
Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch

"If you have artificial intelligence, what will you use to do?" Lincoln's answer is: make games! Create virtual worlds! Whether it was a classic game or a wonderful movie, all of them were adapted into virtual reality games! He wanted to make every game the cornerstone of the virtual world. ...... But before that, he had to set an example in his industry so that people would not go astray. And then he would have a few good fights with the leading boss of the gaming industry!

Zoo of Darwin · Urbano
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1426 Chs

Chapter 22: NetDragon's Backyard on Fire

"Ah!!!" Camille Victoria, who was in the middle of her live stream, suddenly stood up after looking at her mobile phone and started screaming like a madwoman.

She was hopping and jumping while yelling, confusing the audience in her live broadcast room.

"What's going on?"

"Finally gone crazy?"

"Don't hop too much, be careful not to break your leg again." Breaking her leg was an old joke in her live streaming room.

"Closed beta invitation! An invitation for 'Traveler of the Wind!' Virtual reality game 'Traveler of the Wind' closed beta invite! He invited me! Ahhhhh! He has me in his heart!" said Camille Victoria, excited and out of breath.

"Uh-huh, confirmed, she's definitely gone crazy."

"And not just a little bit."

"You shut up! Wait a moment! I'll show you!" Camille Victoria raised her trembling phone to the lens, displaying the private message.

'Dear Camille Victoria,