
building a base in the apocalypse world

a world full of walking corpse eating people how will you survive if the world we used to know... turn into a nightmare that you would never want to be with this is a story of how our mc survive in apocalypse world

KLUX · Outros
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63 Chs

base ranking

"just what is the leader thinking? fighting the military we won't get out of this easily" Rex said "haha this is getting interesting!" Roger said while there are standing looking at the cruise ship that coming at the base.

Rex sighed at the ship, the ship landed the civilians got treated well, they feed them delicious food and even give them treatment and check ups.

they were all gathered at the open space at the military camp, Daniel who have the biggest reputation at the camp greeted his companions.

"sir, what are your plans?" "you should know that living under that colonel was hell, he harass people as he please using civilians as a bait so that he can survive"

"then are we joining them?" "yes" they began to have meeting, Daniel became their leader because he was kind to help others in needs.

many of them are in debt to him, Daniel and the soldiers march at the front of the civilians and announced that they are going to join them.

"listen! I lieutenant Daniel will lead you from now on! is everyone agree to it?" "..." "okay then, I announced that we will be joining them from now on! we suffer under the leadership of the colonel! but I will promise you all that you won't feel any suffering from now on"

"I promise to protect you, give my life to all of you! so please trust us!" as all of the military soldiers bow, they are at least 350 of them officials from the team are looking at them

while the civilians are shocked to think that the soldiers will bow, the people from the island treat them well and even feed them delicious food.

many of them was still in trauma but as one of them starts clapping all of them starts clapping, "this all goes according to the plan doesn't it?" Jana said to Roger and Rex that was standing there "yeah"

Jenny was in charge of the civilians, the military soldiers also began to train they were paired with the team soldiers so that they can fully trust each others with many people joining the base expand.

food aren't a problem, after 3 days a group of warships and helicopters came to the island "young master! the military... the military are here!!" one of the soldiers came.

"calm down, they are just here to "greet" us" while Souta and the others are eating lunch "greet?".

the soldiers at the island gathered and prepare to fight, The officials are also stand by waiting for the order.

and the order are "agree" that's all Jana greeted the representative of the military "good after noon" as the military bow.

he gave the letter to Jana, after reading the letter she was shocked "I'll be back" she returned to the tent where the other officials are waiting and give them the letters all of them was too stun to speak.

they agreed to the proposal, the military leave 3 warships, 3 helicopter, guns, ammo, food supplies and some. information the information was said to be read only by the leader of the base.

after that the military leave, all of them was still shocked Garp, Roger, Jana, Kisse, and Rex then Souta entered the tent "calm down, it's not that big deal"

"yes it is!"

the letter was;

[Dear whom ever the representative, we received a news that one of our colonel was killed we would like to thank you for killing him since he was one of the wanted criminal at the apocalypse this is a little give we can give, we promise to not bother you

sighed by: Lieutenant general]

"you know the lieutenant general??" Kisse said "nope" quick reply "what?! then how can you get out of this mess easily?" "we just killed a wanted person, what's wrong with that?" "Young master how do you know he was a wanted person?" "oh just a guts from what the expedition team reported, anyways I'm busy I'll be going"

"Ashley, get the letter for me" "yes young Master" and all of them was curious and confused at the same time.

at night, Souta was sitting at his office reading the letter for him, after finishing it he put it at the candle and watch it burn "so the war is about to begin huh?" and let go of the paper.

at the paper you get a glimpse of supreme commander and burn it completely, someone knock at the door "Souta? aren't you going to sleep?" it was Amy "I'll sleep" Souta get up and go to sleep with them.

morning comes, a message came from the military and tell us about the "mercenary" and wanted people it basically means that if you killed a wanted person they will reward you.

and the reward depends on how dangerous the person is, the mercenary are people that will work for money even if their life is on the line.

there are many types of base and groups in the apocalypse, the bounty hunter a group that hunt wanted person for a reward mercenary, and criminals that is the groups.

the base are in categories as well, to weakest to the strongest, the safest and the dangerous base we are currently one of the top 30 base.

this is the ranking, as what I say earlier the ranking depends on how strong, safe, and your food the military does not care how you treat your civilians as long as you agree not to go against them.

military base are not counted at the ranking since they are already the number one base, the ranking goes worldwide and my rank at the local rank are top 3.

"I'm the strongest base at this region huh" with many people at my hand we decided to divide the army, one for looting food, one for defending the base, one for looting weapons and lastly groups for bounty hunters.

the civilians safety are in Shana's hand since she is a police, she and her group are in charge at the defense inside the base.

"why did the leader suddenly asked us to give letters to the nearby small bases? is he recruiting people?" "don't know, just follow the order" the ordinary soldiers talks.

they are right, he start recruiting many civilians to join the army and even sending letters to bases nearby to join us just what in the world is the leader thinking? Joseph thoughts.

hey there, I want your thoughts and opinions about chapter can you tell me?

KLUXcreators' thoughts