
Burning Ice

Sorbey was a sole survival from his village, when his village caught on fire. Then a couple took him to there home, where he did some house chores for the couple. One day a expert in magic detected that Sorbey has a great luck in magic. From then on, Sorbey's journey in magic starts. He always wanted to become stronger to find people from his past, who he had vogue memory of. The people in his memory, loved him and he always seemed happy with them.

Red_Gull · Fantasia
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2 Chs

Bridge Mountain Magic School (chapter - 1)

Today was Sorbey's first day in Bridge Mountain Magic School. Mr. Saiza came with him and introduced him to a very serious looking Junior master . Even though the master was good looking , looking at his face most people would feel scared.

It felt like that, Mr. Saiza trusted that master and known him for a long time. Therefore after reaching at the school gate he said something to that master and left for his work.

After that the master looked at Sorbey, and frowned a little, like he doesn't understand something. Looking at the master Sorbey bowed down a little and said "master" while placing his hand on his chest. This gesture taught him by Mrs. Saiza the night before, this was the gesture used by 'Bridge Mountain' people to show respect to their senior.

After nodding the master said "follow me" and started walking without looking back. Looking at his cold attitude anyone can became scared but Sorbey felt nothing, even he felt nothing when hid village was on fire.

While following master, Sorbey glanced unfolding beautiful scene front of him, it was really lively scene unlike his village gloomy and silent. Very few students were to be seen at this moment because it was the time of closed door studying.

Sorbey was climbing a never ending black stone stairs, it was too wide, almost twenty people can fit onto one stair in straight line. Both sides of stairs were beautiful and colourful flowers. Sorbey was mesmerized by these beautiful flowers. There were small buildings. It was really well designed scene which can mesmerize any stranger. It was Sorbey's first time watching so much beauty in one place.

After climbing the stairs Sorbey and the master reached top of the stairs. Throughout the way, the master didn't utter any words neither Sorbey. Both were walking like strangers one with straight posture and steady steps, one looking around and enjoying beautiful scene without any emotion.

Before their eyes were a large mountain, it looked like its top met with clouds. Under the mountain, there was a large building, around this large building were slightly small buildings, making the appearance half circle. The buildings near the stairs were nothing compare to this large set of buldings.

After reaching the top, the madter started to walk again, Sorbey silently followed him. After reaching the top, there were numbers of people to be seen, everyone staring at Sorbey with surprised look . Sorbey was accustomed to it and just ignored it. Because of his out of place appearance, it was always like this.

They walked through a long building path. Side of the long path, there were plenty of doors completely shut. The building was build from beautiful grayish stones.

After walking for ten minutes, they arrived at front of a large door, the door was graced with a beautiful unknown flower.

After reaching the door, the master slightly touched a small stone made flower with gave a pleasing sound and then, a white fog like human figure appeared front of the master stared at his for a second and then the door opened.

After entering the room, a pleasant smell drift into their nose. The room was filled with different kinds of flowers and was well organised. End of the room, there was a white figure standing.

After a couple minute of silence, the white figure hummed and turned around. The person was tall and had a white appearance from head to toe. The person in white had a very simple look but looked very dignified. No one can disapprove that the person's appearance can alone make others feel respect towards him.

The master bowed deeply and said "Grand master" while placing his hand on his chest, Sorbey followed along. After noding, the grand master stared Sorbey for a while. The master knew that Sorbey has great future because, grand master only glanced at students which are of great talents, other times grand master just acknowledged students and never glanced at them.

After observing Sorbey for some time the grand master said, "a lost leaf drifted along with wind, and found the purpose of a life in the way. I was trying to recall a poem from my childhood, now, my memory is all fuzzy. It was such a great poem". After saying that he came slowly in front of Sorbey, and gave him a blue colored flower, and said "okay" while looking at the direction of a master and turned around.

The master understood that the grand master acknowledged the new student. It was really rare for grand master to give flowers to other people. Receiving flower from grand master means, a student can accomplish great height in magic if they work hard.

After bowing ones again, the master retreated, Sorbey followed the same gesture and left the room. After arriving outside the building, the master gestures Sorbey towards a wooden bench and said, "sit there, I will send a student and the student will show you around and tell you everything"

Sorbey said, "okey" and then the master left. Sitting on a bench Sorbey stared the beautiful blue flower in his hand. It was the first time, Sorbey received such a simple and beautiful precious from someone.

Sorbey life completely changed after coming to the 'Bridge Mountain'. It was already his four months here.