
Start of a new life

In the upper orbit around Phobos (mars first moon) a small white dot appeared. The dot seems to be a space pod of some kind the outside is fully white with one small circle shaped widow in the front. Inside the pod there is a single large chair with what seems to be a baby that can't be more then 5 moths old. The baby has tan light brown skin with spiky black hair and a long brown tail that is coming outside of his tail bone. The baby also seems to be wearing set of armour that is grey in the torso and pale yellow in center along the shoulders and the thighs. ( here's the pic https://dragonballuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Broly)

The baby starts to stir in and wake up from his sleep. The baby began to look around and with a confused look on his face. He stared to make some noises but there no way to know what it means. "So i'm not able to talk yet" thought the baby as he was trying figure out where he is. " young lord Broly we are currently in upper orbit of Phobos which is one of the moons of the plant you know as mars" said a voice as a tall blue man with long white hair appeared in front of Broly. "Whis are you the A.I wised for ?"asked Broly. "Yes that is correct lord Broly" said the newly identified Whis.

"So that wasn't a dream i am relay in the dc universe wait how are you able to hear me ?" thought Broly. "I am able to communicate with you with only a thought" said Whis. "So you are able to read my mind ? i'am not sure how i feel about that" thought Broly. "Do not worry young lord you are able stop me from reading your thoughts if wise to" replied Whis. "That's good to hear but why are we in space?" asked Broly. "One of your wises was to have a backstory similar to superman so we curtly on our way earth from your home plant of Vegeta which was destroyed by it's sun turning into a black hole killing all know saiyans in the universe expect for because your father sent you off the plant in the in last spaceship" replied Whis

"Oh wait does that mean that all those people where killed because of me?" Asked Broly. "No young master they did not relay exist this just a memory that the god created and in planted into the minds of the people in the universe" replied Whis. "That good to hear then how long will it take for as to reach earth from here" asked Broly. "It will take as one year to reach earth at are current speed young master". " oh why so long and is there anything to do while we here" asked Broly. " It will take some time because god thought it best for you train to control your power and other train there is not much else for you to do now" replied Whis. "I understand but how are we going to train in these small space and what my power level right now" aked Broly. " That is simple i am going to show you how use mediation to control your powers and your power level is 10,468 is growing a good rate for you".