
building a base in the apocalypse world

a world full of walking corpse eating people how will you survive if the world we used to know... turn into a nightmare that you would never want to be with this is a story of how our mc survive in apocalypse world

KLUX · Outros
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63 Chs

The born of the new base leader

I lie down and look at my sniper's scope, this sniper is the new sniper I got from Cassandra the scope is holographic I point my sniper and aim at the zombie's head, bzzt (wtf I don't know the sound of laser in text)

A clear hole was made in the zombie's head, and the base was in panic Zombies eating the guards and the civilians even the other base was being targeted.

One after another I killed all the zombies that have metal helmets on their heads, "Cassandra" "Yes, master?" "come to me" "as you wish" Cassandra flies at Souta's back and then transformed into a body suit.

Souta smiled and jump from the third-floor building, toward the muscle zombie slashing his arm with his katana sword, it was a clean cut.

"ROOWWRRRR!!!" The zombie screams in pain and punches Souta breaking the ground Souta manages to dodge he was already at his back slashing it.

"ROWWRRR" the zombie looked at his back, but Souta was not there he look at his side and saw Souta rushing and blinking in many directions, the moment he knew Souta was already at his shoulders.

[Souta] - "Sighed, that's it? How boring" as he swings his sword, and blood from his sword splashes [Cassandra] - "Geez, you know you can kill him in one shot using the sniper!"

[Souta] - "Ahh, Sorry, Sorry haha" he scratching his head "Muu, you always pick the hard way even knowing there is an easier way to handle it"

[Souta] - "well, if I want to seek intelligence and safety I'll pick the easy way, but what I want are Strenght and power the dangerous it gets the more I like it" Cassandra leaves Souta's body

The man in a suit looked at Souta "Souta is it? Kukukuku this is interesting" the man said and disappear Althea drives the vehicle to Souta they came out.

[Althea] - "Are you alright?" "Yeah, I'm fine, Where is Leon?" [Sophia] - "if you're looking for Leon he is there" Sophia pointed her finger at Leon who is standing at Robert watching him die.

"Now is not time to die, Cassandra!" "Yes?" "Make a temporary medical room! Althea Lead those who still can stand to get the others who still can be saved here"

An hour later, Thanks to Cassandra many people have been saved once they go to the medical room unconscious robots start their operations with the people here not knowing a thing about it.

We also feed the people with our supplies, I walk into where Leon and Robert are [Leon] - "I only want to ask one question, how can you betray my father after all he did to you?

[Robert] - "I'm dying and losing much blood I guess I can tell you the truth now, I never betrayed your father this was all his plan he already knows that the base is dying and many people start opposing him"

"He plans all of this, the coup de ta I don't care if you believe me or not but this is my father's last words for you"

"Son, no matter what happens just move forward survive, and don't make the same mistake I did" Leon came outside the room [Souta] - "Are you okay now?" "Yeah, this is the paper that contains all the information I know about the Serene Society"

I take the paper, [Souta] - "Our deal ends here, we'll take our leave now" Souta and the two walks away then Souta stops "I leave some parting gift at your tent, goodbye may our fate let us see each other again"

Souta and the others went back to the tank [Sophia] - "Aren't you a kind person, Souta" [Althea] - "Did you just know that now?" [Sophia] - "Yeah" pissed "So kind to even left almost all our supplies there!"

[Souta] - "You don't have to worry about supplies, we can loot more if we wanted to" "Tsk" "Did you just ask me just now?" "No I didn't" "Yes you did!" Althea and Cassandra just laugh at them

Meanwhile, Leon saw the gift that Souta give it a two month's supply of food and water, Ammo, and guns there is a card in the Supply box Leon read it

[This is where you can contact me, Contact me only when you are already a great base leader] Leon smiled "sure thing"