
building a base in the apocalypse world

a world full of walking corpse eating people how will you survive if the world we used to know... turn into a nightmare that you would never want to be with this is a story of how our mc survive in apocalypse world

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63 Chs

War will be here sooner or later

"mom I'm scared" the mother of the boy kid hug him "it's okay, mommy will protect you, no matter what" a team soldier came "don't slow down! Hurry up and move people are waiting"

"emm Mr can I ask? Where are we going?" the team soldier stopped "ah we're going to your new home" as he pointed his finger at the city.

The city is currently under construction they were building a wall, "that man buy you so that you can live peacefully don't worry after all we're the good guys" he smiled brightly

"that person...?" "yes, the leader of this whole base the strongest among us, alright you should continue walking the medical team and food is there waiting for you" "emm... Thank you, mister," the kid said.

"the leader told us to train all of these people right?" Rex said "Yeah, they are all civilians that don't even know how to throw a punch," Roger said "it's not like this is our first time doing this kind of thing"

The day passed in the morning people have been gathered at the city center, on the stage "let us introduce ourselves, I'm Rex and this is Roger the commander of this base"

"We gathered you all here for a reason, that is to divide you" all of them were scared mur mur mur "you all will be divided into 3 categories first is the people that will work inside of the city these people will farm, fish and do all works that can be done inside and near the city"

"the second one is the people that will work outside the city, these people will be working outside the city they will be protected of course" he stops for a few seconds

"hahhh, lastly the military! This will give you food and training to live in this current world! Killing zombies these people are the people that will survive no matter what!"

"now! In the next 2 days go to the registration center, where you want to be is your own choice we will not force all of you now to dismiss!"

"Wow, Rex so you're good at this huh?" Roger said "ah not really maybe I'm just used to talking to many people" "Haha don't be shy about it, you're going to be a great politician you know," Roger said teasing Rex

"oh shut up" at the same time Shana's place they are getting ready to help the slaves in their training, "alright alright go to the ship slowly! No pushing!" a police officer, said.

The police team gathered at the port and salutes Shana "Ma'am we are ready to set off!" "Alright! Set off!" she said with her grinning face "just wait, master, I'll be suitable for you soon"

At the mansion "Master, may I know why did you buy a large number of slaves?" Sebastian asked while Souta was sitting in his office looking outside

"Sebastian, what do you think will happen to this world in the next couple of years?" Sebastian thinks for a moment "what I think will happen is we will all be in peaceful life since we will all be used in this world with zombies"

"That might be right, but humans are greedy they would start a war for just a little bit of food just to survive you know" Sebastian was shocked "Wha-..?then is the war coming?"

"Correct" as Souta sit down and put both of his hands on the table "in that war might start sooner or later, maybe today maybe the other day next week, or even next month"

"humans are unpredictable, and not all plans will go accordingly therefore being ready for the upcoming war is not bad" "then is Master going to train those slaves to become a soldier?"

"no, as they said they will pick whatever they want to become all of them can help us grow, after all, now then chitchatting is done tell your daughter to come here" Sebastian bowed "yes master"

After an hour in Souta's office "young master, it's unusual for you to call me here" "ah I know your busy so I didn't call you here often"

"well, that's weird, after doing "it" with you your still-" "never mind that! Anyways I told your father to call you here for a reason" "..." "and that is to invade the small bases"

"I see... As planned we will first attack those bases that treat them cruelly right?" "This is a secret for our base so that the military won't target us for breaking the treaty"

"you can use whatever method you want, as long as the civilians are safe" Hannah kneels "as you wish young master" she stands up and walk away but before she can leave "remember kill all of "them" menacingly Hannah said "yes, master"

The night has come a random base "cheers! Hahaha! With all of this power, we will become one of the top 5 of this country base" A fat guy said, "hahaha of course general, you're the greatest of them all!" a thin guy said

"you lead the soldiers with good tactics and you reward them with women and food!" the two of them laugh "sooner or later, I will rule this world-" Bang "whooo a clean headshot" a sniper from afar

Click "their leader is dead" at the tent "we are under attack! General is dead! Everyone! Where the f*ckkk are you all?!!" he rushed outside the tent and found many people with black hoods holding knives and swords stained with blood.

The man panicked "waaaaa!!!! Help! Help!-" a knife has been thrown at his heart "ah Kuh" click "clear, ma'am this base is clear" "evacuate the civilians" "yes" they were talking at a walkie talkie

"This base is also clear" "so is this" and "same here"... "as planned when the civilians are evacuated call the zombies" "yes, ma'am," all of them said

"please move to the ship slowly, you're safe now" "thank you, thank you for saving us" "we're just following orders"

"that's the last civilians" "alright" Boom! "we successfully dynamite their wall, zombies should be here soon" "it's a nice plan covering the evidence with zombies" "yes our commander sure is something" "yeah"

In the morning military at the capital "Sir! Many bases have been attacked by zombies!" "so they started huh" "commander?" "the war" "what?!" many of the officers were shocked

"Are we in danger then?" a girl asked "no, of course, not this "war" is only for the survivor's base" "why are they attacking themselves?" "for resources of course"

"small bases don't have that many resources such as food and water and they will attack other bases to steal their resources now big bases will start attacking base that has weak military power to steal their resources"

"commander, how can you be so sure that they won't attack us?" the girl continues to ask "if ever they did attack us, the treaty will be over for them, the military won't just sit still and others bases will also attack them it's like looting a grocery store for the other bases"

"Why don't we stop them?" the commander laugh "we don't have the power to do so"