
Brothers Promise

The events of the story take place in the land of "Narnia", and 45 years after the execution of the family of Cerberus, a woman and her brother escaped from this massacre, and they are trying to take revenge on the king who killed this rare Family who has the the power of wind in blood

Latef_Chdid · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

We are not to be us

The opulent palace of Queen Melissa in the Kingdom of Six Realms. The grand hall is adorned with exquisite tapestries, chandeliers, and regal furnishings. Queen Melissa, elegant and poised, is seated at a table covered with scrolls and wedding plans. Her trusted advisor, Lady Eliza, stands beside her, assisting with the preparations.

Queen Melissa: (glancing over the plans) Lady Eliza, the day is fast approaching when my son, King Darwin, will marry Queen Zaher of Lastriguan. This union will strengthen the alliance between our kingdoms and ensure prosperity for generations to come. We must ensure that the wedding is a grand affair befitting such an auspicious occasion.

Lady Eliza: (nodding) Indeed, Your Majesty. Queen Zaher's mother, Zulema, has also expressed her desire for a magnificent celebration. She awaits your presence in the Royal Gardens to discuss the final details of the event.

Queen Melissa: Very well, summon Lady Zulema to join me here.

The setting shifts to the Royal Gardens, where Queen Melissa and Lady Eliza are greeted by Queen Zaher's mother, Zulema. Queen Zulema exudes an aura of grace and wisdom, much like her daughter, Queen Zaher.)

Lady Zulema: (smiling warmly) Queen Melissa, it is an honor to be welcomed into your beautiful kingdom. I must say, the preparations for the wedding are truly enchanting.

Queen Melissa: (graciously) Thank you, Queen Zulema. Your presence here elevates the excitement for the forthcoming union. Let us join hands in creating a wedding that will be etched in the annals of history.

Lady Zulema: Agreed. Our children's happiness is paramount, and the unity of our kingdoms is equally important. (She glances around at the gardens) The venue is divine. I can envision the ceremony taking place beneath these blooming roses, symbolizing love and prosperity.

Queen Melissa: (enthusiastically) I couldn't agree more. And with the setting sun painting the sky in hues of gold and crimson, it will be a breathtaking sight. We must ensure there are ample musicians to serenade the couple.

Lady Eliza: Your Majesty, the finest musicians and bards from across the realm have already been invited. They will regale the guests with their melodies, and the festivities will echo through the land.

Lady Zulema: Splendid! And the feast must be a spectacle in itself. My daughter has a fondness for exotic dishes, and it would be delightful to incorporate some of her favorites.

Queen Melissa: Worry not, Queen Zulema. My royal chefs are masters of their craft. They shall curate a feast that tantalizes the taste buds of all present. It shall be a gastronomic journey!

( The three queens continue to discuss the wedding arrangements, each contributing their ideas and expertise to ensure a memorable event.)

Lady Zulema: (thoughtfully) As a symbol of unity, I propose a merging of our traditions during the ceremony. Let the vows be spoken in both our languages, and our respective religious leaders officiating together.

Queen Melissa: (nodding) A beautiful suggestion, Queen Zulema. It will showcase the harmony and understanding between our kingdoms.

Lady Eliza: (interjecting) Your Majesties, the guests from various realms will be arriving soon. The guest accommodations must be prepared appropriately.

Queen Melissa: You are right, Lady Eliza. Let us ensure that every visiting noble and dignitary receives the highest level of hospitality and comfort. We want them to remember this day fondly.

( As the sun sets, casting a warm glow over the gardens, Queen Melissa and Queen Zulema continue to bond over shared stories and dreams for their children's future.)

Lady Zulema: (with a heartfelt smile) Queen Melissa, I am grateful that our children have found love in each other, and this union will bind our kingdoms together for eternity.

Queen Melissa: (placing a hand on Queen Zulema's) The feeling is mutual, Queen Zulema. May this wedding not only be a celebration of love but also a testament to the strength of our alliance.

(The night approaches, and the garden is adorned with fairy lights, creating a magical ambiance. The two queens stand together, surveying the beauty of their combined efforts.)

Queen Melissa: (teary-eyed) It will be a day to remember, Queen Zulema.

Lady Zulema: Indeed, Queen Melissa. Our children's love will shine like the stars and light up the path for the generations to come.

(The two queens share a warm embrace as the palace servants continue to prepare the venue, and the stage is set for the grandest celebration the Six Realms have ever witnessed.)

The next day. the Lady Zaher and King Darwin walked hand in hand through the vast expanse of the king's breathtaking garden. The garden was a testament to the King's love for nature, adorned with vibrant flowers, gently swaying trees, and crystal-clear fountains. Sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting a soft, golden glow on the couple as they strolled along the cobbled path.

Zaher's heart swelled with excitement and anticipation as she spoke animatedly about the upcoming wedding. Her eyes sparkled with joy, and her laughter echoed through the garden like a sweet melody. King Darwin listened intently to her every word, his gaze fixed on her, captivated by her beauty and genuine happiness.

"Darwin, can you believe that our wedding day is almost here?" Zaher exclaimed, her voice filled with exhilaration. "I've dreamt of this moment my whole life, and now it's finally happening!"

King Darwin smiled warmly, "Indeed, my dear Zaher, it is a joyous occasion. I am eager to see you as my queen and the ruler of Lastriguan by my side. Together, we shall forge a strong alliance between our kingdoms."

As they continued their leisurely walk, Zaher noticed the way the King interacted with the gardeners and servants they passed. She couldn't help but feel uneasy as she witnessed a glimpse of his true personality. His tone was condescending, and he barked orders at them, displaying arrogance and an air of entitlement. Nevertheless, Zaher tried to push aside her growing concerns, attributing his behavior to the pressures of his royal duties. She wanted to believe that his love for her would soften his demeanor, but a tiny seed of doubt had taken root in her heart. Zaher observed the King's treatment of his servants becoming increasingly alarming. He reveled in their fear, and Zaher couldn't help but shudder at the sadistic glint in his eyes whenever he inflicted punishment. She concealed her feelings, knowing that any confrontation might end in tragedy.

as they strolled in the garden, the atmosphere shifted dramatically. King Darwin stopped by a small group of servants who had made a minor mistake in maintaining the royal fountain. Zaher's heart pounded in her chest as she saw the rage building within the King.

"Unacceptable!" King Darwin thundered, his voice echoing through the garden. "You will be punished for your incompetence!"

Zaher felt a wave of nausea wash over her as she watched the King's sinister smile. Before her eyes, the King ordered the servants to be subjected to cruel and degrading punishment, all the while relishing their suffering.

Zaher's eyes welled with tears, and her hands trembled with anger and despair. She realized that the man she thought she knew was a facade, concealing a dark and sadistic nature. Her enthusiasm for the wedding began to wane as she questioned whether she could ever be happy with a man who enjoyed the suffering of others.

Later that night Zaher goes to her mother

Lady Zulema: (Seated in the opulent chamber, Queen Zulema looks concerned as her daughter Zaher enters the room with a troubled expression) My dear Zaher, what troubles you? Your countenance tells me something weighs heavily on your heart.

Zaher: (Sighs deeply and takes a seat across from her mother) Mother, I can't bear the thought of marrying King Darwin. He is cruel, sadistic, and revels in the suffering of others. I fear for my happiness and the safety of our kingdom if I am bound to such a man.

Lady Zulema: (softly) Zaher, my beloved daughter, I understand your apprehensions, but you must listen to reason. King Darwin's alliance is crucial for the prosperity and security of Lastriguan. Marrying him will ensure a formidable union between our kingdoms, safeguarding our people from potential threats.

Zaher: (with frustration) But, Mother, how can I marry a man who finds pleasure in causing pain? He treats his servants with disdain and punishes them mercilessly. How can I live with someone who possesses such a dark and violent nature?

Ladyr Zulema: (reaching out to hold Zaher's hands) My dear, you have a heart of compassion and empathy. Perhaps it is you who can help change King Darwin's ways. As his queen, you will hold significant influence over him. Your gentle nature may soften his heart and guide him towards kindness and fairness.

Zaher: (tearfully) I wish I had your unwavering strength, Mother. But I fear I am not strong enough to withstand the cruelty I might witness and endure as his wife.

Lady Zulema: (gently wiping Zaher's tears) You are stronger than you realize, Zaher. It is natural to feel anxious about the unknown, but trust in yourself and your abilities. You have been raised with wisdom and compassion, and I have faith in your ability to face any challenges that come your way.

Zaher: (looking away, her voice wavering) I always dreamed of marrying someone who would cherish and respect me, someone who would be my partner in building a better future for our people. I don't know if I can find that with King Darwin.

Lady Zulema: (compassionately) I understand your desires, my dear, but sometimes life doesn't unfold as we expect. As queens, we are often called upon to make sacrifices for the greater good. Your marriage to King Cedric is not just about personal happiness; it is about securing a stable and powerful alliance for Lastriguan.

Zaher: (holding back her tears) I will try, Mother. For the sake of our kingdom, I will try to be strong and resilient. But I fear I may lose myself in the process.

Lady Zulema: (stroking Zaher's hair) I will always be here to support you, my dear Zaher. You are not alone in this journey. Lean on me and remember that your strength lies in your compassion and integrity.

( as the mother and daughter embrace, their love for each other providing a glimmer of hope in the face of uncertainty. Queen Mother Zulema resolves to be there for Zaher, offering guidance and comfort as she navigates the challenges that lie ahead.)