
Year 2029

10 years from now in to the future, it's Dec 25th 2029. Walking home from the supermarket I meet Akash, my childhood friend, with whome i went on my first trip to Ladakh. I had never been to North before and never seen snowfall either. I was thrilled to see the snow and wanted to screen in excitement, but the chilled air made me scream "RUM". We have been living a couple of blocks away for more than 2 decades now. But we hardly meet eachother anymore.

We used to play in the streets all day and night long. But since last 5 years it's been very difficult to go out.

Today's temperature is 48°, a pleasant day to go out and stock food and other supplies. So was Akash out collect his stock at the supermarket.

Akash saw me and shouted "RUM" and a old man next to him said " Son they stopped manufacturing it since 2023, you won't be getting any here and neither you want to drink any of that poison."

Temperature is rising day by day. Humans have actually fucked the eco system of our planet. Lowest recorded temperature in last ten years was 39°, and the highest was 78°. Government has advised to stay in shade in the day time and leave house only in case of emergency at night.

The new "Shadow 302" by Future Tech have taken over all task one could do.

People stay busy at there home by helping Future Tech built more and more of this robots to do all kind of jobs. Future Tech provide food and other basic amenities for all the hard work people put in to manufacture, R&D, testing, ect for this robots.

But we from the older generation like to stretch our legs once in a while when the temperature is bearable at the night, in the hope to see some familiar faces.