
building a base in the apocalypse world

a world full of walking corpse eating people how will you survive if the world we used to know... turn into a nightmare that you would never want to be with this is a story of how our mc survive in apocalypse world

KLUX · Outros
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63 Chs

market place

Jana and her group prepare to loot the next town

it take them 1 day to prepare

they began driving towards the town

as they go there traveling was hard because of the destroyed cars are in the way

after a couple of days they are finally near the town

they saw a lot of zombies near the entrance so they go around the entrance

to avoid the zombies there

as they go to the entrance their are still a lot of zombies

they have no choice but to kill the zombies with melee weapons

to avoid distracting other zombies

couple hours later they finally inside the town

"why are there so many zombies in the entrance" Kisse asked

Garp pointed his finger towards the police station "look, the police station are already looted"

"that boy sure is amazing"

"what?! he loot the police station!?" Kisse said with a frustrated tone

"looks like only the police station are looted, we should loot the houses and other place that have use" Jana said

In The mountain where Souta were they

already began moving in the school

faster than they expected "alright, this should be the last one" Rex said

"the leader said he want to meet you"


Rex go inside one of the classroom and saw Souta and the others their

Rex sit

"alright let's began our plan for looting the market place" Souta said

"oh, so we're going to the market place now huh?" Roger said

"yes, we're not going to loot all items inside the market place because of the hassle and many zombies around there"

"we first go there to loot the weapon shop then if we finished faster than expected, we should look around if there are base around there" souta said

they all agreed

after a few days they now going towards the market place, the training civilian can now kill zombies so we should have at least 25 people with us

as usual the highway towards the market place are full of cars

so they take many hours to get there

it's already evening when they are in the entrance of the market place

"the market place sure have lots of zombies, we should rest first and tomorrow morning well start looting the weapon shop" Souta said

morning comes

they began looting the weapon shop

the weapon shop have lots of zombies

Souta use their melee weapons to kill all the zombies around there

"it sure is lucky for us that the weapon shop are not near the marketplace" Shana said

"yeah" Souta said

after killing all the zombies there they loot the weapon shop smoothly, as expected they finished faster than expected.

so they go to the market place to look around, they move like a soldiers having a target.

they go to the high ground, and began sniping and look around using a telescope.

then they scattered around the market place.

"hmm, this market place sure is full of zombies" souta said

"how about we use the speaker and lure them away?" Amy asked

"we can't, handling this much of zombies is too much. one wrong move and we're all dead" steff said

after a many hours of looking around, nothing was found

"alright, we should leav-" Souta said


a gunshot was heard

they silently rush to look at where the gunshots are, they saw a group of survivors.

"oh, they have groups here? interesting" Souta said while hiding at the top of the building near the gun shot

"alright! as usual use them!" the guy looking like a leader shouted

they used people for bait and loot the stores, a scream of the people used as a bait was heard.

Souta and his group just look at them

"hey, should we help them?" Amy asked

"no, we should leave them alone" Steff said

"hey boss! there are people in the top!"

"what!? shoot them!"

Souta and his group heard this and start hiding

the group started shooting towards Souta's group

"fuck this! kill them!" Souta shouted

they began fighting back

as they shoot each other zombies started to gather

"fuck! let's retreat first!"

the random group started to retreat

"Rex! follow them!" Souta shouted

Souta's group also retreat and go towards the entrance of the market place

night comes

"sadly one of our people die and some are injured but since their group was not actually good at shooting they have more dead people than ours" Roger said

"alright, have Rex returned?" Souta asked

Rex walk inside the camp

"I just came back, we found their base and it looks like they are a group who loves killing and torturing people"

"they also raped women and they use the children as a bait" Rex said

"hmm, do they have decent weapons?" Souta asked

"yes, looks like they already looted the police station and they also loot where the military rescue base are" Rex said

"Ho? do you think we can defeat them?" Souta asked

Rex and Roger look at each other and smiled

"of course! they don't have much gun experience and they are originally a civilian" Roger said

"alright! we'll return to the base and get more people, then we'll raid them at night!" Souta said

in the morning Souta and his group immediately leave the market place and go to their base

but they didn't know that someone was following them

"boss, looks like they find were the base of the group who we fight earlier"

"Ho? where is it?"

"they live in the small town only few kilometers away from the market place"

"alright, Sam! you got that injuries from them right? go gather some people and raid their base!"

"HAHA, you'll pay for killing my man" Sam said

in the next day Sam and his group go towards Souta's town

in the dark some people are talking

"so they go huh?"

"yeah, let's begin"

Sam and his group arrived at the town

"find them!"

they begin breaking door of every house

and shooting their guns in the air

"where are you!" Sam shouted

"boss, looks like there are base at the school"

"Ho? go there!" Sam said

they began driving towards the school

the school was locked but they break the school gate

"come out you cowards!!" Sam Shouted

Jana's group that stayed at the school was hiding

since almost all the people who know how to used guns are not there

Sam's group began breaking some school doors

but not a single human was found

only the principal's office was still not been look

"oho? HAHA i see I see!" Sam shoot the door of the principal's office

and kicked the door

"come out come out whatever you are" Sam said

after minutes of looking

they still can't find a single human

after hours and hours of looking they still didn't find them

Sam gave up on finding them and returned

he arrived at their base at night

"shit! there were not a single human was found!" Sam shouted

when he go inside the building their hiding at it was dark

"why is it dark here?! didn't we have a generator?" Sam asked

he go towards the light switch

and switch it on

as the light come he found bodies of his teammates

he look at the sit where his boss was supposed to be

but found Souta instead

"who are you?! where was my boss!?" Sam shouted

"oh? my bad my bad" Souta clap his hand

and they trow the head of his boss

"are you looking for him?" Souta asked

"you little shit! what have you done!? kill him!" Sam shouted

"why not asked him?" he rise his hand and move his finger

"In hell that is" as he said that he was smiling

they began shooting at Sam and his group

Souta sighed

"what a shame"

hey there, I want your thoughts and opinions about chapter can you tell me?

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