
Chapter one: Mess up

Mirabelle walked into the company, all dressed up and ready for work. As her friend had insisted, she was dressed in a black mini skirt that was zipped up at the left side with six golden buttons, three at each side, a brightly colored T-shirt leaving several button undone and black heels to match. For her hair, her friend had did a wonderful job styling them into curls that she carefully packed into a messy bun leaving several strands dangling in the air without any care. Her makeup was meant to draw attention to the eye and lips because of the eye liner and thick red lipstick which again her friend had apply for her. Basically her friend did everything to make her breathtaking.

With the way she was dressed, one would have thought she was on a mission to seduce all her co-workers, and truth be told, as she walked through the hallway leading to the receptionist, she couldn't help but feel all the stares from everyone.

She smiled knowingly, the men were ogling at her literally undressing her with their eyes will the women kept staring daggers at her.

'Good morning ma'am. I'm Mirabelle Williams.' She smiled at the obviously annoyed receptionist.

'Take this.' She handed her the tag. 'Your office is on the tenth floor, the door by your right.'

'Thank you.' She smiled heading for the elevator several pairs of eyes staring at her.

She entered the elevator with a couple of people.

Quick introduction, her name was Mirabelle Williams. 22 years of age and the only child of her parents who were one of the richest family in the world.

Her family was rich so why would she want to work right? Well that was where the problem was.

Her parents particularly her father had always wanted a male child that could succeed the family business. But as God would have it she was born a girl. He didn't conceal his disgust at her being a girl. He would always tell her to her face that she was a disappointment. At first she would pcry about it asking her mum what she had done to deserve that treatment. Her mum would always console her to stop crying.

No more crying. She told herself. She too could be independent, she too could run a company, what better way was there to prove it than to work hard and make a living on her own?

She smiled adjusting her skirt. She was here to work and that's what she would do.

The elevator bings and she step out together with the rest of her colleagues. She took a deep satisfying breath.

'Success here I come.' She smiled spreading her arms out on both sides of her body.

She walked through the hallway when confusion struck her. There were two doors, one by the right and the other by the left. She scratched her hair trying to remember which door to enter. How could she have forgotten the few words of a annoying receptionist?

She strug 'whats the worst that could happen' she asked herself. Turning the left door nod.

The moment she entered the room her world crumbled knowing that her days as working as a secretary was over even before it began.

It was like watching porn happen in real life. Everything was so intense. Dangling boobs, sweet sweats, moans, slaps, pussy, dicks, and all the jerking and grunts.

Time stood still for her as she watches the scene unfold. A woman on all fours with a blindfold and cuffs and a man half naked slamming into her like his life and soul depended on it. Both totally oblivious of what or who was watching them.

A voice inside of her was screaming at her telling her to quickly and quietly close the door but it was already too late, she was frozen to the ground yet she felt heat spread through her body, her underwear becoming wet.

The man stops his jerky movement as if realizing that they were not the only ones in the room. His head whipped towards her. 'What the...' He didn't complete his sentence before he removed himself from the woman her body slumming to the ground.

Mirabelle immediately turn at the sight of his member which stood tall and proud between the man's legs. Her cheeks heating up with the way he stared at her. She could have sworn she was red like a tomato.

She bowed to a ninety degree, 'I'm so sorry for disturbing you.' She apologized before she darted out of the room.

God Mirabelle you messed up real bad this time. Let's just hope the people in there are just losers or you're doomed. She thought to herself.

Bella waited a few minutes just staring at the right door. Trying her best to steady her racing heart by tapping her chest continuously.

She walked into the right door and was relieved to see that it was just a lady sitting at her table typing furiously at her computer.

Seriously! What was wrong with everyone in here? First, a make out session and now a angry nerd lady torturing her computer. This day couldn't get any worst she thought as she walked towards the woman.

'Good morning ma'am.' She smiled at the woman not bothering to introduce herself since they had met before.

Miranda eyes her from head to toe with a disgusted look before gesturing towards the table beside her own.

'That's your desk over there, you can start by familiarizing yourself about the company. Read all those files before lunch break, your work starts immediately.' Miranda instructed her before continuing her torturing.

Bella sat at her table doing as she was told totally forgetting about all the events that happened earlier.

'Good morning sir.' She heard Miranda greeting someone. Her attention left the file she was reading.

Her heart jumped into her mouth and she turned pale at the sight in front of her. Shit!