
Are You Toying With Me, Junior Brother?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Gao Jianli... Borrowing books with a library card."

Before the young man left the Book Depository, he ended up spending ten merit points to apply for a library card.

The library card was very ordinary-looking. It had his name written on it, as well as the date of registration and the card number.

It was just an ordinary piece of paper that was not worth anything at all.

Every time he recalled that he had paid ten merit points as the deposit for the library card, Gao Jianli would grit his teeth.

If it was not because he had to take the books away, he would never have registered for the library card.

He had already decided that he would go back and finish the books as quickly as possible and copy down the map of Xiling Mountain and other useful information inside, then go back to the Book Depository to return the books immediately so that he could cancel the library card and get his deposit back.

After he placed the library card inside his storage ring, Gao Jianli watched Wu Fulai carefully record the names of the books in a library loan record, then wrote down the borrowing time on a card inside each book's cover page... Well, the operation did seem quite organized.

Wu Fulai handed the two books to Gao Jianli after he was done with the procedures and reminded Gao Jianli, "Brother, please take care of the books and be careful not to damage them. Also, these books must be returned within a month from today, so please remember to return them on time... But if you want to borrow them for longer, you can come back here to extend the duration. "

So much trouble...

Gao Jianli was too impatient to listen anymore. He took the books from Wu Fulai and kept them inside his storage ring. Then, he nodded hurriedly at Wu Fulai, turned around and walked out of the Book Depository.


Gao Jianli's sword flew away from Qing Zhu Peak, turning into a streak of green ray in the sky before falling towards Qing Lian Peak.

Meanwhile, in a certain quiet little cave, Chen Shaojie and Li Xuejiao were sitting next to each other, focusing on their cultivation without paying attention to anything else.

Chen Shaojie was very satisfied with the cultivation speed of x1000.

To describe it in terms of a massage, it was around the intensity of an acupressure massage. The pressure from the spiritual Qi heated up his body slightly. It felt particularly refreshing.

Chen Shaojie had never been someone with a strong sense of self-control. He could not help completely indulging himself in the addictive feeling; he paid no attention to anything else at all.

On the contrary, Li Xuejiao, who was five steps away from Chen Shaojie, was actually a bit distracted after taking the Qi Attracting Pill. She was unable to fully concentrate.

Not only was she suspicious of Chen Shaojie's motive in giving her the Qi Attracting Pill, she was also wondering if Chen Shaojie, who was sitting not far away from her, would take advantage of her concentrating on her cultivation to do something inappropriate.

After hesitating for a long time, she finally could not help herself anymore; she opened her eyes slightly to peek at Chen Shaojie.

To her surprise, she found that Chen Shaojie was actually just sitting there cultivating along with her and was not staring at her like she had imagined.

"Why is he..."

Li Xuejiao was confused and was not sure what to think. She could not help but observe Chen Shaojie a little longer.

After just a few glances, she already felt that the concentrating face of her Junior Brother seemed to have become even more well-defined.

The bridge of his nose was high, his eyebrows were shaped like swords, his eyes were like the starry sky, and his earlocks were neatly trimmed.

His fair face was bright and clean, and his sharp jawline made him look particularly handsome.

The light shining down from the sky fell on the corners of his slightly upturned mouth. His red lips were absolutely beautiful in shape, and they exuded an unparalleled and unique charm.

Li Xuejiao fell into a trance looking at him...

After a while, she came back to her senses and closed her eyes in a hurry, not daring to look anymore.

Her heart was in turmoil. She felt really ashamed of herself for doing something as foolish as secretly taking a peek at a man. If someone were to find out... or if he were to find out, she would be so ashamed that she would not dare to show her face ever again.

It took a long time for Li Xuejiao to calm back down and concentrate on her cultivation again.

She did not dare to let her mind wander anymore. She kept reminding herself that the Qi Attracting Pill was extremely valuable. 10 hours would pass in the blink of an eye, so she could not waste this ideal period for cultivation by getting distracted.

If Chen Shaojie knew that Li Xuejiao had distracting thoughts in her mind, he would certainly be happy to counsel her and let her voice out, or even act out, these distracting thoughts so that she could clear her mind.

Unfortunately, Chen Shaojie simply did not have any attention to spare. He was completely immersed in his own cultivation.

There was no concept of time in cultivation. Chen Shaojie was fully focused on absorbing spiritual Qi and refining his body, completely unaware of the passage of time.


...he suddenly found his cultivation speed plummeting.

To be more descriptive, it was as if he was originally enjoying a powerful acupressure massage, but for some reason, the masseuse suddenly changed from a first-class technician to an amateur. The force their fingers exerted was not at the same level at all. The sudden drop in quality was truly unpleasant.

Chen Shaojie withdrew from the state of cultivation and opened his eyes.

He found that Li Xuejiao had also stopped.

The two of them opened their eyes almost simultaneously, and their gazes met.

For some reason, Li Xuejiao blushed slightly and immediately turned her eyes away.

What bad things did you do... Chen Shaojie asked, "What's wrong, Senior Sister? Why did you stop cultivating?"

"The effect of the Qi Attracting Pill has ended," replied Li Xuejiao.

"Oh, so it's already been ten hours..."

Chen Shaojie looked out of the cave. Indeed, the sky had become much darker.

The effect of the Qi Attracting Pill was great, but unfortunately it could only last for ten hours.

Ten hours was not a short period of time, but it was not that long either. It really did feel like it had passed in the blink of an eye.

Chen Shaojie pondered for a moment before he asked, "How's the result of your cultivation, Sister?"

Li Xuejiao nodded and said emotionally, "It's really good. It usually take a month for me to make as much progress in my cultivation as I have in the last ten hours."

"That's great."

Chen Shaojie blinked a few times. He actually did not agree with Li Xuejiao's words.

He had always been basking in Li Xuejiao's glow to cultivate, so he was well aware of Li Xuejiao's cultivation speed.

He felt that the effect of the Qi Attracting Pill was worth at least two months of cultivation.

At least it was so for him.

After a slight pause, Chen Shaojie asked, "It's still early, Senior Sister. Do you still want to cultivate?"

Li Xuejiao thought about it and shook her head, "The effect of the Qi Attracting Pill has already ended, so there's no need for us to cultivate here anymore."

No, Senior Sister, don't go, I can't bear to leave you...

Chen Shaojie rubbed his nose and suddenly reached into his pants pocket. He grabbed something and offered it to Li Xuejiao. "I actually still have another Qi Attracting Pill, Sister Li. Why don't we keep cultivating?"

Li Xuejiao was really astonished to see Chen Shaojie take out another Qi Attracting Pill. "You... How come you have another one?"

Chen Shaojie nodded. "Actually, after Master Qing Zhu gave me a Qi Attracting Pill, I sincerely pleaded with him to give me another one, and he agreed. I just never mentioned it before."


Li Xuejiao stared at Chen Shaojie for a while before asking, "Are you toying with me, Junior Brother?"

I rarely play out in the wilderness, Senior Sister...

Chen Shaojie put on a righteous face. "Do you still not see how sincerely I'm treating you, Senior Sister?"


Chen Shaojie's questioning rendered Li Xuejiao speechless.

He gave her two Qi Attracting Pills in a row. This gift...felt really heavy.

Li Xuejiao looked at the Qi Attracting Pill and tried to hold back her desire as she persuaded Chen Shaojie, "Junior Brother, you should...keep this pill for yourself. One is...enough for me."

So she had a conscience...

Chen Shaojie shook his head and urged, "Say no more, Senior Sister. Hurry up and take this Qi Attracting Pill. Let's go back to cultivating."

Li Xuejiao looked at the Qi Attracting Pill and then looked at Chen Shaojie. She could not help but sigh in her heart, "He's a fool..."

In the end, she did not say anything else and took the Qi Attracting Pill from Chen Shaojie.