
BTTH: Elemental God

This is the Dou Qi continent, this is the paradise of the strong. Lu Yunxiao came out of nowhere, with glowing gold in his left hand and a raging fire in his right hand, a long river of water rippled beneath him, and endless lightning and thunder roared behind him. The continent is vast, and the forts arise in great numbers. In this turbulent world, he is destined to be the strongest! ----------------- Here is the mlt: https://www.mtlnovel.com/doupo-elemental-god/ ------------------ I do not own the cover image.

The_Heaven · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Breakthrough Dou Zhe, The Reward of Conquest

It's also a coincidence. When Hai Bodong and Lu Yunxiao first met shortly after he had run away from the Gu clan, the two ended up feeling an affinity between their personalities.

Hai Dodong is cruel and has a peculiar personality, but at first glance he had a good impression of Lu Yunxiao.

And Lu Yunxiao had just left the Gu clan, and was practically helpless without the Gu clan's support, so he was very vigilant, but he also had a sense of kinship when he met Hai Bodong.

Although this old man seems a little obnoxious, he is unexpectedly not annoying.

It is precisely because of this affinity that Lu Yunxiao and Hai Bodong ended up becoming good friends. The two fight a lot, but the relationship is very good.

There's a boy with a smart mouth on one side and a grumpy old man on the other, but the relationship between the two is getting deeper and deeper.

They fought a lot and sometimes said they didn't care, but it was just lip service.

For Hai Bodong, he considered Lu Yunxiao as his son.

For Lu Yunxiao, Hai Bodong is also a teacher, father and friend.

Both are people who get attached very easily, so after eight years, they get along more and more naturally, and their status in each other's hearts is getting higher and higher.

Hai Bodong drew trace by trace carefully to make a map. This is a delicate task, and you need to be careful. A small mistake can cause the accuracy of the entire map to deviate.

Other stores may not mind small errors on the map, but Hai Bodong is a person who strives for perfection and will not allow even a small error in his works.

About two cups of tea later, Hai Bodong dropped his pen and completed another new map.

(EN: Hmm, not sure how long he's been talking here, but I've researched and apparently the time for a cup of tea is between 1 and 3 minutes, I'll assume the author means 3 minutes, so 2 Cups= 6 minutes)

"Old man, are you finished? Come eat when you're done. The meat won't taste good if it gets cold."

At the entrance to the inner room, Lu Yunxiao held a tray and called out loudly. The tray was full of barbecue and fruit.

"Okay, I'm done!" Hai Bodong replied, turned around and walked towards the inner room.


In the afternoon, a few hours later.

Lu Yunxiao is sitting silently in a dark room in the basement of the map shop.

The room is a very cold. This underground room was built by Hai Bodong himself for Lu Yunxiao to cultivate. The room is cold because a few meters away is the Hai Bodong Cultivation Room and there the temperature is extremely low because the cultivation chamber where he usually stays is full of ice.

Although Lu Yunxiao's secret room is a bit far from Haibodong's secret practice room, it is still affected. A person without the ice attribute and with the same cultivation as him would not last long in such an environment.

But for Lu Yunxiao, this is nothing, his strong physique is enough to withstand this cold.

Also, this secret underground room is very quiet, very suitable for breakthroughs as you wouldn't worry about someone coming to disturb you.

Lu Yunxiao sat cross-legged, his hands moving to form hand seals, the Dou qi in his body moved in response to his command and began to move quickly.

A faint white Dou qi gathered from the surroundings towards Lu Yunxiao, and for a while it was sucked into his body like endless running water.

He was able to reach the peak of the 9-star Dou Zhi Qi and breakthrough to Dou Zhe too soon, but he was struggling to suppress the advance. Now that he has let go of the bonds, the Dou Qi is like a wild horse that has run away, and runs towards him frantically.

His whole person is like a black hole, madly devouring the Dou Qi around him.

The most important step of moving from 9 stars Dou Zhi Qi to Dou Zhe is to condense the cyclone of Dou Qi. As long as you successfully condense the Dou Qi cyclone, it means becoming a true Dou Zhe.

When Lu Yunxiao moved the suppressed Dou Qi in his body and frantically swallowed the Dou Qi around him, the Dou qi in his body began to rapidly increase, rapidly flowing in his meridians.

Dou Qi built up and soon filled most of Lu Yunxiao's meridians, reaching the limit point his body could contain.

"It's almost there." Lu Yunxiao thought, and his hands began to form other hand seals quickly.

With the change of hand seals, the Dou qi in Lu Yunxiao's body quickly moved towards the lower abdomen as if given instructions.

The pale white Dou qi has condensed in the lower abdomen, turning into a thick milky white color.

Lu Yunxiao focused his mind, his soul perception was primed, and he began to forcefully compress the milky white Dou qi in his lower abdomen.

The milky white fighting spirit showed a strong resistance to this, but it continued to be compressed by Lu Yunxiao with sheer power.

When the Dou qi shrunk to the size of just a palm, it suddenly solidified and started moving in a predetermined direction evenly and quickly.

At the same time, a tyrannical energy erupted from Lu Yunxiao's body, and the white robe began to move, and there was a muffled cracking sound.

1 Star Dou Zhe, successful breakthrough!

The moment Lu Yunxiao fully became a Dou Zhe, the voice of the system sounded in his mind.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for entering the Dou Zhe realm, for completing the achievement: Dou Zhe, the host is rewarded with a flying sword: "Rainbow Sword" and a Dou technique: "Sword of the Immortal Beyond Heaven" .]

["Rainbow Sword": Fourth-level elemental flying sword, it is forged from the thousand-year-old cold iron that can only be found at the bottom of the sea, and has a weight of 3 kilograms.]

["Sword of the Immortal Beyond Heaven": A high level Xuan technique, created by Sword Fairy Ye Gucheng, the technique, like its creator, is beautiful, flawless and graceful, this is the most beautiful swordsmanship in the world, this is a sword movement that does not belong to the human world. Although this sword technique is of high Xuan level, it is not weaker than Di level fighting skills if it is fully understood.]

The system's voice dropped and a sheathed sword suddenly appeared in Lu Yunxiao's hands. At the same time, the technique information was passed directly into Lu Yunxiao's mind.

Lu Yunxiao closed his eyes and meditated. After a while, all the meanings of the "Sword of the Immortal Beyond Heaven" technique became clear to him.

He already possesses extraordinary understanding. After receiving the technique information, he will be able to understand it quickly.

"Sword of the Immortal Beyond Heaven, well-deserved name, is actually much stronger than the fist technique I learned in the Gu clan."

Lu Yunxiao smiled, although it was just a joke that this technique would be comparable to Di level techniques, Di level is Di level and Xuan level is Xuan level. The gap is huge, but the Sword of the Immortal Beyond Heaven is really very strong.

Although it comes from the Gulong Wuxia world, that doesn't mean it isn't powerful.

The Gulong Wuxia world restricts the martial artist's cultivation, but does not limit the martial artist's understanding.

Although Ye Gucheng's strength is not very strong as she is limited by the world, she is someone who was already born among swordsman and grew up surrounded by it, and her understanding of swordsmanship is very high. The "Sword of the Immortal Beyond Heaven" technique represents the highest realm of her swordsmanship. Below Di level techniques, this definitely belongs at the top of the rankings.

And what Lu Yunxiao likes most is not only the power of the technique, but the beauty of the swordplay is the most important thing.

After all, being strong or not is only temporary, and being handsome or not is a lifelong thing.