
building a base in the apocalypse world

a world full of walking corpse eating people how will you survive if the world we used to know... turn into a nightmare that you would never want to be with this is a story of how our mc survive in apocalypse world

KLUX · Outros
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63 Chs

Base Expanding is a pain

They went back to the base, and the military was glad to have artillery with this progress clearing an area will be much easier.

They all went back to the mansion, that night when all of them are asleep Souta drove the motorcycle to go toward the military camp of the base.

Of course, Ashley noticed this so I let her come with me, at the beach, Akari was sitting there looking at the sea. "Ashley I want to talk to her alone"

Souta walks towards her, "it's cold here you know" as he gives her a blanket she suddenly stands "master!" "No need to stand" we sit together next to each other.

"hey, Akari you're Japanese right?" "yes" "I'm sorry for what happened to your parents" "it's okay they died fighting and that is what they want" "I see... It's sudden but can I have a request?"

"request?" "yes, I want you to train people how to use swords" "if it's what masters wish then I gladly accept it" Souta giggled "what a good girl you are, my request is not finished yet"

"just say it, master" "I want you to train people to use weapons such as swords, bows, crossbows, and even using shields I will send you some blacksmiths you can request from them to make you weapons and armor"

"and from today on you will lead that team as yours" she was stunned "my army...?" "you might think it like that, you will be in charge and command them from now on"

Without her knowing she suddenly hugged Souta "thank you very much, master! My dream of becoming a commander and having my army now comes true" Souta smiled and hugged her back "don't worry about it"

Akari went back to her sense and suddenly stand up and bow as she apologizes "I'm sorry master, to even hugged you by someone like me" "don't worry about it"

"by the way, from now on you will leave at the mansion so pack your things and get ready, Ashley helps her" then I walk out and go to the mansion first.

Morning comes after I introduce Akari to the others we went back to where Ashley's group is, "young master 500 people are ready to be trained" we walk towards where that 500 people are.

"from today onwards, you all will be trained by Akari she will become your commander and follow every order she will tell you to do! Alright Akari Ashley will help you from now on" "emm thank you very much, master" I look at her and pat her head

"Don't worry about it, then I'll be going then" Souta went back to his motorcycle and drove, at the moment he arrived "is this the cave you found?" I asked "young master?" a lot of people are around the cave in a forest.

"yes young master, this is the same we found when we were exploring the cave," Jenny said "mayor, we just explored the cave, and in this case looks like get a big haul this cave was still not touched and it's all-natural"

"Master, these people are a miner they should be able to mine this cave" "I see... The blacksmith would be glad that we found a cave, Jenny I would leave this in your hand" Jenny bows "thank you very much, young master"

After that Souta leaves, "emm Mayor who is that person that you even call master?" all of them look at Jenny "ah, him? He's the true leader of this base so if ever you see him always respect him, or else" they shivered to their spine to think that a young man like him be the leader of this base

At Souta, while he is driving things are getting smoothly as planned for the next year we are going to be in the top 10 of the safest and strongest base in this world... Broom

A week later, things are peaceful on the phone "master, we now cleared the whole region" Jana said "I see... Dispatch the guards and the civilians the planned 'city resources' will now start!"

City resources are one of the plans that have been taken last month, this starts when Souta started going to nearby small bases and asking them to join us.

While asking them they began clearing the whole region to set the range of our "territory" not only that with this the whole region is now zombie free.

This means that civilians can work in the places such as quarries, Farming, forestry, fishing, and other jobs for basic human needs.

although we have the whole region near the sea as our territory we still can't use all of the territories because of our lack of manpower.

And the solution for that is slaves buying a large number of slaves is filling the lack of manpower but even if we bought them we still need them to train and get their trust which is a month to take.

And having a large of people equals a lot of food and resources, this is the reason why the other base won't buy slaves it's cheap and all but the real reason is how to feed them.

They can't even fill their stomach and having many slaves will become a burden to them, the large number of slaves we bought is staying at the nearest city of the base.

The city is near the sea and is famous for its agriculture since we bought a large number of slaves we also put up a military base to protect them.