
Building an Empire in a Desolate World

In the year 3000, there was only desolate land with few food, and few water. People struggle to cross cities over cities. There’s no government in charge and people are free to kill whoever they want. Gang wars happening all over the country, fighting for water, food, and shelter. Monstrous animals appearing out of nowhere. But then, one man appeared, with magic and wisdom at hand, he saw opportunity to rule the world.

Zhindo · Urbano
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2 Chs

Beast Contract

"Yes, sir Harry." Locke stood up and bowed. Harry left the building and Locke quickly ordered his men to find ten thousand capable workers, man or woman. His subordinates wondered what it was for but did not dare ask and quickly did the task. Locke also ordered some of his men to get a big shelter and clean it.

Harry left the city and wondered the wastelands for some time but only found one monster, which is a slime. "This is inedible, even for normal people." Harry said, disgusted.

'How should I attract some animals to hunt?' Harry thought for a few moments and thought of something. He remembered an incense in his previous life that would attract horde of animals and monsters. He remembered the materials in making it. He needed snake skin and fire.

"Hiss." Harry heard the hissing of a snake and turned around but saw nothing. 'The snake must be below the ground.' Harry thought. Harry closed his eyes to feel the ground beneath him. He didn't move an inch for a few minutes when Harry lifted his hand and softly said: "Rock Spear" and three spear-looking rocks appeared and a snake's body was in it.

'Where's the head?' Harry thought, the the ground trembled and the ground cracked and exploded.


The ground shook that the town he came out of felt the ground trembling but no one minded it since this is a common occurrence in the area.

"GROOOOAAAAHHHH!" a huge snake appeared and roared instead of hissed. Harry was shocked. The snake was golden in color and it has two wings on it's back and on the middle of the forehead of the snake was a little red pearl.

"Is this a spirit beast?" Harry asked himself. How could a spirit beast grow in this barren wasteland, nobody knows the answer.

"GROOOOAAAHHH" the snake roared and flapped it's wings. The people on the city heard the roar and faced towards the direction of the roar. They saw a huge golden snake with two wings and what appears to be a human.

"Look, what is a human doing battling with that monster?" People's murmurs were heard all around the city. The snake looked at the city and looked at it with fervor. 'Just in time for a meal.' The snake thought.

"Spirit Beast, I know you can understand me. What are you doing in this barren wasteland?" Harry asked and the snake was shocked since no one knew that he can actually think like a human.

The snake opened it's mouth and said: "I don't know the answer to that, human. This already happened to us animals more than ten years ago. I can sense that you are powerful. If you let me eat those humans on that city then I will forgive you for injuring me."

Harry smirked and floated above the ground. He said: "You aren't qualified to order me around. If you follow me as a pet then I might just be lenient and let you live."

The snake's eyes turned red in anger. He roared and opened it's mouth and spat a big red ball of green liquid. 'Poison.' Harry thought then said softly: "Fire Meteor."

Then a huge ball of flame that is twice the size the green liquid ball appeared and headed towards the snake. The ball of flame and the poison collided and the poison disintegrated while the ball of flame still headed towards the snake.

The snake felt the huge ball of flame can disintegrate him and opened it's mouth and said: "All right, Human. I give up."

Harry smiled and snapped his fingers and the huge ball of flame disappeared. Seeing the ball of flame disappear, the snake felt relieved. The snake said: "I will follow you as my master."

Harry said: "All right. Now give me some of your blood so I can initiate a Beast Contract."

The snake felt confused on what is a Beast Contracts but did not dare delay and used it's teeth to tore off a scale and blood came out. Harry used Wind Magic to retrieve the blood and wrote something on the ground. Then the ground lit up and Harry said: "Done."

The snake was confused. It asked: "What happened?"

Harry explained: "You are now my spirit beast companion. You cannot disobey me or you will die."

The snake did not say anything since Harry could kill it even without the Contract. Harry said: "You can transform into a human, right?"

The snake nodded and looked towards the sky and the it's body glowed. Then the snake shrunk until it's height is as tall as Harry's. The snake stopped glowing showing a woman with golden hair and a voluptuous body. The woman kneeled down and said: "Master."

Harry felt happy. This was the first time he had ever linked this world to the previous world he lived in. 'Could this place be connected to my previous world?' Harry thought and felt excited.

'Now that I have a Spirit Beast Companion in this world, it would be much easier to find some monsters to hunt. "I need you to hunt some animals, big or small, even monsters, but it should be edible." Harry ordered.

"Yes, Master." The snake nodded and flapped it's wings then shot into the distance. Harry came back to the city and saw people looking at him with fear and reverence. They made way for him as he headed towards the headquarters of the Whale Gang.

Harry entered the shelter and saw nobody here. 'Where is everybody?' Harry thought then he saw a person who was wee-built, running towards him. The man stopped in front of him and said respectfully: "Sir, your shelter is ready?"

'Oh?? That was fast.' Harry thought. He had only been gone for like a few hours and Locke already prepared his shelter. "Lead the way." Harry said and the person nodded before leading the way. They arrived at a big house with two floors.

Harry saw Locke waiting for him and greeted him: "Locke, nicely done." Locke bowed respectfully and said: "We have cleaned the inside and have refurnished the house. I don't know your preferences so please do take a look."

Harry wondered why everybody became so respectful of him. What he didn't know was that everyone saw him fighting the giant winged-snake earlier. Locke even felt relieved that he did not retaliate earlier or else he would be roasted already.