
Brute's Journey in Tamriel.

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one moment I'm planning my suicide the next moment i wake up in an iron cage heading to my execution, not really a good thing to wake up to. {i dont know skyrim much so ill do my best}

Chapter 1well then

The sound of wooden wheels greeted me as I opened my eyes, I already knew that this would happen but I never thought I would be sent here of all places, I mean yeah, I liked my life before this, didn't love it but never hated it too. But I just got tired I guess since the problems piled up, I just thought I would end it all, I was holding a gun to my head when I was magically sent to this white space. There was this customization screen in front of me when I arrived and I was like, -I'm already supposed to be dead so why the fuck not-, so I did and to be completely honest? It was cool.

I rocked myself with some wavy, shoulder-length hair, brown in color. Eyes brown with some handsome jawlines. I also fixed myself with a similarly brown full beard. I mean, beards are awesome, aside from the maintenance but yeah, beards are cool. My body frame is the bulky type and I made it so that I'm 6'5, like the type that'll fuck you up. Only on the level of bouncers though, nothing too serious.

Aside from that, the perks were next so I just chose the ones fitting with my body, like Enhanced Strength and Enhanced Regeneration. The regeneration affects all by the way. I'm only allowed three so for the last I picked Cleanse. It can clean your body and clean anything dirty, like for example your body that hasn't bathed in a week or a cursed object that looks epic and you want to use it, if you do? Cleanse it.

Anyway, that was that and now I find myself in this cart that's going to take me to my execution for no reason. I know I'm in skyrim but I don't know much about it really. The most I know about it is these cart memes about waking up there and some sexy mods on Youtube about female characters. Maybe a playthrough or two but that's it. So I at least know what I'm getting into but not the troubles that await. I know that someone in these carts is the dragonborn. I know I'm not, I'm not sitting besides anyone looking important and nobody greeted me upon waking up so that's what I have.

I'm in an iron cage being dragged though, not the same as the others, I look down at myself and notice I'm wearing rags only, which is good since I know I'm not affiliated with anyone. I'm not surprised with why they specifically caged me, since the previous me was someone notorious I guess but as I look two carts ahead of me where the dragonborn is supposed to be and find where the dragonborn is supposed to sit is a wood elf that looks very beautiful, the game did not do the women of skyrim justice. She is hot, I know that they were cannibalistic but I don't know much so I can't be really sure.

We were nearing Helgen by the time I noticed and soon each of them started to get listed for their crimes, when it came to the elf, they executed her anyway, which is stupid by the way. Luckily, as plot would have it, before the dragonborn could be executed, the black dragon came to the rescue. As everyone was busy shooting the dragon down with no avail, I knew it was my cue to get the fuck out, so with my enhanced strength, which is approximately equal to a giant, I kicked down the gate holding me. It was effortless by the way, I mean, did they really think I wasn't able to get out? Well fuck them imma head out now.

I run across the plaza where the execution was supposed to take place and see a wall that I am almost gonna run into, I notice that its weak looking and so I decided, why the hell not. I continue to build momentum as I am running and as I arrive at the wall, I ram into it with all my strength and I passed through to the other side, never thought that would actually work but hey, it works.

Ahead of me I can see the forest, or a bunch of trees clustered together so I run there first and observe as the dragon wreaks havoc upon Helgen. I mean I could have saved a bunch of people but it seems to be a bother so I just didn't. besides, I don't know them.

I look around me to see trees all around so first on my agenda I guess would be to find the path to the nearby town. I randomly picked a direction and begin my walk. After a few minutes of walking, a mountain side with a cave greets me, I was about to proceed on my way since there was a path there already but two people came out of the aforementioned cave, one was the Beautiful elf I saw earlier, and the other was the Imperial man counting the ones who were supposed to be executed earlier.

Not long after I notice them, they also notice me. For a moment, there was a bit of a standstill as they observe me for a few moments. I slowly raise my hand for a, "Hello there." Not gonna lie, I was suppressing my laugh about the meme reference there. As they heard my voice of greeting, they were surprised by how baritone it seemed. I mean, can't blame them I guess, I was also surprised, I guess it came with the body.

The man from the legion came forward and introduced himself.

Hadvar: Greetings, I am Hadvar of Riverwood, Imperial Legion. You are?

I was about to respond but a name huh, did not think this part through, what should I say? I guess I could say-

"Alger, I am Alger of the Blood Pits."

Hadvar: Well met Alger, this is Elena, a Bosmer. Elena, Alger.

Elena: Well met, Alger

"Well met, to the both of you."

Hadvar: Since introductions are out of the way, me and Elena here are going to Riverwood, you wanna come with?

"Sure, why not."

At the beginning of our walk, Hadvar was a bit guarded around me, I mean, I AM a large man, add that my muscles are very intimidating and I was taller than him, but not by much. No doubt, the place I mentioned I came from also had a hand in it, the name alone says it. Elena though was outright cold to me; she hasn't spoken to me ever since we were introduced. But they warmed up to me as we journeyed, not enough to be called a friend but just enough for the awkwardness to dissipate.

We also came across these stones where I remember them granting bonus I think? I naturally picked warrior since, well, you know. Elena picked the thief. We were halfway to Riverwood when from afar, I see a barrow, Hadvar saw me looking and explained to me.

Hadvar: You see the Barrow huh, that's a Tomb, ancient Nord Warriors were buried there, now its just filled with Draugrs. Its name is Bleak Falls Barrows, if you wanna try your luck, you can raid it if you want. Careful of the Draugrs though.

I nod to him in thanks and thought about my options here, on one hand I could get weapons early, but on the other, I don't wanna test my luck. So I just dismissed it for now and planned to return later after getting proper gear. After a few hours of walking, we arrived in Riverwood, there were the occasional wolves that bothered us but I just picked them up and yeeted them upwards and waited for them to get down before finishing them off. We looted their pelts and proceeded onwards from there.

The town was what you would expect for a town in the middle ages. Wooden houses with the occasional stone ones. Hadvar told us to follow him to his uncle's forge, he said his uncle was the town's blacksmith, which means armor and weapon, which is good. For me at least.

We entered his house and was greeted by his Uncle's wife, Hilde, who was cleaning their floor.

Hilde: Oh Hadvar! Welcome, what brings you here? Did something happen? I've heard rumors.

Hadvar: I will get to that Aunt Hilde, where is Uncle? I have news to share.

Hilde: He's in the back, forging. You lot must be starving; I'll prepare some food and mead for you in the table while you go fetch Alvor.

Hadvar nods and goes to the back of their house while me and Elena sat down on the stools by the table. I try to strike up a conversation with Elena about the dragon but her only response was.

Elena: Certainly was dangerous, but we escaped, that's what's important.

I wanted to respond but Hadvar already came back with his uncle, Alvor I think? Hadvar introduced us to him and vice versa. Once we were all sat down, it started to get serious.

Hadvar: Uncle, you have heard the rumors, right? About the dragon?

Alvor: Yes, what is this about? Do you mean the rumors are true? That the dragons are back? I thought they were only myths? They're real?

Hadvar: Yes uncle, it was true, I was there personally, along with these two. The elf helped save my life, the other is-, was, a prisoner. Though I am sure a mistaken one too.

Me and Elena nodded in agreement and Alvor and Hilde took a moment to process things. Eventually, Alvor went out if his trance.

Alvor: If this is true, someone needs to inform Whiterun of it, Riverwood also needs guards. Could any of you go there to warn the Jarl?

Hadvar: I need to get back to solitude quickly to report so I unfortunately cannot do it, perhaps you two could be of help? You will be properly compensated.

At our mention, Hadvar turned to us. I contemplated for a bit and nodded in agreement.

"Sure, I was gonna head there anyway, look for some work."

Hadvar turned to Elena and after a while.

Elena: Ok, me and Alger will inform the Jarl of the news.

At the agreement of the two, Alvor was visibly relieved.

Alvor: Thank the Divines for you two, perhaps I can forge you weapons or armor that you can use for the journey? It's all I can do unfortunately.

"I'm fine with any weapon you have, any armor can be appreciated."

Elena also nodded in agreement since it coincides with what she planned to do.

Alvor gave me a heavy war hammer, not gonna lie, I like it. I liked smashing things when I was small, and I ain't stopping. Elena just asked for a bunch of arrows with a dagger sheathed and some leather armor. She already had a bow from their escape along with a sword on her hip. I just received iron armor with some fur on the inside, it was only alvor's spare and I felt bad about getting his spare but I needed it more than he did so I just forgot about it.

Alvor: Now while I am sure you can go now since the sooner the better but I would not be able to live properly, knowing I could have been a better host and let you rest. Here are a few coins for your stay at the inn, we only have one room with a bed so unless you two want to sleep with Hadvar in the same bed, I suggest you take those coins and rent a room in the inn nearby.

Elena and I nodded in agreement since I, would like some privacy. Elena's reasoning probably coincides with mine. After a few chats about our past where I just said I came from a land from far away, not explaining anything further, they knew better than to push the question so they just forgot about it and focused on Elena. Truth be told, I was also curious about her, it was kind of hypocritical of me but I asked anyway.

"Elena, you are a Bosmer correct? From what I gathered before I was captured, you hail from Valenwood, how did you get from there to the execution block?"

Now that I look at her, she really is beautiful, every female I passed by were also prettier if by the standards of earth, but she is just on another level, for me that is. Her angular face fits her large amber eyes with her orange hair and rather cold look fits everything into place of what I would have imagined an elf would be. She had tanned skin covering her lithe figure and that, to me, is just perfect. I need to stop observing though, she's gonna find out if I keep on it. Just in time for her to stop reminiscing and actually start answering.

Elena: I came from a good family in Valenwood, but I ran away after an incident involving the Thalmor, after that, I came to skyrim and spent my days hunting and doing a few jobs here and there. I guess I bit off more than I can chew when I neared Helgen. And well, you know the rest.

Hmmm, she still hid things but that's not for anyone to know till she actually opens up, good move from her though, opened up just enough for people to know her but not enough to know her real past. After that, both of us headed to the Sleeping Giant and rented a room each, or what was supposed to happen but the keeper said most of the rooms were occupied by the refugees from Helgen. That left us one room, I was fine with that but Elena definitely wasn't, seeing as she was about to rage, I offered her the room instead of sleeping together with her. (I would say I'm being a gentleman here but I know everybody else back on Earth will probably call me a simp, no doubt.)

Her mood brightened up but then fell into a contemplative look, she then turned to me and said.

Elena: You have my thanks, Alger of the Blood pits, I will repay this favor in the future.

I nodded and just told her to go sleep, besides, I'm not that tired yet, no doubt she was awake the entire trip from her capture to the Helgen attack. I think she's more tired than I am. Meanwhile, I just got dropped in this body and not long after, the attack, in which I barely spent any effort except that wall smashing thing, in which I enjoyed very much. After taking back the coins from the keeper because of the lack of rooms, I ventured around the town. There wasn't anything much to see in my opinion. Then again, this is skyrim, I may not know much about this world but I'm sure excitements will come to me later on instead of me coming to them, that much I am sure.

Through my ventures throughout the town, I ended up in the town's trader. I entered inside to find a man and a woman talking, they were arguing about something stolen. When I enter, both turn to look at me, perhaps seeing the armor I was adorning led the woman to approach me. She introduced herself as Camilla and the other, her brother Lucan.

Camilla: Now I'm pretty sure you're a mercenary right? You got time for some extra money on the side? Our family heirloom was stolen by a thief and my brother here is going crazy because of it, told him we didn't need it anyway but he insisted we hire someone, luckily you came by.

"Alright miss, I'll do that for you, no promises though. Not very good at finding things to be honest."

Both were visibly relieved upon me agreeing, Lucan more so. Camilla was happy enough but not exactly overjoyed, just satisfied that they were at least getting somewhere. Lucan then asked me if I wanted to buy anything. I wanted to sell the wolf pelts but I left it with Elena's for safekeeping since I had nowhere to store it. I only had a few coins from Alvor that I received, so I didn't have much, at most I had like, 10 septims, which is only enough for renting a room so I didn't blame him for that since neither of us knew what would happen. So, I just browsed the wares Lucan offered. There were the normal iron weapons and armor. There were also some clothes and I wanted to buy a few to exchange the rags that I wear under my armor. Since I didn't have any money currently, I just told him I'd return another time.

I was about to exit the store but Camilla stopped me on the way to the door.

Camilla: hey! Never really got your name, have I? I wanted to thank you for accepting our request. Not a lot of people want to waste time with a request like ours, there is not really a lot of clues on where to find it so a lot of people didn't want to waste time doing it.

"I mean it's really not a problem but since you insist, I guess I could use a few mugs of mead in my stomach. Never hurt to have a few, besides I kind of need it too."

She beamed at my agreement and together, we left the Trader while Lucan muttering about how her sister has fallen. I just thought, really? That fast? I doubt it though, I think she just wants some warmth for tonight, I don't expect much really, or rather, I didn't expect much of it, until the next day.

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Uchiha_Itachi007 · Jogos de Vídeo
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