
Burn For Me: Fire In Their Hearts

*Rated R18 How does one go from confessing to their crush to being transmigrated? It was supposed to be a careless remark, but it brought Dyma into a world unknown. Thrust into a life he never envisioned for himself, Dyma had to survive, while seeking a means to return to his former life. But things don't progress the way they were expected to. Fate always finds a way to pinch others. And in Dyma's case, it pinched him hard. Not only was he plunged into a strange world, but he was also given the body of a beggar. Yet, he didn't allow it to deter him. Armed with the foreknowledge of the world he came from, he used that to his advantage. However, everything came crashing down when he unknowingly calls the attention of the Crown prince to himself. Things got difficult for him after that. And not to speak of the strange powers coursing through him.

Unsolvable_Mystery · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

What's wrong?

I glanced at the prince, not for the first time since we checked out of the inn. I can't explain why, but I sense that he's trying to avoid contact with me, which was so odd of the prince.

"Zoban, what's wrong?" I stopped walking and turned to face him.


He said as he tried to resume walking, but I blocked his path, "you can't tell me it's nothing, Zoban. You have been avoiding me since morning. What's wrong?"

"As I stated, There's nothing wrong, Dynma—"

"Dynma? I thought you don't know my complete name."

"Dyn." He said before he turned and resumed walking.

There were few people out on the Streets, and that made it easier for us to weave through the streets.

The prince was silent as we journeyed, and I had to occasionally glance at him to make sure he was still with me.

"Stop looking at me, Dyn."

"Why won't I look at you when you are acting odd?"

"This is the way I act. I was only trying to get to know you. I'm not friendly."


"Take it or leave it, Dyn. This is who I am," He snapped.

"I get it. You don't have to snap at me. I get it, already." I folded my arms as I frowned at him.

"Let's go. We have wasted more than enough time on this."


This time, I said nothing as I followed him out of the place.

The prince was swift as he walked through the streets. The sharpness in his gaze, and accuracy, made me understand that this was not his first time here.


I started to ask. But when I recalled his earlier words, I decided to keep the questions to myself.

"What?" He turned to face me, with a notable frown on his face.

"Nothing," I bite my lower lip.


The prince led the way until we left the village.

Unlike when we came into the village, there was no post out here. And neither was there any bulky man in a strange hut.

The prince didn't utter a word as he started for a cleared path in the forest.

It was similar to when we came in. The forest around made me understand that the village was surrounded by forests.

"There's another way out of the village, but I don't want to go there. It has a gatepost, and the guard there is familiar with me. I don't need a complication in this trip," He explained.


"Let's go, then. The earlier we get to the next Kingdom, the better. We will spend the night in the village. And after that, we will set out for the mountains."

"Hmm, I see." I put both hands in my pockets.

"You—" the prince started to say, but shook his head. "Let's go."

And we started the next round of the journey in silence. Aside from the occasional hooting of birds, there was no other sound to be heard.

"Did you hear the sound?" I paused and glanced around.

"Sound? Which sound are you talking about?" The prince turned.


I can't tell how many people, but the footsteps didn't sound like they belonged to one person.

"Your mind must have conjured the sound." Zoban frowned. "I don't hear any sound."

"I heard a sound—"

"Let's go. There's no one else here aside from us."


"Are you scared?" He arched a brow.

"Who said anything about being frightened?"

The prince pursed his lips but didn't say a word as he proceeded to walk ahead.

I glanced around the place before I followed him.

"I'm certain those were people's footsteps."

"But I heard nothing." The prince shrugged as he continued to walk forward without bothering to look at me.

"They might have stopped when you turned."

"Okay, let's say there are people here. Why—"

"Did you hear that?" I turned to look at the part of the forest where I heard the sound from.


The prince nodded.


"My prince."

At the sound of a third voice, we turned.

The man who just spoke came closer. He was dressed in all-black attire, and his hair was tied up in a bun.

There was a hideous scar on his face, which ran from his forehead to his mouth. It made it seem as if half part of his face was completely burnt.

"Who are you?" Zoban frowned at the man as he(Zoban) stood in front of me as if he were protecting me from the fellow.

"Don't you know who I am, my prince?" The man laughed out loud.

"Who are you?" Zoban inquired as he placed a hand on his sheathed sword. He bent a bit as if he were ready for a fight.

"Let's say I tell you who I am. What will you do?" The man asked as he touched the small beard on his chin.

"I don't understand. What are you talking about?"

"Well, let's cut the long story short. My 'prince' do you recall the family that was condemned to death by hanging?"

"And what about them?" Zoban asked in a nonchalant tone.

"And what about them?" The man laughed.

"Who are you?" Zoban asked. And by the tone of voice he used, it wasn't difficult to know his emotions were at the end of the string.

"I'm the survivor of the family your father condemned to death."

"The survivor of that group? Hmm. Does that mean you escaped?"

"Yes. I escaped to get revenge for the death of my family. And today, I will get the revenge my family deserves."

"And killing me means your revenge is complete?" Zoban laughed.

"Do you think it's funny!" The man growled.

"Why not?

How do you propose to defeat us alone?"

"Boys." The man whistled, and suddenly numerous footsteps can be heard as over twenty men came out from the forest with clubs in their hands.

"See, I'm not alone."