
building a base in the apocalypse world

a world full of walking corpse eating people how will you survive if the world we used to know... turn into a nightmare that you would never want to be with this is a story of how our mc survive in apocalypse world

KLUX · Outros
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63 Chs


They continue to stroll to the city, they enjoyed the atmosphere as if there is no Apocalypse has happened, and they are all grateful to Souta who they know as their savior of theirs.

They respect him so much, Souta is undercovered going to the city so nobody knows that Souta is in the city while strolling Ashley accidentally rolls over a man's feet with the wheelchair he got mad and starts shouting at Ashley.

"What the hell are you doing!? Can't you see the road!? Huh!!?" the man keeps talking to Ashley as if it is a big deal, Ashley keeps silent but because of that, the man gets furious.

"Hey..." "Oh?" Souta glared at him "Can you shut up?" he looked at him with a terrifying eye, "I-I'll let this slide for now!" and he scram away.

"let's get going, I want to see this city more" and they continue to stroll but the incident didn't stop there, the man came back with a bunch of his friends "It's them" they surrounded Souta and Ashley they are at the street at that time.

"Hello there little miss, we heard that you hit someone from our group earlier, if I'm correct you run over his foot am I correct? We don't want to make this hard for all of us we just want your apologies is that possible?"

[Souta] - "And why should we apologize?" "Hmm? You see here sir we can't just let this slide, we have our reputation to keep after all" "Reputation? Why do you need such a thing?" he sighed "Looks like you don't know anything around this city"

"The civilians may be at peace but those who are survivors who live and fought outside this wall and suddenly feel peaceful can't take it you know what I mean, for them who are scared of what comes after them suddenly have a safe place to stay"

"They took our weapons in the entrance and we feel naked without them! What would we do if a zombie manage to break through?" "Don't you trust the security here? If I'm correct this is a base that is number one in this country"

"Well of course we trust the security here, we love this city! But not everything will last, everything has its end we want to live as long as possible"

"If you want to protect this city that much, why don't you join the army? Or the police?" "Entering the Military is harder than you thought, we have criminal backgrounds and that's what is stopping us from going in" two police officers with motorcycles came in.

"What's going on here?" one of the officers asked, "Nothing officer we are just having a nice talk" [Souta] - "Ashley... Do it" Ashley who is supposed to be at the back of Souta suddenly disappear.

And all of the men who are surrounding us were knocked unconscious, "What are you doing?" the police officer said and pointed his gun at her, "Weak" Ashley Rushed to the police officer.

The police officer began to fire her gun at her, She run into zigzag the other officer began to call for back up "We need a backup on street 166 now!" Ashley managed to get close to the officer and so close that Ashey manage to throw an uppercut at the police head.

But the police let go of his pistol and block the uppercut, "Tsk" she said, using her left hand she throws a hook at his belly, and the other officer shoot at them knowing his partner is so close to his target.

His partner twists his foot turning his body around and using Ashley as his shield, but Ashley tackles him down to the ground dodging the bullet and punching the officer in his head.

To her surprise, the officer wasn't put unconscious, and the officer hug her "Now!" the other officer again shot at her but she rolled over to again dodge the bullet, and immediately get away from them.

"We never thought we can meet someone as strong as them" the two officers pull out their knives and face her, they rushed at her and both slash her in different directions but she still manages to dodge all of it.

She gets down and kicks in a curve knocking the police balance, this time Ashley punches them harder knocking them unconscious, and the police reinforcement came blocking the street and evacuating civilians.

They block the exit and entrance of the street with their cars, pointing guns at them, no one noticed but Souta is now on the roof of one of the houses on the street "Young master, may I?"

"Just don't kill them" Ashley take out her sword, which is two swords, the police didn't warn them and suddenly fired at Ashley from both sides, Ashley again rushed to them running in a zigzag.

Then jump high, higher than a normal human can landing herself on one of the vehicles and cutting it in two, BOOM! All of the vehicles that are blocking the road exploded.

A large smoke arises, and the other team thinks she has suicide but she comes out of the smoke and runs to the next team "We need back up, I repeat we need back up! This is a Level 5 danger! I repeat-" all of the policemen that is at the city is now out unconscious.

Souta is still sitting on the roof watching them, the swat team came helicopters and armored trucks everywhere surrounding them, at the police headquarters.

It was busy as it was before, "Chief! There is an emergency In the city! There is this one woman that is destroying everything!" The Chief of the police Shana is the leader of the police.

"I know, let's get going" The Swat team has been wiped out by Ashley, this time not only the police but also the military came to Ashley go to Souta "Young Master, I'm sorry but I don't think I can still keep up"

"That's a shame, things are getting interesting after all, call the others all of them" Ashley smiled "As you wish" Ashley take out a whistle from her pocket and blow it, but no sound came out.

Then suddenly 50 women appeared including Trisha and Cloe, "Fight the Police and the Military but don't kill anyone" "Yes!" they agree immediately even not knowing the reason.

Tanks came in and many helicopters, Ashley's team covered their face with a mask, and the military began shooting using the helicopter "Hmm... This is a bit unfair" "Why the hell are you all going down?!" "mayde we don't know, the system it's hacked!"

All of the helicopters go down on their own, [Shana] - "lieutenant general what brings you here?" [Garp] - "We'll I have taken interest in this raider" a soldier come and salute "General everything is in position" "Alright, let's see how they will move"

Everyone is in their position, all the soldiers and the police are now just waiting for them to attack [Ashley] - "everything is ready, let's go" they suddenly disappeared, and appear the on rooftops.

Running towards the soldiers, the soldiers began to fire at them but they dodge it easily when things are about to begin a hologram appeared at the top of the city "STOP THIS AT ONCE!"

A familiar voice, all the high-ranking officers ordered all of them to cease fire, and so is Souta "Come to me" he said, the on the hologram was Steff.

"What the hell are you all doing!? Everyone is working hard and now your doing something stupid like this!? Souta!?" "Ahh... You found out" "Shut up and go back here! Ashley, you know that doing this is just a waste of time!"

"I'm just doing what master ordered me to" "Ahhhhh!! What the hell do I have to do with you!?" Steff was furious "first you went on a journey! Come back and put in a coma! Now here you are letting all of our people fight each other!"

"Emm... Its a drill? And besides, no one died" "@&@&@%@&@&@" Amy take over the Steff "Emm Souta you see here Steff is quite busy but you did something like this, you should apologize to her later, and you did this so-called drill if yours to test them all right?"

"You want to know their strength for the last months right? I know how you feel so starting today I officially announced that every military in power will fight in a competition!!" all of them were on fire, shouting and clapping.

The building that has been destroyed was quickly repaired thanks to Cassandra, and so 2 weeks from here there will be a tournament of who is the strongest in the military, The news travels fast to the whole territory of Souta