
Burnt Souls

Life can be too harsh sometimes. Living or choosing to die is always your wish. Can you live a life of misery? Would you allow yourself to love and be loved after being hated for so long? Can love truly overcome all? _________________________________________________ "Could someone who've been betrayed all life will ever fall in love?" Kace , 19 and perfect in every possible way. Academic topper, Soccer player, perfect cook, sharp and witty, not to forget the damned looks. The only thing he isn't perfect at is to love and being loved. The seemed to be playboy, the dream guy of every girl in the college, well everyone except one. Nyla Wilson, a pretty girl with half of the college hitting on her. She is another model student to beheld. Academically perfect, dancer, artist, a cheerful attitude and a personality which seem to attract almost everyone to her. Kace, an introverted person , minding his own bussiness and keeping away from everyone else ,successfully guarding his own secrets, while Nyla, cheerful , almost childish person, who has a great bunch of friends and seem to have no problem in her life. But is that so? Or is she hiding her true self behind this cheerful mask? What happens when these two opposites are stuck with each other for the next three months in a friendship deal. Will they be able to tolerate each other through their friendship deal. Will there be more? Or will they break even more? Tune in ,to find out!!

Inked_hearts007 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

chapter 6

Chapter 6

Dating Miss Wilson??

I woke up with a sore throat.

Do not try soy sauce shots in future. EVER

But atleast I got an answer to my question. Kayden was her childhood bestie. It seemed so simple,yet my heart wasn't ready to accept that it was so simple as it seemed.

Why are you even thinking about it Kace. It's none of your business. Her life ,her friends, her issues aren't your problem. You just have to complete your promise to your sister, pretend to be friends for 3 months and they stay away from her, forever.

I pulled myself out of my thoughts and went out.

It was 7:15,yet I couldn't find her. Either she was sleeping or she was out. It was to late to be sleeping, but considering last night even an insomniac like me, slept off, so it wouldn't be a big deal.

I went to the shower. Nothing soothes the body like a cold shower.

I just had finished my shower when I heard clanging of utensils

Wrapping a towel over my waist I went to check out, only to find Nyla fliping pancake

"You back?" I heard my voice even before I could think of speaking

"Morning sleepyhead" she turned and yelled " What the hell do you think you're doing by roaming naked in the house?"

"Sorry, I just took a shower and I heard noices in kitchen,so I came here to look who's it. "my mind suddenly caught up and I realised the situation

"Go and pull on a shirt!"

I couldn't do anything but nod and turned to leave

"Baka" she muttered

She speaks japanese? Damn! How many surprises did this girl hid?

"You speak Japanese?"Icame back after putting a black T-shirt on

"Huh?" She said serving me pancake and bacon on side."hope this works for you"

"This is fine.You called me baka ,right? Its Japanese for idiot if I'm not wrong"I asked

"It's a common word."she muttered, sitting on a stool next to me

"Nice! this is yum."I said tasting the pancake. She could definitely cook well

"So ,have you learnt Japanese?"

"Thanks and no. I just told you , it's a common word"she seemed in no mood for a conversation,but I wasn't letting this matter dropped so soon

"How do you know it still?"

"I watch Japanese anime, oroka"(stupid)

"Anata wa yūki ga ari sugite"(You have too much courage) I spoke in perfect japanese

"Tashikani"(surely) she shot back.

And I couldn't help but laugh

How long it had been before I laughed??No idea. The sound of my laughter seemed foreign.

"You're quite a learner if you learnt that from watching anime. I'm impressed" I praised

"Yeah. Have you learnt it?" she asked out

"Yep. I was six and usually got bored of everything pretty soon. So dad got me enrolled in Japanese.  It was pretty much different from other languages. It was the first thing I didn't got bored of. I was adamant to learn this language, be prefect in it" I replied as memories of my dad started to resurface.

"Your dad must be an awesome person if he could understand your needs so very well" she said loading our plates in dishwasher.

"I'll be ready in ten. Then we can head out" she said changing the topic

"Head where?"I asked

"College. You taking a day off?"

" No. But we're not pooling"

She would be either stupid or too kind-hearted to offer me a lift after helping so me much already

"Why not? We've got to be in exact same classes. Our schedule is ditto. Then what's the problem with car pooling?"she said with a confused expression

"Well, you have been doing me enough favours by letting me stay here, then this breakfast. I can't take anymore favours" I cringed

"Kace, shut up with favours. They're no favours in friends. So just push this favour shit out of your head. Plus I already admitted, having you as company is better than staying alone. So you're the one doing favour to me ,by staying here. Now get ready. We'll be leaving" she said and headed towards her room.

Well maybe she was both stupid and kind-hearted,along with a lot bit lonely


We reach SU 5 min before our class. We didn't spoke a single word during our drive.

"Got late today. I guess I'll meet my friends in lunch break" she sighed

"Kace!!!!" We heard a voice

"Fuck!"I heard myself curse under breath.

Without much thinking I leaned towards  her face.

"Please save me from her this time. I promise to do anything you say for the rest of the time I stay at your place" I whispered

"What exactly I have to do?"

Wait ,did she agree to help me ditch Thea?

"Just don't say anything and let me handle it"

"Ok" she sighed just as Thea reach us.

"'morning Kace. " She said in a cheerful voice

Instead of replying I just looked at Nyla.

"Hey. Nyla,right?" She turned to Nyla

"Hi" she forced a smile

There was a silence between us. An uncomfortable one. I wished someone would speak

"You two ain't dating ,right?" Thea broke the silence and I immediately wished her to keep quite instead

"It doesn't concern you" I replied, dryly " Now , if you would excuse us. We've got a class" I grabbed Nyla's wrist and pulled her towards the class.

Nyla turned to see an embarrassed Thea and giving her sympathetic smile , turned as I dragged her towards our class.

It was really weird. The way I let Thea believe me and Nyla have something going on. This guy could be reckless , really really reckless

But who cares. It's not that there's something between me and Nyla either, so it really doesn't matter what others think, right?

Plus if Thea really thinks I'm taken,maybe she'll let me be at peace. All in all, it's a gain gain situation for me.