
Bruh Guy Gets Isekai'd

BRUH GUY gets sent to another world he doesn't know about

Vancelament · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Chapter 18

As the group continued their discussion about the investigation and the Alathea Clan, Aiko suddenly remembered something important.

Aiko: "Hey Vince, I forgot to mention this, but Vanessa goes to our school."

Keisuke: "Now that I think about it..."

Vienna: "Yeah, she does attend Vehemence Academy."

The revelation sparked a series of thoughts in everyone's minds.

Aiko: "Vince, why don't you enroll in Vehemence Academy as well?"

Vince hesitated, concerned that his true intentions might be exposed.

Vince: "Won't the Alathea Clan figure out that I'm just there for Vanessa?"

Aiko: "That's a valid point, Vince, but enrolling in Vehemence Academy is no easy feat. They have strict admission requirements, especially since we're already well into the second quarter. But I'm confident you can pass their entrance tests, especially considering that no one has ever seen a Vandal like yours!"

Takeshi chimed in with a supportive grin.

Takeshi: "And after you pass, I'll show you around the place. It'll be an excellent opportunity to gather more information."

Aiko was quick to add to the plan.

Aiko: "Count me in too! I'll help you prepare for the entrance exams. We can't let the Alathea Clan know what we're up to."

With the group's unanimous agreement, a new plan began to take shape. Vince would embark on a challenging journey to enroll in Vehemence Academy, all while keeping his true intentions hidden from those who might seek to thwart his efforts.

The prospect of joining Vanessa at school, uncovering more secrets, and growing even stronger filled Vince's heart with determination. The investigation into the Alathea Clan was about to take an intriguing turn as Vince prepared to face the trials of Vehemence Academy.

Their conversation continued, delving into the details of Vince's enrollment and the challenges that lay ahead. With their unwavering support and determination, there was little doubt that they would uncover the truth behind the Alathea Clan's actions and protect Vanessa from whatever threats she faced.

As the group delved deeper into the logistics of Vince's enrollment at Vehemence Academy, they gathered around a table at a nearby café. The atmosphere was a mix of excitement and determination, with everyone eager to assist Vince on his journey.

Takashi: "So, Vince, what kind of entrance exams does Vehemence Academy have, anyway?"

Aiko, who had been researching the school's admission process, chimed in.

Aiko: "Well, they're known for their rigorous tests that assess not only academic knowledge but also physical and combat abilities. It's a comprehensive evaluation."

Rina: "Physical and combat abilities? Vince, you've got the combat part covered, no doubt about that."

Vince nodded, acknowledging the truth in Rina's words. His training and encounters had honed his combat skills to a formidable level.

Keisuke: "But what about the academic part? Do they expect you to be a genius?"

Aiko: "Not necessarily, Keisuke. While academic excellence can help, they also value other qualities like determination and adaptability. It's about proving you have the potential to thrive in their environment."

Ian, who had been quiet for a while, finally spoke up.

Ian: "Speaking of environments, what's Vehemence Academy like? I've heard it's not your typical school."

Takeshi: "That's an understatement. It's a place where talents from all walks of life gather. You'll find aspiring fighters, inventors, strategists, and even aspiring heroes."

Zane: "Heroes? Like, with capes and superpowers?"

Aiko chuckled.

Aiko: "Not exactly, but they do have a Hero Training Program for those interested in becoming protectors of the realm. It's quite competitive."

Vienna, who had been quietly observing the conversation

Vienna: "Vince, you've got this. You're stronger and more determined than anyone I know."

A warm smile from Vince was his response to Vienna's words of encouragement.

Vince: "Thanks, Vienna. And I won't forget that I have all of you supporting me."

Their conversation continued well into the afternoon, with Vince and his friends making plans for study sessions, combat training, and preparing for the entrance exams. The camaraderie and shared determination among the group only grew stronger, solidifying their bond.

As they left the café, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows on the bustling streets of the city. Vince couldn't help but feel a sense of optimism and purpose. The challenges ahead were formidable, but with the support of his friends, he was ready to face them head-on.

And so, the next chapter in Vince's journey unfolded, with the goal of enrolling in Vehemence Academy and uncovering the mysteries surrounding Vanessa and the Alathea Clan at the forefront of their minds.

In the days that followed, Vince's training intensified as he prepared for the rigorous entrance exams of Vehemence Academy. With the unwavering support of his friends, he pushed himself to his limits, honing his combat skills, improving his physical abilities, and even dedicating extra time to his academic studies.

Aiko, who had taken on the role of Vince's personal tutor, helped him navigate the academic challenges. They spent countless hours reviewing subjects from mathematics to history, ensuring that Vince would be well-prepared for the academic portion of the exams.

Takashi and Hiro, both seasoned martial artists in their own right, sparred with Vince daily. Their expertise in different martial arts styles provided Vince with valuable insights and diversified his combat repertoire.

Rina, with her sharp analytical mind, worked on enhancing Vince's strategic thinking. They practiced tactical scenarios, focusing on how to approach various combat situations strategically.

Keisuke, Ian, and Zane, each possessing unique talents, contributed in their own ways. Keisuke provided emotional support and motivation, Ian offered insights into the psychology of combat, and Zane taught Vince some of his unconventional fighting techniques.

Vienna, although not directly involved in Vince's training, remained a source of unwavering encouragement. Her presence alone served as a reminder of what Vince was fighting for and who he was protecting.

As the weeks passed, Vince's progress was undeniable. He had grown stronger both physically and academically, and his confidence had soared. He was ready to face the entrance exams of Vehemence Academy head-on.

The day of the exams arrived, and Vince, accompanied by his friends, made his way to the academy's testing center. The atmosphere was tense, with aspirants from all over the realm gathered in hopes of securing a coveted spot in the prestigious institution.

Aiko: "Remember everything we've worked on, Vince. You've got this."

Takashi: "And don't forget to stay calm and focused. You've trained for this."

Rina: "You're not alone in this, Vince. We're all here with you, in spirit."

Keisuke: "Make us proud, man."

Ian: "Show them what you're made of, Vince."

Zane: "And if all else fails, improvise."

Vienna: "I know you'll pass."

Vince nodded, their words of encouragement bolstering his resolve. With a deep breath, he entered the testing center, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead.

The entrance exams of Vehemence Academy were a grueling test of both intellect and combat prowess. As Vince tackled each section with determination, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in how far he had come.

The results would be revealed in due time, but regardless of the outcome, Vince knew that he had already achieved something significant—he had grown, learned, and forged unbreakable bonds with his friends.

And so, the next chapter of Vince's journey began, with the promise of new adventures, challenges, and the pursuit of uncovering the truth about Vanessa and the enigmatic Alathea Clan.