
building a base in the apocalypse world

a world full of walking corpse eating people how will you survive if the world we used to know... turn into a nightmare that you would never want to be with this is a story of how our mc survive in apocalypse world

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63 Chs

market place part 2

in the morning

after looting Sam's group they immediately leave and go back to their base

when they are in the entrance of their town

Jana's group was there waiting for them

Souta stop the cars and get out

"what's up?" Souta asked

"what, "what's up"!? huh!? why is the school broken!? and more importantly where is our people!?" kisse asked with a angry tone

"oh, alright I'll explain but first follow us to the mountain" Souta said

"what!? why should we follow yo-"

Jana cover Kisse's mouth

"alright" Jana said with a calmed tone

they drive towards the mountains

and go to the farm

they stop and get down

"alright, here's your people" Souta said

their people was in the farm waiting for them

"well be leaving this town" Jana said

"why?" Souta asked

"we found a good base to the next town" Jana said

"oh, so your going there? alright"

"you really never bored me Jana, how about joining me? with you in the group the group will be more stronger and grow bigger" Souta said


"how about this, if you join us we will give you food, weapons and also help you if you needed any"

"and we'll let you stay in the next town in exchange you will follow every order I say how about that?" Souta asked

"let me think about it first" Jana said

"alright" Souta said

they went back to their bases

morning comes

"do you wanna come?" Souta asked

"where?" Amy asked

"to our school" Souta said

"oh alright" Amy said

"I'll go to" Steff said

they go inside the car and drive towards the school, then arrived at the school

Souta went to Jana

"so? what's your answer?"

"your deal sounds good to be true, but I'll join you"

"alright! as promise I'll give you weapons and food so here" Souta went to the back of the car

and open it the back of the pickup truck has a cover so he need to open it, lots of guns and ammo was there

"the food, well deliver It next week also well let some of our people join you" Souta said

"alright, that's fine by me" Jana said

the deal was made

Jana and her group leave the town

"why did you accept his offer?" Kisse asked

"the deal was good to be true, and the people that he send was a spy" Garp said

"yeah, but I have a gut feeling that Souta will become an incredible person"

"if you side to him he will give us heaven but if you ever make an enemy of him he will give us hell" Jana said

Souta drive towards where the hunter village are

as he get out the car

a almost 50 women was there line up

this womens are the women we save when we raided Sam's group, they were treated as a slave.

when we first met them their eyes looks like dead nor a doll, when we freed them they asked to be killed.

I talk to them and tell them that

"if you gave up now then the people who sacrificed themselves to you would just went to waste"

"how about working for me? train and train so that when the times comes you can save the girls who also experienced what you did"

they didn't answer me

but if I ever leave them alone they might kill themselves, I separate them from the group so that they can surpass their trauma.

"ok, your training will be, at morning you will be doing an 1 hour jogging to enhance your stamina"

"then after breakfast you'll practice shooting, after lunch you'll swing your melee weapons and train your bodies"

"you should eat 3 times a day! that's an order"

"I'll leave everything to you Shana" Souta said

"alright! leave it to me" Shana said

after that Souta went to the school where Rex and Roger are

"we already raid the group around there, so in the next 3 days we'll loot the marketplace" Souta said

in the next 3 days

Souta and his group went to the market place

what they plan is to locked the market place and kill all the zombies there

when they arrived at the market place they immediately lock both the entrance and the exit of the market place

Souta shoot a gun in the air

zombie heard this and start going there

"alright let's start killing them" Souta said

they start killing the zombies with their melee weapons, their are supporter in the back so that if they ever get exhausted.

they can just go to the back, as hours of fighting they still didn't clear the market place.

its already night time and they still can't kill them all, 2 days past by and they finally clear all the zombies.

"alright, start looting" Souta said

almost all of the people of his group was there, because the market place was big they it takes them 1 full week to loot the marketplace.

in that days there are also survivors that join the group, since their population are now big they decided that they will make Souta's home town their main base and the School at the two village will be their military base.

they cover all the entrance of the small home town of Souta, they cover it by using a vehicle called forklift truck that they find at the market place.

they will lift the broken cars and use it as a wall to protect them from zombies, after a week the town where Souta live is now a safe base.

nothing really much happen at that time

hey there, I want your thoughts and opinions about chapter can you tell me?

KLUXcreators' thoughts