I love New York. It’s all I spoke about when I realised I wanted to be in the movie industry. They think they are doing the right thing for me but it’s too soon. Ben and I have not dated for up to three months.
The car behind me honks. Frowning, I spare a glance at the driver through the side mirror. He’s pointing at the light. It has turned green. I mutter a silent apology and drive off. The excitement that’s usually present when picking Ben is absent. I stop in front of his house and honk twice without getting out of the car.
Ben comes out first and keeps the door open for Asher. Asher tells him something, they turn to me and wave. I wave back with less enthusiasm. I don’t know what Ben tells Asher but his head bobs rapidly.
“Tessa,” Asher cries out as soon as he gets into the car. He throws his arms around me in a quick hug I return. The second thing he does is to put on his seatbelt because he knows I won’t leave if he doesn’t.