
Burnt Souls

Life can be too harsh sometimes. Living or choosing to die is always your wish. Can you live a life of misery? Would you allow yourself to love and be loved after being hated for so long? Can love truly overcome all? _________________________________________________ "Could someone who've been betrayed all life will ever fall in love?" Kace , 19 and perfect in every possible way. Academic topper, Soccer player, perfect cook, sharp and witty, not to forget the damned looks. The only thing he isn't perfect at is to love and being loved. The seemed to be playboy, the dream guy of every girl in the college, well everyone except one. Nyla Wilson, a pretty girl with half of the college hitting on her. She is another model student to beheld. Academically perfect, dancer, artist, a cheerful attitude and a personality which seem to attract almost everyone to her. Kace, an introverted person , minding his own bussiness and keeping away from everyone else ,successfully guarding his own secrets, while Nyla, cheerful , almost childish person, who has a great bunch of friends and seem to have no problem in her life. But is that so? Or is she hiding her true self behind this cheerful mask? What happens when these two opposites are stuck with each other for the next three months in a friendship deal. Will they be able to tolerate each other through their friendship deal. Will there be more? Or will they break even more? Tune in ,to find out!!

Inked_hearts007 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

I didn't knew what time it was or how I ended up getting so drunk or how I reached home.

I rang bell repeatedly ,and Mike opened the door

"Kace!"he exclaimed and I couldn't help a giggle

His appearance took me by complete surprise. He looked wasted . Leaning on the door frame, his black shirt half out of his slacks. He was covered in dirt and most surprisingly he held a bottle of whiskey in his right hand.

"Kace!" he held me as I stumbled ,trying to move in.

"Youknowwhatmike...sheisthesameasothers.No....she.....sheisevenworse"I heard myself slur even as I felt him take my weight over himself

"Kace. You need to rest. We'll think about everything later"

Somehow he pulled me towards my room and I sat on my bed.


As he left my room, rage took control of me and next thing I knew , whole of my room was trashed

"Kace open the door" I heard banging on my door and more things crashed

"Kace please let me in. Please"

More things hitting the floor. Before I knew what I was doing, I had smashed almost everything that existed in my room

Somehow Mike stopped banging.Maybe he too felt I was too much to deal with and left me.

After an eternity I heard a soft voice.A girl

What was a girl doing at my place.What did it even matter?

"Kace !Open the door" I heard her voice. It had to be her.What was she doing here!Did Mike call her?

"No!" I couldn't help but roar "Justget....the hell out of here youall.... Get out!!" I heard my own scream

"Kace! Please open the door. I know you're hurt . You need help Kace. Please let me in . Let's talk it out . Whatever it it. Kace?"she said in her same sweet , manipulative voice

And I threw away my whisky in reply

There were some muffled voices before I heard banging on my door, then another, then another

Were they playing drums on my door??

Before I could realise what was happening,my door buckeled off and she stood there. As beautiful as she was.

All her proud boasting to Thea, about using me, repeated in my ears

"What are you doing here. Just get out" I roared

I saw her gaze stuck on something. My left hand and the blood tickling from the cut on it

I entered the room and it was a complete mess. I could have spent an hour looking at how well me trashed the room, sarcasm to be minded, but the what caught my attention was the blood from Kace''s left hand

"Kace" she triedmoved forward but I threw a book at her, which missed her nearly

"Don't you get it? Just get the hell out of here" I roared

Mike moved but she held  her hand up, signalling what? Him to stay out?

"Kace calm down" she said treading towards me

I went quite for a minute as if trying to think what was happening and then her talks repeated again as my mind caught up again. She was here with her sweets lies so that her plans won't go in vain

"No. You're just like rest of them. Infact you're even worse. Tell me how much money you want huh? Tell me?" I yelled as she stepped towards me

"Kace what are you saying?" she said in a calm voice

"Stop it Nyla. I heard you. I heard you talk to her" I said but this time it wasn't a roar or a yell. And chin dipped as tears prickled my eyes

"Talking to whom Kace?" she continued moving towards me

"Thea" I said in barely audible whisper.

She stood barely two steps away from me

"I heard you confessing to her. You're friends with me for money right . That's the only reason you behaved nicely to me"I was whispering again and she took this as an opportunity to cover the distance between us.

"Shh! Come here" she pulled me to my bed, laid me down sitting beside me as I held her left hand.

"Why did you do it Nyla. Just for money? You broke my trust for money?" I mumbled and she placed her index finger on my lips silencing me, and I let her sit there beside me, even my brain yelling at me, reminding me how she planned to use me. Yet my body ached for her closeness

"You need to rest . Go to sleep. We will talk later" she said and trying to stand when I felt my grip on her hand tighten

"Please stay" I heard myself beg

Shee sat down, brushing my hair off my forehead and I lost myself to sleep