
Brothers Promise

The events of the story take place in the land of "Narnia", and 45 years after the execution of the family of Cerberus, a woman and her brother escaped from this massacre, and they are trying to take revenge on the king who killed this rare Family who has the the power of wind in blood

Latef_Chdid · Fantasia
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35 Chs

The battle of Memories

The dawn of the next day broke with a sense of anticipation that hung in the air like a shroud, enveloping the castle and its inhabitants in a palpable tension. The sky was painted with hues of pink and gold, a serene backdrop that belied the storm of emotions brewing beneath the surface. This day, etched in history as the Battle of Memories, bore witness to the convergence of destinies and the clash of past and present.

Hero's Haven, a place of both reverence and gravitas, stood as the chosen arena for the impending battle. Its open expanse was a canvas upon which the forces of fate would collide—a stage where the echoes of vengeance and the specter of the past would unfold.

Santes Durben, a figure driven by the searing ache of loss, stood resolute and unwavering. His eyes, ablaze with determination, bore witness to a fire that had been stoked over years of longing for retribution. The name Battle of Memories was a fitting tribute—a testament to the sister whose memory fueled his every step, every swing of his weapon.

Queen Melissa, adorned in regal attire, moved through the crowd with a sense of purpose. Her presence at Hero's Haven was a proclamation of her stake in the proceedings, her gaze unwavering as it settled upon the battlefield where destinies would collide. Her mind raced with schemes and strategies, a symphony of manipulation that she aimed to wield to her advantage.

In the midst of it all, Jhon awoke with a sense of anticipation that mirrored the charged atmosphere. He made his way to Hero's Haven, his steps guided by a resolute conviction to witness the battle unfold. Beside him sat Lady Elsa Legolasa, a figure of strength and resilience—a beacon amidst the storm, a reminder of the bonds that had been forged amidst adversity.

Lord Salvador, flanked by Kingsguard Jaime and the young King Cedric, walked with purpose towards Hero's Haven. Their presence was an embodiment of authority, a symbol of unity and resolve in the face of impending conflict. Lord Salvador's mind was a tapestry of strategy and diplomacy, his thoughts focused on the broader implications of the battle.

And then, the sun climbed higher in the sky, casting its brilliant light upon Hero's Haven. The arena seemed to hold its breath, each blade of grass quivering with the weight of the moment. The air was charged with a heady mix of anticipation, grief, and the echoes of history.

As the combatants stepped onto the field, the clash of steel against steel reverberated through the air—a poignant melody that encapsulated the depth of their emotions and the stakes of their actions. Santes Durben and the Nightreaper, figures locked in a dance of fate, exchanged eyes that held the weight of years.

And amidst the spectators, Jhon sat beside Lady Elsa, their hands linked, a testament to the bonds that had been forged amidst the complexities of their world. Lord Salvador, Queen Melissa, and the young King Cedric watched with a mixture of somber fascination and measured apprehension, their thoughts weaving a complex tapestry of power dynamics and the potential outcomes of the battle.

Before the Battle of Memories commenced, a hushed anticipation settled over the battlefield, an atmosphere thick with tension and reverence. The combatants stood ready, their eyes fixed on the expanse before them, the very ground upon which their fates would unfold.

Amidst the expectant silence, a figure emerged—a robed figure with an air of solemnity that commanded attention. It was Priest Obryn, a venerable figure whose presence conveyed a sense of divine authority. The spectators and combatants alike turned their gaze to the middle of the battlefield, where the priest would announce the pairings that would shape the battle's course.

The air was heavy with anticipation, the crowd's collective breath held in suspension. And then, with a flourish of his robes, Priest Obryn raised his voice, his words carrying over the expanse like a clarion call that silenced even the most restless of whispers.

"In the sight of Gods and men, we gather to ascertain the Battle of Memories," his voice echoed, rich with solemnity, "may the Mother grant her Mercy, may the Father give them such justice as they deserve, and may the Warrior guide the hand of our champion."

The words resonated through the air, their weight sinking into the hearts of those assembled—a prayer, a plea, and a declaration of purpose all at once. The invocation of the gods, their divine names invoked in the name of justice and guidance, cast a sacred aura over the proceedings.

Amidst the crowd's reverent silence, a triumphant blast of a trumpet pierced the air—a resounding call that carried the weight of authority, bringing a temporary stillness to the field. As the trumpet's echo subsided, the priest's words lingered in the air like a whispered promise, a declaration that the battle's outcome would be shaped by forces greater than mere mortal strength.

However, amidst this solemnity, Lord Salvador's gaze shifted. His perceptive eyes caught a glimpse of his son, Jhon, sharing a moment of laughter with Lady Elsa Legolasa. The sight was a stark contrast to the gravity of the battlefield and the priest's proclamation.

As Priest Obryn concluded his solemn proclamation and left the battlefield, a weighty silence settled over the expanse, the remnants of her words lingering like a sacred incantation. Santes Durbin's gaze, intense and unwavering, remained fixed upon the priest's retreating form, a mixture of reverence and resolution etched across his features.

He felt the eyes of the crowd upon him, the weight of their expectations and the gravity of the moment pressing down upon his shoulders. And yet, his thoughts were drawn elsewhere, his mind drifting beyond the earthly realm, towards a presence that had long been absent from his life.

"Today, sister," Santes whispered to the heavens, his voice a quiet oath that carried his deepest emotions, "is today. I will join you and drink wine with Lord Father and The Mother. It's been a long time."

The words hung in the air, a whispered promise that resonated with both sorrow and determination. His sister, lost to him in a tragic turn of fate, was a constant presence in his thoughts, a beacon of love and memory that had sustained him through the darkest of times.

And then, before him, emerged the figure he had long sought—the Nightreaper. Unencumbered by armor or shields, their swords gleamed in the dappled sunlight, each blade a testament to the duel that awaited. Santes Durbin's grip tightened around his own sword, his fingers tracing the familiar contours with a mixture of anticipation and solemnity.

The Nightreaper stood before him, an enigma shrouded in darkness. Their eyes met, a silent exchange that held the weight of history—a history woven with pain, loss, and a longing for justice. The absence of armor and shields spoke volumes—this battle was not about defense, but about the raw essence of conflict, a clash of wills and purpose.

As the sun cast long shadows upon the battlefield, the stage was set for a confrontation that transcended mere physical combat. It was a battle of memories, a culmination of past grievances and the fervent pursuit of closure. Santes Durbin's heart beat with a fierce determination, his mind resolute as he faced the figure who had haunted his thoughts and dreams for so long.

And so, amidst the silence of the onlooking crowd, Santes Durbin and the Nightreaper stood as embodiments of their own destinies—two figures bound by a shared history and a destiny forged in the fires of vengeance and redemption. The clash of swords would be a symphony of steel and will, a dance of blades that would echo through the annals of time, a testament to the unyielding power of memory and the inexorable pull of fate.

The Battle of Memories unfolded upon the sprawling canvas of Hero's Haven, a tableau of steel and sweat beneath the watchful gaze of the sun. The combatants, Santes Durbin and the Nightreaper, engaged in a dance of conflict that seemed to mirror the complex tapestry of their shared history.

Santes Durbin moved with a mixture of precision and fury, his every movement a reflection of the years of anguish and longing that had led him to this moment. His sword sliced through the air with a resolute purpose, each strike an embodiment of his quest for answers and vengeance.

With each clash of swords, the resonance of steel against steel reverberated through the air—a symphony of conflict that echoed the intensity of their emotions. Santes Durbin moved with a relentless determination, his strikes infused with a ferocity born of years of anguish and a thirst for answers.

Amidst the rapid exchange of blows, Santes found an opening—an opportunity to break the rhythm of combat and confront the figure who had been the source of his torment. He stepped back, his breath ragged, his eyes locked onto the enigmatic figure before him—Santes Durbin's voice cut through the chaos, a fervent question that carried the weight of years of pain and longing. "Tell me," he demanded, his voice a raw blend of desperation and resolve, "who gave you the order to take my sister from me?"

The Nightreaper's response was a resolute silence, his focus steadfastly fixed on the battle at hand. The silence was deafening, a testament to the resolve that had driven both combatants to this point. Frustration and anger surged within Santes, a tempest of emotion that mirrored the storm of conflict around them.

For minutes that stretched like eternity, the Nightreaper refused to acknowledge Santes' question, his attention unwavering. And then, a shift occurred—the momentum of battle swayed in an unforeseen direction. Santes' once relentless onslaught began to wane, his strength fading as the tide of conflict turned against him.

The Nightreaper, seizing the advantage, pressed his attack with a newfound vigor. Santes found himself on the defensive, his movements growing sluggish as exhaustion took its toll. The tide had turned, and victory seemed to slip from Santes' grasp.

In a moment of triumph, the Nightreaper taunted Santes, his words laced with cruel derision. "Your sister, a mere pawn in a game beyond her comprehension. Her fate was sealed the moment she crossed paths with me."

Santes' heart burned with a mixture of fury and sorrow, but within him, a spark of determination flared anew. As the Nightreaper reveled in his apparent victory, Santes seized the opportunity to turn the tide once more.

With a surge of skill and finesse, Santes outplayed his adversary with three swift strikes—each precise hit finding its mark upon the Nightreaper's feet, back, and hand. The momentum shifted, and suddenly, it was Santes who stood in the winning position.

Yet the Nightreaper was not so easily defeated. With a cunning maneuver, he sought to exploit Santes' vulnerabilities—playing a game of psychological manipulation that aimed to affect his opponent's mind. Doubt and confusion clouded Santes' thoughts, a momentary distraction that threatened to undo his hard-fought advantage.

But Santes' determination proved unshakeable. With a final surge of will, he pushed through the haze of uncertainty, his sword finding its mark. The Nightreaper's defenses crumbled, his once-imposing figure faltering.

As Santes Durbin found himself on the precipice of victory, a soft, ethereal voice whispered in the corridors of his mind. It was a voice he knew well—a voice that carried the memory of his beloved sister, a voice that echoed with the love and connection they had shared. "You are the best brother ever," the voice murmured, a soothing presence that transcended the chaos of the battlefield.

Santes' focus wavered, his movements becoming sluggish as the tender words tugged at his heartstrings. A tear welled in his eye, a poignant tribute to the emotions that swelled within him. The distraction was all the Nightreaper needed, a swift and decisive counterattack that struck with precision. A blow to Santes' left thigh sent him sprawling to the ground, and a subsequent strike to his forehead drenched his face in blood.

Gasps of shock and disbelief rippled through the crowd as Santes staggered, his body battered and his spirit momentarily shaken. The Nightreaper, seizing the opportunity, took a few steps back, waiting for Santes' reaction, a shadowy figure ready to deliver the final blow.

However, Santes' indomitable will began to rekindle within him. Leaning on his sword, he drew a ragged breath, his gaze fixed upon the Nightreaper who stood across from him, a harbinger of both his torment and his triumph. With a majestic movement, Santes rose to his feet, a testament to his resilience and determination. The onlookers watched in awe as his resolve seemed to ignite a newfound fire within him.

Santes cast his eyes skyward, a silent plea to the powers that be—the very gods who had been invoked earlier in the battle. Rain began to fall, a cleansing downpour that seemed to wash away the blood and sweat of the struggle. The drops mingled with his tears, a symphony of emotion that danced upon his skin.

Turning his gaze back to the Nightreaper, Santes advanced with a renewed intensity. His movements were swift, his attack speed increased as if guided by unseen forces. With a single, decisive strike, he delivered a blow that sent the Nightreaper crashing to the ground. The impact reverberated through the battlefield, a testament to the culmination of Santes' determination and skill.

Santes himself collapsed beside his fallen adversary, his chest heaving with exertion, rain mingling with blood upon his brow. He lay there, gazing upwards at the heavens as raindrops traced rivulets down his cheeks. A soft smile tugged at the corners of his lips, a bittersweet expression that held both triumph and loss.

"Don't cry, sister. I'm coming," he whispered, the words carried away by the wind and rain, a promise that echoed through the skies. In that moment, amidst the rain-soaked battleground, Santes Durbin found solace—an understanding that the Battle of Memories had not only been a quest for vengeance, but a journey towards closure and a poignant tribute to the bond he shared with his sister.

As Santes Durbin lay upon the rain-soaked ground, his breath ragged and his body weary, a sense of peace enveloped him. He closed his eyes, a soft smile gracing his lips as he surrendered to the darkness that beckoned, a darkness that mirrored the clouds that loomed overhead. In the quiet recesses of his mind, memories of his sister danced like distant stars, their light casting a warm glow upon his thoughts.

Around him, the world seemed to fade—the battle, the pain, the questions—all of it receding into the background. In the midst of the tempest, a serene calm settled over Santes, a tranquility that was as gentle as the raindrops that continued to fall upon him.

Amidst the gentle rhythm of the rain, a new melody emerged—the sound of applause. It was a symphony of appreciation, the audience's acknowledgment of the fierce battle that had unfolded before them. The applause washed over Santes like a soothing balm, a chorus of affirmation that resonated with his spirit.

On the horizon, a voice carried on the breeze—a voice that held an air of reverence and solemnity. It was Priest Obryn, her words soaring above the battlefield, a proclamation that bore witness to the valor and sacrifice that had unfolded beneath the gray sky.

And then, amidst the applause and the priest's voice, another figure emerged—a voice that cut through the air with authority. It was Lord Salvador,

 his command echoing like a decree from on high. "Masters, save the winner," his voice boomed, a directive that carried a sense of urgency and purpose.

The battlefield transformed into a tableau of movement—figures rushing forward, tending to Santes Durbin's battered form. Hands reached out, gentle and steady, lifting him from the ground and carrying him away from the rain-soaked battleground.

Santes' smile lingered, a fleeting trace of contentment that lingered upon his lips as he was carried away. The rain continued to fall, a cleansing torrent that seemed to wash away the remnants of conflict and pain. In that moment, as the world shifted around him, Santes Durbin's journey reached a poignant conclusion—a culmination of memory, strength, and the unbreakable bonds that spanned life and beyond.

Sorry for the Bad Writing this Chapter. ( it's fixed now)

Latef_Chdidcreators' thoughts