
Burning Millennia

Being born in a world full of people with things called "Magaka", Tamashi was born with a special power named the "Millennia," a power that was forgotten. Tamashi joined Amaterasu High School to learn how to control his powers.

Martin_Newell · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs


Born in a world of "Magaka," where everything runs on the powers of "Magaka,"

You're asking what "Magaka" is. Well, to put it in simple terms, it is a power passed down from generation to generation, where it grows and cultivates, evolves, and fuses to create new powers.

Tamashi was born into a family that doesn't have any powers. You're probably wondering how both parents and previous generations could have no "Magaka". Well, it is a special case in Tamashi's father's family tree; it never had anyone bear a "Magaka". When people without "Magaka" get children, even if their partner has a power, it will never pass to the child.

Tamashi and his family are regarded as peasants in today's world that runs on "Magaka".

Tamashi uses his time to help his parents and to train his body in secret because he knows that he doesn't have a "Magaka".

Returning to the current story, Tamashi, as usual, heads out into the forest to chop some wood for his family to prepare for the winter. Meanwhile, he hears a girl scream somewhere deep in the forest. Tamashi didn't even think twice; he ran in the direction he heard the scream from. When he arrived at the scene, he saw a girl his age being attacked by "Magaka" users because her power of controlling water was weak. As all of them were preparing to attack the girl to finish her off, Tamashi pulled a tree out of the ground and threw it at the "Magaka" users. As the users were charging their powers, they saw Tamashi throwing the tree at them, but they managed to avoid it.

As the "Magaka" users got to their senses, Tamashi gave them a death glare, threatening not to miss the next time. They threatened Tamashi before running away from him.

Tamashi checked on the girl to see if she was all right; the girl was looking at him speechless. Her eyes lit up, and she started asking Tamashi what his "Magaka" was, because it was amazing that he could pull out a tree from the ground and throw it. Tamashi said that he was born with no powers, and she was so amazed that she asked him what his dream was.

Tamashi said that he only wants to go to school and be like the other kids, but because he has no "Magaka," he can't enter the school.

The girl smiled and gave him a ring. She told him to come to the school entrance ceremony tomorrow as she ran off while thanking him.

Tamashi put the ring in his pocket and went home, thinking about what the girl said. When he arrived home, his father wanted to do some arm wrestling as usual while his mom was serving food on the table. He arm wrestled his father and lost as usual. Tamashi laughed with excitement and said that he would be much stronger tomorrow. After they ate, Tamashi sat down to talk with his parents about going to school. When he mentioned "Magaka," his father crushed the spoon to dust and left the room. Tamashi asked his mother why his father was acting this way. She said that his grandparents perished before the "Magaka" wielders and that their family was shunned from society just because they were powerless. As he heard his mother's words, he went after his father to tell him that his dream is to finish school and lead a normal life and that he will enter regardless of whether he has powers or not. His father punched him with all his might in the gut, and Tamashi fell to the floor in pain. As his father was leaving the room, he told him to remember that pain and strength and to use everything he has in order to protect others around him. "We are against you going to school because of what happened to our family in the past, but we will always support your dreams." Tamashi started crying at the words of his father. Laying on the ground, he took the ring out of his pocket to look at it and think of what the future might hold. He was wowed by the ring and said that one day he would become the strongest out of all of the "Magaka" wielders, even though he doesn't have any powers. As he said those words, he appeared in a pitch-black room with a person in the distance. Tamashi stood up, confused at what had happened, and started walking through the pitch-black room towards the person sitting in the distance. Before he could approach the person, in a blink of an eye, the person appeared in front of him.

The mysterious person had a soft expression on his face with a smile as if he were welcoming Tamashi. The person was wearing unusual clothes, and he had a weird mark on his hand.

Without saying anything, the person touched Tamashi's hand, and with the touch, the mark from the mysterious person's hand moved to Tamashi's hand. As Tamashi blinked, the person dissapeared, and he was back in his own room.

Tamashi thought that it was a hallucination because his dad hit him so hard that he almost passed out, but as he looked down onto his hand, he saw the same mark that was on the mysterious person's hand. Tamashi was confused but too tired to think about what happened, so he fell asleep on the floor.

"As fire kindles, it gets passed from generation to generation to grow into a huge flame. The flame was too great for generations to hold; it waited for someone who could hold it again, and now it found the one who could hold and build the flame."