
Brothel owner rules the kingdom

In the historical world of ancient China another power lived with humans, which they were completely unaware of, they were spirits. As a test they were sent to earth and there they take control of human body and suffer tribulations in their place. But the host for its body should surrender it willingly and also that person could ask anything to the same spirit. Though the human will die, it becomes duty of spirit to continue the owner wishes. Lee Su Mi stood at the impasse with the same spirit " my body is young, beautiful, without any sickness and virgin, do you expect me to hand it over with just one wish. I want three, if you are willing my body will be yours". Spirit became curious with this bold woman who was selling her virginity and not hesitant to demand more. To appease her interest and curiousity the spirit started its journey as Lee Su Mi, a young girl sold to the brothel and her wishes were "revenge against King and evil prime minister who destroyed her whole family, killing her parents and taking her new born brother captive. But they didn't stop at that. They sold the girl to a brothel and now for the protection of her younger brother and last to salvage her body from the beasts at the brothel. She wanted the spirit to give her justice and rightful position to her brother while salvaging her body from getting ruined". Accepting the challenge, now the new Lee Su Mi entered the same brothel but she will not sell her body there. Though she will ravage this kingdom to the same ashes that the original Su Mi was burning on. Smiling she said , "no problem I will own this brothel and no one would dare to take it from me". But why is the crippled Prince Lee Jong Hyun want to buy her and keep her in his black palace. No I will not go there. But how did I myself go there every night. What compelling power this man has. Why can't she control his mind and he is controlling her body with all that pleasure. Why being human has so many tribulations and what she as future Brothel owner has to do to take the revenge on highest authority of this kingdom and corrupt prime minister. Art work belong to the original creator...It does not belong to me

Notorious_doc · História
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs


Next morning Dong Mu left quickly, his mind was still in confusion about how could he accept the plan so easily. Yes, this plan suited him well but what was unbelievable was how easily he got convinced.

He called for his personal guard Mu Jin who stood outside bowing his head "keep an eye on her every movement" bowing his head he quickly left. Since he was seven he served crown prince first as playmate later his personal guard but behind everything else he had other relationship with him. This was the first time he saw Crown Prince leaving the woman alive after spending the night with her.

After Su Mi was left alone, Na-bi quickly arranged her bath and as she got ready. Old lady Gong and Na-bi waited for her as she got out. She was so eye catching getting out of the bath that both Na-bi and old lady Gong gasped.

Na-bi quickly helped her get dry and helped her in her hanbok. While sitting in front of the mirror old lady Gong served her the tea and Na-bi made her decent daenggi meori [1] hairstyle tied with a red ribbon on the end. Though this was very simple style worn by unmarried girls but this gave her more youthful appearance and more than that it hid her identity as the woman working in the brothel.

While Su Mi drank her tea she asked " what is the best way to earn money in your country". Old lady Gong looked confused by the weirdness of the question and Su Mi calling the country your.

Old lady Gong ignored the word and replied " my lady in our country we have all type of work men work in fields, some act as slave, some are shopkeeper and if I name it all we will spend all day in this room".

Su Mi looked impatient and Na-bi understood that so, after some thinking she replied " earning money may be easy work for men atleast by lifting weight they could get one or two copper but we women are not considered right gender to work out and as lower class we can only sew for rich lady and act as maid or either serve men like we do in this brothel my lady".

Su Mi smiled " I am impressed Na-bi that you atleast understood the gist of what I am asking". She turned to old lady Gong " go check the gift left by crown prince and bring it here".

Bowing old lady Gong left and did the same, when the gifts were arranged on the bed Su Mi checked the silver hair pin beautifully crafted, a pearl necklace, a gold carved ring with huge red stone on the center and some silk clothes with many pair of shoes along with a pouch of coins.

" sell everything except the hair pin and bring my things that I brought from my house and in a while arrange for a carriage. Arrange it to be medium quality used by commoner" said

Su Mi which shocked both the old and young women. But the look on her face made them keep quiet. After Su Mi gave few coins to old lady Gong she quickly left.

Finding herself alone with Na-bi she said " I like your intelligence and I know you care for your sister Lin Hua but before we start talking more I want to clear the situation here. I want your complete loyalty can you give me that".

[1] --> This is the simple single braid hairstyle with a long ribbon at the end. If you watch kdrama check Mr Sunshine Ae-sin hairstyle she wears the one I am describing.