
Brought to the DeCaDeNcE

Both where born as the definition of misfortune, betrayed by their believes and those the believed in, they cursed their weak self and abandoned everything behind them. So, he saw them, he who had shaped the world to his image gave them the power to shape and build their own world, but contrary to what he wanted, both searched a means to go back to their worlds to enact their revenge and to do that, the needed to climb the separate and isolated worlds and reach the submit, where the door of the origin was. This is the adventure of no longer humans existence, traveling from world to world in search for a means to go back to their world for a selfish purpose.

Poker_mon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

The Banquet (6)

The wind blew on her, and it was impossible to take a proper aim at the horror, no matter what she did, it was impossible to have the final blow, and this frustrated her a lot, if it escaped, it would be impossible to get it's flesh and make an antidote against the red zone curse and poisonous atmosphere, and if that happens, it would take another decades to wait for a red residence to show up, she was tired of this world, she wanted to leave, for her, today was supposed to be the last day.

It is in the middle of despair that her enhanced eyes caught sight of a sparkle in the distance approaching.

She grin, "even if your just a bitch, at least, you're a useful bitch!" Thought Morgan as she refocused, with all the remaining magic power she had, a circle of different colors and runes showed up on the rifle barrel.

Wind spell for stability and control, fire spell fire for maximum detonation, fortification and reinforcement spells on her body to protect her from recoil.

"Good bye White horror" She pulled the trigger, as she felt like time has stopped, the heavy magical bullet spiraled out causing friction on the barrel destroying it, it was enhanced and boosted, even with protective spells casted on her, she still fell the heavy recoil, her body was pushed a meter backed to the sky as the bullet burst out splitting the air into two leaving a ray of red beam.


The sound created was so strong that, the whole town heard it as they looked up to the sky and saw a flying person, some people who where running and evacuating stopped and look up, people around town did not move any longer, but instead directed their gaze towards the sky.

Morgan sense their gazes on her, she didn't mine it, she attracted the attention of the one she needed as she pointed towards, where the bullet left to, immediately she saw the spark intensified, and knew that, the person had understood and was heading there, looking at the sky, she suddenly felled sleepy, she had used to much materialization spells, which exhausted her.

"I am hungry " She complained, it was getting dark as she could clearly see the sun setting, she dangerously approached the ground and went she thought that the impact would come, she was caught midair and hugged.

"Huh?!" Her eyes open up, black fur and animal features resembling that of her worst enemy, the werewolf, her natural predator, but she remembered this presence.


This person used his body to soften the fall, when he released her, she had a view of him and realized that his features had drastically changed, she could only laugh at the irony of the situation, saved by one of her natural enemy.

"is it me or you look more like a Werewolf now?" Said Morgan as she senses her consciousness gradually going, and she closed her eyes.



Crackle crackle Boom! bang!

Tzzz tzzz tzzz...

The the events followed...

The White horror screamed in agony as thunderous strikes where launched at it, it's body broken, it could not move fast enough, and the human was keeping him in check why maintaining a safe distance away from the mist it spread out, the monster was frustrated so it went for it last card.

Its body balloon up and grew rapidly, seeing this, the knight lady immediately jumped back taking a reasonable safe distance, and scream at those in the back, "Take those two away and evacuate this are as fast as possible!" She shouted.

"What about you master!" Asked Hugh, she turn to face the horror turning into a ball of red gas, "don't worry, I would clear the trash and be right behind you guys" She said and launch towards the monster, Hugh nodded and waved his hands, the group behind him started working, the carried Morgan and Nine away as fast as the could, rest taking save distance, even all the power and strength the had, they where of no use, getting in contact with the red gas was game over, but still, their master wasn't different from them, but she was at the Frontline fighting the Horror.

The knight Lady walked upfront glaring at the pumped up Horror, "in the face of despair, all cornered and wounded beast are the most dangerous, if they can survive, they decide to drag their enemy along side their fall is that it?" Said the lady, the monster glared at her and one of his numerous mouths spoke.

"This world and dimensions are errors, we are errors, are existence are errors " Said the monster.

"Isn't that why we have to keep moving forward?" Asked the lady, she held her sword and spoke, "in other to find the reason we were born, we need to move forward " The monster roared at her.

"Lord, hear my prayer, and grant my desire, the power of manifestation " The environment changed as thick fog showed up, the monster shivered.

"Meyon! Te'trah! Glaash!" The monster cast a strong spell as distorted polygon showed up around the lady and soon.


An explosion of red gas swallowing her whole, the monster grin with all his mean, if he could turn this human into a monster, maybe he could escape from this situation or better still hunt down the people in the city and eat them up.

"Hahahahahaha" His ugly laughter sounded through out the night field, everybody looking at him, it was at this moment, the monster soon found out that nobody was screaming nor running, he turn towards the mist, he saw sparks, lightening sparks, this wasn't good, he controlled the gas in other to lock down the person inside, the sparks grew and soon he heard her voice casting a spell.

"Bring down the hammer of your wrath from heaven."


The thunderous sound blew away the gas showing a woman covered in lightening as her body shine like a bulb in the middle of the night, they dark clouds of the nights converge into a spiral and rumbling sounds could be heard, " and pour them through the sea of clouds, HEAVEN STRIKE!"

A giant pillar of thunder shot out from the sky and hit the pumped monster on the spot, the attack brighten up the whole area as if it was daytime, she stared at the monster giving out it's last breath, this was the end, "I shall go and find my purpose " She majestiously turn her back from the dying horror, the emblem of a thunder Avian was shown on the back of her armor, her cape lifted up by the breeze of the cold night.

"Clean up the area and take what is remaining as corpse, do it as fast as possible, we don't have much time " Ordered the Knight lady and walked away, Hugh nodded, seeing her departing figure.

He turn and look at the scene, he swallowed hard, she did not go all out, but just few she had, basically half of the horror was turn to ashes.

Master of the Avian guild of this world, seeker of truth of the world, one who wants to see what lies beyond, Master Hela Grendel.


He walked a dark corridor not knowing where he was, he looked around but nothing special caught his attention, when he look Infront, a star brought hope, he ran towards it and entered it.

Nine jerked up instantly and entered battle mode ready to obliterate all enemies, but he only found out he was standing on a bed, his body covered in bandages and a woman seated on a chair sipping a cup of tea eye closed why waiting for him to go down.

Nine sat back on the bed and look up to the woman, "who are you? Who is she?!" He asked pointing at the girl sleeping on the sofa behind her, "and most importantly, why is this world not normal!" He wanted answer.

"Weren't this world die today?" He asked again, the lady stood waited patiently as she stared at him.

"I would answer all your questions, but I have one you would have to answer no matter what" She said seriously, Nine could feel static in the air, he nodded.

"Good, My names are Hela Grendel, master of the Avian Guild, the girl you pointed is someone brought her too, her world is quite a peculiar one" She said, "her name is Morgan Danvers and she is a what the call a vampire and to recuperate fast she need blood" the woman took a sip of her tea.

"For the world reaching it's end, the truth is, yes and no" Nine tilted his head in confusion, what do you mean?

"Don't listen to that idiot, they world wouldn't be affected by the disappearance of one or two individuals, no, what's is actually shredding this world is the divergence it's facing "

"The world have been segmented into different space, forming a pillar, this separation has shorten the world life span, its deteriorating as we speak, in a month, this world should have crumble taking all its residence with him to the void" She said.

"... What's my purpose?" Asked Nine.

"None, existence like you die at the end of a world in decomposition and are later reborn in another." She said, "you aren't forced to help"

"What about her?" Asked Nine pointing at the sleeping Morgan.

"She has her purpose to go with us to the zone, she has our own mission... From what she told us, you are also planning to go into the zones, so, I am here asking you, Mr Nine, would you like to join my party, such we head together to hell?" Said Hela bowing at him.