________________ "Could someone who've been betrayed all life will ever fall in love?" Kace , 19 and perfect in every possible way. Academic topper, Soccer player, perfect cook, sharp and witty, not to forget the damned looks. The only thing he isn't perfect at is to love and being loved. The seemed to be playboy, the dream guy of every girl in the college, well everyone except one. Nyla Wilson, a pretty girl with half of the college hitting on her. She is another model student to beheld. Academically perfect, dancer, artist, a cheerful attitude and a personality which seem to attract almost everyone to her. Kace, an introverted person , minding his own bussiness and keeping away from everyone else ,successfully guarding his own secrets, while Nyla, cheerful , almost childish person, who has a great bunch of friends and seem to have no problem in her life. But is that so? Or is she hiding her true self behind this cheerful mask? What happens when these two opposites are stuck with each other for the next three months in a friendship deal. Will they be able to tolerate each other through their friendship deal. Will there be more? Or will they break even more? Tune in ,to find out!!

Inked_hearts007 · Urbano
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11 Chs

chapter 9

Chapter 9

Broken Trust

"We've got to leave in an hour, so I suggest we get ready" Nyla said and we went to our respective rooms to dress up for the party.

It was Mark's birthday, who was Nyla's friend, but Miss Wilson being as willful as she was wouldn't let me off and dragged me into joining the party too. Besides Mark and rest of her friends were pretty nice too. And even though I didn't strike with them too much atleast during our first meeting, still I didn't mind joining the party, if Nyla was there too.

Tonight was my last night here. Mike's gonna return tomorrow and I'll be back to my apartment

These 5 days were not as bad as I thought. Infact, I pretty much enjoyed my time with Nyla. She was free-minded, fun-loving and easy to talk to. But the best part about her was that she won't push me about my past.

It felt quite weird to admit but somewhere deep inside my heart I knew that I'll miss her company once I go back to my apartment.

I opened the closet, just realise that I didn't had anything to wear except my T-shirts and jeans and according to venue decided, I needed something classy to wear.

Damn you Mike


I turned to see Nyla at my door. She cleared her throat and came towards me with a bag in her hand

"Here" she passed the bag to me.

I looked and realised it was a black button down shirt and black slacks, along with a pair of leather shoes

"What's this?" I asked

"Well, I went to shopping with Anna and Sarah today and since your clothes are stuck in your apartment, I thought of finding you something. So here you go, since black is your love of life, I thought you would like these"

"Thanks a lot Nyla but I can't take these"I said

"You don't like them?"she asked

I couldn't find my words.

Why was she shopping for me?? Why did she even cared?

"I guess then we'll have to go for shopping just now. You need a dress. Gosh , I should have asked you ,your choice first. We don't have much time even-"she blabbered on

"Nyla. They're perfect. Its just that I can't take them"I said with my eyes on the floor

"Why so?"

Is she seriously this dumb or did she liked me accepting some most cringing situations, myself?

"Nyla, you've done enough favours to me. And you keeping going on and on , I doubt if I'll ever be able to payback for these favours-" I said to be cut off by her

"Wait, what? Seriously Kace? I told you a thousand times that I'm not doing any favours to you so cut that payback shit. And we don't have time so get dressed"

"Fine, but let me pay for this" I said

"The answer is no.You don't need to Kace "



"Fine" I sighed and her lips curled up.

"Then I can't keep it" and I saw her face fall

"Why do you have to argue on everything?" She asked

"I don't want someone else to pay my bills"

"Ok. Take it as your in-advance birthday gift. Fine now?"

"Nop. Either I pay or I won't keep these" and she rolled her eyes up as she thought for a moment

"Fine here's a deal. For now ,you keep them and whenever we get time, we'll go for shopping and you can pay for my dress. So deal?" She's got a solution to every problem

"Ok. Deal"  i said

"So now just get ready, we need to be there a bit early" she said and walked out


We reached half an hour before time cause Nyla personally wanted to check the preparations .

If someone thought this girl look pretty in her tank tops and shorts, then she looked smoking hot in dresses.

She had a short dress with sequins on the bodice and a silk maroon skirt. It had a cut out back and spaghetti strap paired with simple diamond studds and heels. Her dirty blonde hair were swept off her left   shoulder while freely falling on her right shoulder. She looked just perfect. Elegant and sexy at the same time.

The venue was exact opposite of what you would imagine for a nineteen years old student's party.

We reached Cross Clubs. It was newly opened karaoke club and I realised Nyla had booked the VIP suite, plus the decorations according to her wish ,which was all hearts and stuff

"Ok, what are these hearts  and stuff for?" I asked as curiosity took the best of me

"Well, please keep your mouth shut till the plan is over but this party is for Mark. He wanted to propose Sarah. So I took the initiative of arranging the party. But please don't let the surprise be spoiled . Only Mark and me know about this except you ,now "

"Ok. So this party is for Mark and Sarah basically?"


"But ain't you people just met. Isn't this too soon?"

"Well,they've been friends and each other's crush since their high school years. So they're pretty much behind the schedule"she explained


About 30 minutes later everyone reached the venue

Unfortunately this 'everyone' didn't mean just Nyla's gang, as I expected.

There were two other people except Nyla's group. One was a guy I didn't recognise and other was my 'Eternal Nightmare' Thea.

I turned to look at Nyla and her expressions clearly showed that these other guests were unexpected to her too.

"Guys this is Gary, Mark's roommate and this is Thea."Sam registered our expressions and introduced our unexpected guests

"Sorry Nyla,but they were free and wanted to tag along. I hope it isn't a problem" Sam turned to Nyla

"No. Its a pleasure you all joined. Come . Our suite is this way"she started to lead the way as Thea interrupted


"Yah. Actually we've booked for a private room tonight. We can avoid interruptions that way. Come guys"

How is she modest enough to call the VIP suite, just a room?


Ths party wasn't half as boring as I expected. I never went to any parties more like cause they were never my scene but Nyla proved to be a perfect host. Arrangements were perfect and everyone was enjoying their time, especially the new couple, Mark and Sarah.

I could feel Thea's gaze boring into me while Gary kept staring Nyla. I seriously controlled an urge to punch Gary , straight into his face.

"Guys, I need some fresh air. I'll be back in minute " Nyla stood up to leave

"Wait, I'll join too" Thea stood too


It had been ten minutes since Thea and Nyla went out. I practically didn't knew anyone here except Nyla, so I decided to join her

"I'll be back in a minute guys" and I left to find Nyla and Thea

I found them standing in some balcony kind of space seperated out of the dance floor ,where hundreds of wasted kid moved to music ,by a glass sliding door.

They seemed to be chatting on some random topic or more like Nyla was listening as Thea spoke on and on.

I moved towards them just as I heard what they were talking.

"So tell me, are you and Kace dating?" I recognised it to be Thea

"Not really. We're just good friends" Nyla replied

"Really? Why would someone want to be just friends with a guy like him? Look at him, he's got looks like hell, and he's awesome in everything. He's just everything a girl could imagine and you want to be just friends with her? What is it Nyla?"

I prayed Nyla not to be like those other girls who just wanted my looks. I prayed for her to reply to the shit Nyla was speaking but she kept quite

"What is it Nyla? Are you with him just cause of sympathy? What happened girl. I know he's too wrapped around this stupid idea of this friendship thing that he doesn't realise you're just using him."

Was it all, all these days as friends, only for my looks or far worse sympathy?

I prayed

Nyla to speak up

"Or is it for his money?"

I was shocked at Thea's words. No , it can't be money . Nyla just seemed to get along fine. I've seen her in last 5 days. Money can't be it, besides she was rich enough, atleast I thought so

Speak up Nyla. Shut this girl up

"Actually you're right. Its money. I mean who wouldn't like a guy with so much of cash . Plus his looks are a bonus. It's obvious....Like who wouldn't like a guy with those looks plus flowing cash. He's a perfect trophy boyfriend. And you know what, I'm not as stupid as you, to jump on him and get rejected. Rather slowly making him fall is a better option......"

My world stopped at Nyla's words. The girl I thought I could trust, the girl I thought who genuinely cared for me and mostly the girl I thought who was different from the girls who wanted me for my looks was just a lie. Nyla was even worse than any other girl.

So all those times when I thought she was being nice to me , it was just an act ?

I couldn't bring myself to believe what I heard. My heart didn't seem to believe it.

The only person I trusted after so many years,had broken it so badly

Why it always had to be me?

I walked out of the club and walked,not knowing where I was leading.