
Brother Dearest

When Timothy's step brother, Damien Vampelt moves in to stay with them for two years, Timothy isn't only displeased with his bad mannerisms and utter disrespect towards his mother, but also the fact that he has to share his room with a condenscending stranger who takes delight in making him feel so little in his own house. He's also irritated to note that Damien's everything he's been running from in order to keep his sexuality a secret. Hot. Tattoed. Sexy. Damien has Timothy's body under a spell the latter couldn't comprehend. But Damien isn't gay. Timothy knows this well enough to indulge his feelings for his step brother. He's also no stranger to the numerous girls Damien parades around the house in order to spite him. Timothy loathed him. Loathed his assholery and unpredictability, for one second Damien was teasing him, and the next flirting. Timothy finds himself falling... deeper and deeper for the boy he'd sworn to hate. And with Damien finally coming to terms with his bisexuality, Timothy's dreams may finally be fufilled after all. Or not. This is a backwards love story.

TwentiesGirl · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

No Homo

On my way up to bed later that night, I couldn't help stopping by Damien's door. Pressing my left ear softly against the wood polished with peppermint oil, I listened closely for any movement on the other side. Flynn and Mom had turned in early for obvious reasons, and Lia had snuck out of the house after dinner to her girlfriend's place to avoid being part of anything that concerned father and son. I had a project to get working on with Giordan, my best friend but decided to leave it until tomorrow. The entire house was silent. It was barely past midnight.

Shuffling my feet quietly as I stared at the KEEP OUT sign my stepbrother had so delicately put up on the door, I couldn't help but wonder if alienating us said lots about how his two-year stay with us would go. Not that I had a problem keeping out of his way, but how do you live without talking to someone — anyone, even your enemy?

Alone in the darkness of my room, I took off my clothes, tossed the sheets down and layed down, looking out the window at the full moon. It was Dad's favourite tradition with us each night when we were younger — Better times when he was human, not an alcoholic monster seeking revenge on his wife for divorcing his sorry arse. Just as I was about nodding off to sleep with a sigh, I noticed the sheets I'd draped on being pulled away from my bosom and a heavy arm slung around my chest. With the speed of lightening, I screamed and jumped out of bed, reaching blindly for the light switch.

The intruder groaned as light flooded the room, sitting up to fix dark, annoyed eyes at me. My mouth formed an 'O' shape. What the heck was he doing here?

"Damien? What the fuck are you doing in my room?" My voice was cautious, the question fading off in a nervous whisper.

In response, his eyes travelled down my chest to my dick which I didn't realize was hardening and exposed right in front of him. Looking down in alarm, I grabbed the sheets from his waist hurriedly and wrapped it around my torso, turning only to see that he was naked too!

"Christ! Don't you have any decency? Where are your clothes?"

"Same thing I should be asking you, fairy," he replied, laid back and cooler than ever. I dunno, but something about his nonchalance both aroused and infuriated me at once.

Tentatively, unintentionally, my eyes were now stuck on his dick for a few seconds too long before travelling up to his torso which was adorned with a ferocious Tiger tattoo. His hair was darker than usual and wet — small rivulets of water fell onto his chest and formed a line down to his balls. When my eyes landed on his face, his expression was pure wickedness. I tried to speak but the words weren't forthcoming and what was more disturbing was that he knew.

Schist! I wasn't being subtle while checking him out at all.

Finally I found my voice, whipped my gaze away and pointed at the door. "Your room's the first one down the corridor, adjacent to the staircase. I'd like you to leave now."

"Aww, common now. You don't have to act like you don't love the view. Seriously, it'll be hard for those fags you whore yourself with to measure up now." he taunted, making no move to get off the bed anytime soon. Deciding to just leave him before my body revealed any more clues, I ignored his jibe, picked up a pillow and headed toward the door.

As I curled my fingers around the knob, his voice stopped me in my tracks. "I don't see anything wrong in us sleeping naked together. Except you've got some hidden motives I'd like to know."

"None whatsoever," I made sure I didn't sound patronising. "But I'd rather sleep naked alone than with you. Sharing the same bed with a hetero is so not cool."

"Oh, so you've finally admitted you're a fag, huh?" his left brow quirked up unaturally. "What a disappointment."

This guy was sick.

"Says the guy who's nowhere near his father in both character and sensibility."

"Don't you dare bring him in this. You have no right to judge or say anything. Just stay out of our lives, and tell your mother to do the same." his gaze was smoky and bitter. I backed off instantly. He wasn't worth the dust.

"Good night, Damien."

It was like a car crash impossible to turn away from. Aside his stinging words, his nakedness had been ingrained in my memory that made it hard for me to sleep the whole night. What's more was the alarming level at which he blared Gunna while the whole house and town were off to la la land. Ew. He even had bad taste in music.

It was finally 5PM when I finally got some shut-eye. But Damien still clogged my head with his evil smirk and sinful endowment.

"One more time," Giordan said, his plea followed by a loud smack as he flipped through his make-up kit. We just got back from school and decided to get a headstart on our joint project, but as usual there were distractions. Damien being one of them with his horrible music. "I see nothing wrong with Gunna though. You know straight boys love those rap shit, even if they don't understand half or all the lyrics at all."

The bed creaked as I plopped on my back, placing both arms behind my head. "I could care less. He shouldn't be disturbing the whole neighborhood with it."

"Well I'm surprised no one's called the police on him yet. He thinks this place is as tolerable as Forks."

I hadn't told Giordan about the exchange between us last week. I could've done better than just walk away when he told me to stay away from his life along with Mom. I couldn've stood up to him and let it be known that no one cherished his shitty arse face and assholery too. But where's the maturity in bantering words with a remanded teen with no plans about his future? The good news about his arrival was the fact that fantasies involving him had begun helping me with my insomnia as I looked forward to relishing the mental image of his dick before I slept each night.

It's been a week since Damien got here, and yesterday I overheard Mom and Flynn discuss about enrolling him in my school tomorrow. Soon enough I'd make the headlines once again since seventh grade where I ran out of stage during a Romeo and Juliet play performance because the girl playing Juliet was fat and ugly and there had a kissing scene for us. Timothy Randall has a jerky stepbrother.

"So you've both not said anything else to each other since the airport incident?" Giordan sounded genuinely intrigued about this guy, it was annoying.

"No. Aside from necessary conversations like doing the dishes or passing the salt while eating, we haven't said anything more to each other."

"He should chill. It's not your fault his Dad choose to get together with your Mother, neither was it her fault either."

"I'm sure Tessa's been feeding him lies about Flynn all these years. Which explains the level of hatred he has for his Dad."

"I like him. It's just like you said, he's hotter than a hottie."

"Give it up, Giordan. He's worse than the devil."

"What do you mean? I said I love the devil. I love the badboy."

"Yes, but he's one badboy you wouldn't want to get friendly with. He hates gay people!" I snapped.

"That's because he hasn't met me, trust me. Okay let's do this, why don't you introduce us to each other."



"No, you'll see him in school."

"Aw, don't be a brat. It's just an ordinary introduction."

Honestly, I very well knew that Damien fitted perfectly into Giordan specs for a partner. He loved dark, brooding, tattooed punk even when they had body odours or weren't exactly good-looking like Damien. All he needed to hear also was that his cock was the biggest I'd seen and I'd never get him out of my house. But he'll meet Damien eventually — not today though.

"Look, he's practically gonna be enrolled tomorrow so you'll see him in school. He might be in a bad mood right now and spit slurs at you. He's that jerky."

Giordan scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Okay fine. I'd quit bugging. What edible thing have you got downstairs?"

"Check out the refrigerator. I think we've got some Chicken Terazzini left from last night."

"Ooh, courtesy of Mommy Dearest right? Give it up, I wouldn't believe you prepared it even if you cry."