

Brother is about two detectives, two brothers, and a mysterious and murderous figure coming to terrorize the small town they all inhabit. No one is safe, not even the religious or accepting.

Emica_Dolion · Terror
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chapter 6

Jace and Johnathan were called to an old, abandoned hospice; the crime scene was located on the second floor, the last door on the right, in a long empty hallway. They enter the room and are greeted by the sight of a man on his deathbed. With a grim reaper-like figure behind the bed's headboard, demon and angel-like characters were on top of the headboard. On the right side of the bed was a monk kneeling. On the left side was what you could describe as a priest, altar boy, and nun. In the back were two other women; one a young adult and the other an older woman:

"He's killed eleven people," Jace groans, "He really is quite a special boy."

Johnathan looks, "We're going to be here for a while. Let me text my boys real quick, and I'll be right with you."

Jace puts on some gloves, "Alright." he cautiously gets close, he takes his time carefully examining the crime scene and the area around him. It's only a short time before Johnathan joins him. After they inspect the whole room, they step out looking into the room:

"I've never seen these people; perhaps they are a part of the small group we saw the other day?"

"Possibly, all eleven people are dressed in…" Jonathan thinks

"Middle-aged fashion?"

"Yes, middle-aged fashion. And they were purposely placed to play out some scene."

"Or a picture?"

Johnathan and Jace pull out a pen and notepad and begin writing, "So the first thing that got my attention was the skeleton person behind the headboard." Jace says as he shifts his weight as he stands.

"Only their face was a skeleton, the flesh was removed completely from their face, and the remaining skin is pale. Their eyes were plucked out of their sockets, and it seems they had been starved to death."

"The man dressed as an angel, his wings are like the pastor made from his own flesh and bone. Then you have a guy who is covered in tar to make a demon. "

Johnathan sighs, "Followed by the monk kneeling on the floor with a cross shoved into his forehead."

Jace scratches his chin, "The shirtless man in the bed with a hat? On his head."

Johnathan looks at Jace, "mm, maybe a turban?"

"Yeah, he too looks starved, but he died by being pierced with both an arrow and spear. On the other side of his bed, he has a priest who smashed his head with his bible. And his body is being held up by a posing stand."

"The altar boy? He had one of those incense holders shoved down his throat, also propped up with a similar device."

"The nun was strangled with her own rosary and is also held up with a posing stand," Jace says, shaking his pen; once the ink flows, he continues to write.

"The two women in the back are seated facing each other; the one in a gray dress and white head scarf has her head shoved in a bird cage."

" Yeah, and it also seems like she was picked to death by birds."

"The old woman in front of her is wearing a red shirt, a black skirt, and a white head scarf. She looked like she got lucky and died of natural causes."

"Agreed; lastly, the man propped up at the end of the bed, in the green gown, gray tights with black shoes, and red cap, had his head bashed in on the back of his skull."

"Both the bird and cat were taxidermies; each animal had a price tag and were like five bucks each."

Jace looks at Johnathan, "We should definitely question the seller." Jace takes his phone and snaps a picture; he looks at it, "Definitely feels like it would be a painting."

Johnathan leans in, looking at the picture, "It does, while let's let David and his team do their job."

Jace sighs, "Let's hope we find him soon." they both walk back to the car.