
brother of a jobless reincarnation (up for adoption)

I own nothing... just the OC. new world, new possibilities, Magic, swords. adventures. what can go wrong right? a story about a guy who got reincarnated as the brother of the main character. knowing the future, he decides to take up a sword and change everything he doesn't like.

Idk_wqe2 · Anime e quadrinhos
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39 Chs

Time passes

"faster" was the Only thing Alex said as he dodged an attack from Eris, and rolled on the ground to dodge one from Rudeus.

"don't lose focus! Eris watch your footwork, Rudeus stop strategizing and start taking advantage of openings" commanded Ghislaine, pointing her sword at them.

it has been a year since Alex became a sword saint, he now wore his Excalibur at his waist, able to suppress its power, he decided to have it on him instead of summoning it.

he kept dodging until both Eris and Rudy got tired and stopped the pursuit.

"...your stamina is horrible," he remarks, Rudeus didn't respond and Eris looked pissed, predictably.

"Hey, you can't last long with me either" commented Ghislaine, making Alex raise an eyebrow.

"...Do you know, how wrong that just sounded?" Alex asked, looking over at her

"hmm, meh, give it a few years, you look older than you are anyway" she shrugs, Alex sighs, and decides to make some distance from the three, he had the training to do, now was not the time for this.

he was on his way to becoming a sword king, and if he had to go to the sword sanctum to get the rank he would do it.

though he still had to get used to what bob told him.


"so basically, I will live longer," Said, Alex to which Bob nodded, and both of them remained silent.

"how much longer exactly?" he questioned, fearing the answer.

"...you will live until someone kills you, or you do it yourself" Bob informs him, but Alex is unresponsive.

(so, eternal youth huh... what would Guy not give to have this)

"I know right?" asked Bob, abruptly.

(stop reading my damn mind, these thoughts are for me to know, not you)

with a sigh, he looks back up and stares at the one who put him in this situation.

"What else?" was his next question, wanting to postpone depression later.

"well, since you can cast healing magic wordlessly, you won't need it much, but you can regenerate at a faster rate" he just nodded his head to that, it would be useful in battle if he can't focus on the spell.

"and, there's also something you should know about the holy aura of your sword, it will slowly be absorbed into your mana, and eventually in about three years, give or take, you will be supplying your spells with holy power instead of mana."

(great. just great).

with sight, he stood up, he didn't even know when he sat down and was about to say goodbye when he remembered a question he had for a while.

"does the Man god know I exist?" Bob looked at him for a bit, building tension.

then suddenly let out a smirk "Nope, that pleb doesn't even know you were born since im watching over you, he can't see you, and he can't find out unless I want him to, he won't even know the changes you cause unless one of his apostles notifies him of you, then I won't be able to help" with a Nod to the statement Alex waved goodbye and Bob let him leave.

-end flashback-

(well, this is great, I got internal youth if you ignore the fact that I will outlive everyone I love, my friends, my family, should I even have kids? I dont want to be the one who berries them... here I am, a nine-year-old thinking about having kids)

shaking the thoughts out of his head he starts swinging his wooden sword because that was the only thing he could do. get stronger.


"Hey, you've been down lately, what's up?" asked Rudeus, looking over to Alex who was rummaging through his clothes.

"I need new clothes" Alex answered simply, not looking at him.

"...if you don't tell me I'll get Ghislaine to ask you," Rudeus said in a teasing tone, but Alex ignored it, focusing on the money he had been saving. he really needed new clothes.

his brother's eyes narrowed in concern but decided to not press the question. and went back on making figurines,

while Alex was in thought.

(so that's why I felt my tuki get stronger every week or so, the Holy power was being assimilated into my mana, and the spells as well...)

with a sigh he went to bed winter was coming and there was one year left before the displacement incident.


Ghislaine was watching her student, train, but it felt like something was missing, and she didn't like it.

"Hey Alex, what's wrong" she decided to ask, getting close to a child does that to you, makes you care.

he looked over to her, stopping mid-swing before answering.

"Nothing" and he finished his swing, after that.

she frowns and keeps looking at him, but he doesn't pay attention to her.

"tell me" she was ignored again.

now she might seem calm, but there was a reason why she excelled in sword god style that was focused on attacking.

she didn't have much patience.

so, she dashes towards him and prepares a kick, but to her surprise, he leaned back, avoiding it.

Alex gives her a blank stare "what was that for?" he asked while putting the wooden sword on his shoulder.

"...tell me" he just stared at her and let out a sigh.


she waited for his explanation, it couldn't be that bad right?

"im won't die of old age anymore, I'll live and keep the top of my physical condition until someone kills me" Her eyebrows shot up.


"I'll buy these gloves and this coat," said Alex taking out the required money, and handing it over, the gloves were blue and the coat was white, he already looked like the male version of saber, why not keep the color scheme?

(now what else... blue scarf, perfect)

After finishing shopping he started walking back, he was taller than Eris now, some would question if he and Rudeus were twins now but our excuse was that Alex trained with a sword and he was a magician, so Alex grew up faster from all the heavy physical training.

Ghislaine hasn't bothered him ever since he told her about the problem, why did he tell her? because she was trustworthy, if you told her not to say something she wouldn't even ask why.

it's winter and their birthday was in half a year, he had to start preparing, mainly money, his sword was always with him so that wasn't a problem.

all he had to worry about was where he would end up.