
building a base in the apocalypse world

a world full of walking corpse eating people how will you survive if the world we used to know... turn into a nightmare that you would never want to be with this is a story of how our mc survive in apocalypse world

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63 Chs

another town

they arrived at the mansion they eat dinner and told them what happened

"why didn't you insist the military to side with us?" Jenny asked

"it's fine we don't need that much man power after all, and if the military side with us the president side will only contain if weak people and eventually they will all die" Souta said while eating

"you sure are kind Souta" Amy said

"what kind?" Souta asked

"you even left them some food in the convenient store" Amy said

Souta didn't talk anymore

morning comes and they look at what they got today

thanks for going to the school

they pretty much loot decent amount of weapons

what they get was

a military truck

rifle 3

military knife 4

pistol 8

and medicine

with that we are pretty much have lots of weapons

but Souta still wasn't satisfied

he want to get some more equipments

like crossword, bow and sword

because guns are so loud it will only attract more zombies

and it will need some bullets which they only have limited amount

they then have plans

to loot the gym because they need weights

for harder training

and slowly kill all the zombies in the town

after 3 days of preparation they are ready to loot the gym

they used 2 cars here the truck and the pickup truck

they drive towards the town after hours of driving

they arrived at the town then go towards where the gym is

they start to loot the gym

looting the gym is more harder than they expect

so they take hours to finished

they also saw the students they save the other day

looks like they were clearing The town

we immediately go back because we don't have anything to do anymore

it's already night

at dinner

"looks like the town don't have anything worth looting for anymore" Souta said

"so where are we gonna loot?" Amy asked

"hmm... maybe the other town but I want to loot the other town next month, I want to train us all first" Souta said

"sure why not" Amy asked

"your training will be harder to Jenny and Andy" Souta said

they nod

morning comes and they began their training

they also improve their shooting skills

we also teach Amy how to drive

days past and so weeks a month have been past easily

food wasn't a problem anymore

since looting become easier

the president group also became a big group

their base was in the town

and looks like she will make a big move

by clearing the town

lunch at the kitchens table

"it's already been 2 months since the start of the apocalypse, our body is pretty much ready for any danger to come"

"tomorrow like the plan well go to the other town" Souta said

morning comes

we drive towards the other town Andy and Jenny left to take care of the animals

they drive towards the highway

there was some small problem

like some car have Been crash that in the way

but it wasn't a problem

it was already night but they still didn't arrive to the town

so they camp

"this sure Is exciting isn't it Nana?" Lily asked

"yes..." Nana replied

"I'll be guarding tonight" Souta said

"ok, wake us up when it's our turn" Steff said

"yush, well sleep in Souta's lap!" Amy said

"why?" Souta asked

"because it's fun!" Amy said with a energetic tone

"Amy, don't bother Souta" Steff said

"oh ho? then you don't want to sleep on souta's lap?" Amy said

"what? I also love to sleep at Souta's lap!" Steff said with a frustrated tone

"ok ok you two can sleep on my lap, so don't fight." Souta said

"yey!" Amy said

and Steff nod

they start to use Souta's lap as a pillow

Souta sighed

"whats so fun about sleeping at my lap anyway, welp if I can see this cute face then I guess it's fine" Souta said

morning comes

they eat breakfast and continue to go towards the other town

they finally arrived at lunch

they start eat lunch and explore the town

what they did fist was to climb a house and look what's going on

Steff climb

"this should be ok, the zombies was in the police station" steff said

"alright" Souta said

Steff jumb down

and they continue to drive toward the entrance

they split into 3 groups

Souta will go solo, Amy and steff they will go loot the houses and so Souta

Lily and Nana will be the look out

as they loot the houses

the only useful was their food nothing more

they continue to loot for about 10 houses

but nothing was found

night comes and they spend their night into some random house

morning comes

they eat breakfast and continue to loot

again nothing was found except for food

lunch they were eating at again random house

"we sure are unlucky today" Amy said

"Your right, maybe there's nothing useful here anymore. except for the police station" Souta said

"but isn't there were full of zombies?" Lily asked

"we... should probably do... the same thing... we did.. on the school" Nana said

Souta look at Nana

"she's correct, luckily we found some speakers that still have some batteries"

"we will again do what we did at the school we will start after lunch" Souta said

after lunch they prepared the speaker and timer it

they also get near the police station

as the speaker turn on

loud noises was heard

the zombies immediately go towards the noise

Souta, Amy and Steff ran towards the police station while Nana and lily stayed at the car

the door was already broken

so they just went there with ease

they immediately search the rooms

some rooms have zombies in it

a police zombies

they stab it in the face

as they continue to search the rooms

nothing was found

what their looking for was the place where the guns is

only one room was left to be search

the prison

they prepare themselves when they enter

as they go inside it there were 20 zombies

some dress like a criminal some dress like a police and some are civilians

Souta and the 2 kill the zombies with ease

they did it as fast as they can

"hah hah hah, this sure are tiring" Amy said

"but thank to our training it's easier now right?" Souta said

"it's really is thank to Souta" Steff said

while catching their breath

they didn't notice that there were a person inside the cell

there was a girl in the cell

she wear a police uniform and past out

Souta tried to break the lock but it can't break

"hey, Souta isn't this the key?" Amy said

"oh, where did you find that?" Souta said

"it was on the floor thou" Amy replied

"is that so? well never mind the details" Souta said

He tries all the key to which of them are correct

after a couple of minutes they successfully open the cell

they go towards the girl and help her out

Souta slap the girl face but didn't give too much force

"oi wake up!" Souta said

the girls lips was dry she was also thin

"are you ok?" Amy said

since they have some waters with them they let the girl drink first

the girl slowly open her eyes

and grab the drink and drink it aggressively

Souta give her more drinks to drink

"are you ok now?" Souta asked

"a kid?" the girl said

"were in hurry can you tell us where the weapons are?" Souta asked

"hmm, since you save my life I guess I'll tell you. help me get up and I'll tell you were is it" the girl said

Souta help her get up

they walk to where the girl said

there was a wall there

"here? what are we supposed to see here? don't waste our time" Souta said

"calm down" the girl said

there was a phone there

she picked The phone and dial some numbers

after she dial It

the wall moves like a door

there was a door there

a metal door

the girl open it with the key in her pocket

the door opened and they found..


hey there, I want your thoughts and opinions about chapter can you tell me?

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