
Bugs Bunny sent me to BNHA world

"Nyaap~ what's up doc!" "Do you love anime? I see... you're a man of culture then." Go... You'll reborn in an anime world! Ren is reborn with superpowers and a quirk. With his new life, his mission started, which was left incomplete on earth. But wait a sec. He'll get a slap in his ass, everytime he get his abilities. Bugs the god demanded exchange of ultimate wish is......... Wanna know what happened next? Read the story... ◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑ *Must Read I'm just a amateur writer and It’s my first fan-fic and may contain grammatical errors. (English is not my first language) Mc will have many girls so, it’s obviously a harem. Don't forget to check the tags. If you've read many smut manga and novels from veteran authors, then it’s a pile of shit compared to those. I'm writing it for self-satisfaction. If you hate the story, then please ignore but don’t complain. But you're welcome to suggest me pointers. I hope you'll let me know about my mistakes. If you're looking for action, then go read the manga or watch the anime. Yeah, there are action scenes but not much like real manga/anime. It's just a fan-fic and anything is possible, so don’t dive here to look for logic and things.. Except the mc, I don’t own other characters from BNHA. Cover pic, I choosed it randomly and edited a bit before putting it. I don’t own it as well. ◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑ Warning: Must check the tags. If you hate any one of these, then don't read. You've been warned. I'm planning to update new chapters in a website! Please visit the link to read more chapters! https :// asphaltator. epizy. com (visit this website)

MrJabra · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

Chapter 31 - A Saint's heart

"R-Ren-kun, no, d-daddy, fuck my ass" Izuku took Ren's cock in one go.


"R-Ren kun, I've something to tell you..."

Izuku somehow spoke those words with difficulty. He was uncertain about if Ren would help him out on this matter..

"Speak.." Ren took his sit and boringly looked at Izuku.

Nut Katsuki spoke up before Izuku could say anything.

"Actually, Deku wanted to have training with me, and we.....we planned to train together, so he will stay at home for the time being, and we want your help to convince Deku's mo-"

"Done. You can stay together and train. Izuku's mom has no problem with that. So anything else?" Ren didn't let Katsuki finish his sentence and gave them permission to 'LIVE TOGETHER' as a step-dad, he has the right to do.

Izuku and Katsuki released a sigh of relief and smiled at each other, but after a few seconds they realized that they felt relieved from Ren's confirmation?! But why??

They turned their heads to Ren who was sorting out some papers.

"H-how did you know that my would give us permission on that matter?" Izuku asked bewilderedly.

"Why, you ask..hmmmmm. Well, she has to obey the alpha, and I am the one around the whole country as long as I know..." Ren let a random but true bullshit which made Izuku and Katsuki go 'whatcha saying?'

"Just get your stuff, and get the fuck out of your home, Izuku. Daddy needs to make babies with mom. And you both can live together from now on. Don't bother to disturb your moms." Ren really couldn't find homo couple pleasant to the eyes anymore.

He needs to build his mansion as soon as possible, then the breeding with his mates will start.

The class was boring, so Ren did some manipulation stuff with the teacher to escape.

He then entered his personal space. It was day time exactly as the outside world. He summoned the orb like object that controlled the space.

Recently he learned that he could control almost everything. And the most essential part was time. He tried to reverse the time and, surprisingly, it did. He sped up the time and the result was same.

Ren gained the biggest cheat he had until now!

He bought a rat and did an experiment.

One was killed by him after buying and one was left alive. He brought both rats to his space and tried to reverse the death of the rat's body condition like reviving it. But he failed. Then he killed another rat that was brought alive and tried to revive it by reversing the time around the rat.

He was surprised and jumped with joy after seeing the rat brought back to life.

He was the God of his space.

The orb like object was like a brain that can process things after Ren put some information through his mind.

Ren was so happy but had some doubt about getting such cheats from Bugs.

He was sure that something was going on inside that Bugs Bunny's head.

Back to the present—

After Ren entered the space, he once again ran his sense through the whole plane. It was exactly 15 km wide.

Ren made an invisible wall separating the 6-km-wide space from the rest of the space.

He would use the rest of the 9 km for his mansion, farming, a pool, a mini lake which already exists and other things.

It looked like the space was only 9km square to onlookers except Ren. He had plans for separated 6km square space.

He would build an asylum to punish bad guys, Ren's gentle, noble heart wounded after seeing crimes of bad people.

He would punish males with boiling oil and females with hot rod.

He won't tolerate the evil doing of others.

After doing some work on his space, he left.

It was lunchtime already, and Shino was waiting for him in their special place behind the school.

He slid his cock in her wet vagina, then made her sit on his lap.

They ate lunch like that, acting like the worst pervert of all time.

Ren filled his belly with her handmade lunch and she with his cloudy, thick cum.

The day passed normally like that. Ren and Shino went to practise their quirk as usual after school, but today that gay couple didn't come with them.

Having some alone time, they had some beach sex after training, and Ren brought Shino home with cum dripping from her cunt.

Even some drop of his cum fell into elderly people's bald head, making Shino laugh to death.

Ren had work to do, so he didn't linger around his home anymore and left to pick Inko up from her apartment.

He will make her desert Izuku as he will put another baby in her.

He wished that Izuku were also a girl. He could fuck a cute, clumsy girl, Deku.

He will pray to Bugs to let Inku give birth to a girl like Izuku or more beautiful.

As he won't be getting older, and his girls will be younger like him with the help of Mitsuki's quirk. Yeah, he would find a way to make every girl have glistening skin like Mitsuki.

That's why Ren decided to keep his royal blood within the family.

For this royal deed, he will sacrifice his sleep, energy, semen. He wouldn't mind getting milked for years! The royal sacrifice is worth doing!

Inko was already notified by Ren and was packing her things. Ren brought her to his home and again left to meet Enji for his asked materials.

When he reached the Endeabor Agency, he found out that Enji was gone. His mood turned sour as the plan had to get laid back.

When he was walking around, somebody shot some fire at him.

"What are you doing here, late at night?" A greenish, flaming-haired girl shouted at him.

Ren was in his cover, so she recognised him as a villain.

"Oya...! A lively tigress came to greet her daddy.. Hehehe" Ren let a cheeky smile and stared at her as if he was licking her body with his eyes.

"My mood was almost ruined, now, come and give some entertainment to daddy" Ren didn't wait for her reaction, he appeared behind her in a moment!

Grabbing her by the waist, he pulled her closer and inhaled her scent.

His lower beast got an immediate reaction.

Her bountyful boobs were taking different shape under his kneading.

She was bewildered and turned on, she couldn't understand what the hell was happening and an unknown fear took the hold of her heart...

'Am I going to be raped?...' She inwardly screamed..


Next chap Moe will moan :p

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