
Broken Mate

Tessa found her world turned upside down when the mysterious white-haired Omega showed up in her home. With him bringing her her first experience of love, also came trouble and war. She found her life had been built on lies and secret. Her heart shattered and her world came crashing down when she believed her lover was murdered. She thought it was the end of her, not realizing it was the beginning of many heartbreaks, battles, secrets being unearthed, masks being broken and war being unleashed. Will her love prevail and bring peace or will it bring war and the destruction of the werewolf world. Let's find out!

Jp_foresight · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
61 Chs

Tessa vs Vee

Standing under the moonlight like a statue, Tessa's blank eyes were fixed on Vee's angered and hateful ones. They hadn't gone too far from where they left Silas when they ran into Vee and her army who were also headed their way. As soon as they ran into each other, their wolves didn't wait for orders before attacking each other, leaving their leaders to their death stares.

As the moon cast its eerie glow through the dense canopy of the forest, Tessa and Vee, both in their human forms, faced off amidst the shadows and tangled underbrush. The air crackled with tension as they moved closer to each other, Vee's eyes gleaming with primal intensity. "It doesn't have to be like this Vee" Tessa called out.

"It didn't have to be....but you made it this way" Vee replied with pure anger and disdain in her eyes.

"Come on Vee, you understand more than anyone what I've been through...the losses"

"Exactly! I understand, and you experienced just how painful of an experience it was for you.....which is why I don't understand how you can make someone you once called your bestfriend to experience such pain too. When you're supposed to be protecting me from it cause you know how wrecking it is...but you ended up being the cause of it. There's no justification for what you did Tessa. You've always cared about yourself only, everything rotates around you.....I guess I was just too blind and too focused on trying to be a better friend for me to see it" She stated, bringing out her claws.

"If we should fight, it won't end well for either of us. You know that" Tessa pointed out, ignoring the loud and bloody battle going on between their wolves.

"Speak for yourself. We are not of equal strength.." She paused as her eyes began glowing red. "Not anymore"

Taken aback by her Alpha eyes, Tessa immediately realized she was going to be trouble. And also it was now clear to her that her bestfriend had sided fully with her sworn enemy, Alpha Maynard. "I guess there's no other way" She muttered to herself, bringing out her claws also, eyes glowing yellow.

Tessa lunged forward, her movements fluid yet fierce, aiming a swift punch towards Vee's chest. Vee, however, anticipated the attack, effortlessly sidestepping and countering with a powerful kick that sent Tessa staggering backward into the gnarled roots of a towering oak. She swiftly stood back up just in time to block Vee's punch as Vee dashed toward her.

Arms up, blocking Vee's continuous punches, Tessa aimed for an opening to counter strike and she saw found one. Within a split second, she did a split, dropping down to the floor and immediately followed with her claws, clawing Vee's stomach and drawing blood. Vee staggered backward, dodging her second hand that was aiming to claw her more.

With an acrobatic spin, Tessa leapt off the ground, spinning kicks at Vee whilst supporting herself with her hands firmly on the floor. Vee blocked her kicks, losing her footing for a brief moment. Tessa took that as an advantage. She immediately grabbed Vee's arms, pulled her to herself and landed a fierce punch to her cheek that sent her to her Knees and then immediately followed with a roundabout kick to her head, sending Vee rolling on the hard Earth.

Vee pulled herself up to her knees with her back to Tessa, spitting out the blood in her mouth. She heard Tessa approaching quickly but decided to act as though she wasn't aware. Immediately Tessa got to where she was, hoping to attack more, Vee turned swiftly, kicked both her legs back causing Tessa to want to faceplant on the ground but Vee immediately followed with a fierce uppercut that sent Tessa flying backwards, landing on her back on the ground.

With a growl, Tessa stood up, regaining her footing and launching herself back into the fray with renewed determination. Her fists blurred as she unleashed a barrage of strikes, each one fueled by a primal instinct to survive. But Vee, being an Alpha now was faster than her, she deftly evaded her blows, dancing around her with calculated grace.

Suddenly, Vee seized the opportunity, closing the distance between them in a blur of motion. With a thunderous impact, she slammed Tessa against a nearby tree, the wood groaning in protest as the force of the collision reverberated through the night. Tessa gritted her teeth against the searing pain, her senses reeling from the onslaught. But before she could recover, Vee pressed her advantage, unleashing a flurry of bone-crushing blows that echoed through the silent forest.

Each strike felt like a hammer blow, shattering Tessa's defenses and driving her deeper into the darkness. She fought with every ounce of strength she possessed, but against Vee's relentless assault, it was as if she was trying to hold back the tide with her bare hands. After taking hits after hits, Tessa forced herself toward the tree whilst still being on the ground. She marched the tree forcefully, using it to send herself away from under Vee's assault.

Supporting herself with her hands, she did a backflip, pushing herself off the floor and to her feet. She looked up at Vee who was staring at her with more anger in her eyes. She had no hint of remorse in her eyes. Tessa felt her strength waning from the bone crushing attacks she sustained. She held her weak arm that received all the attacks as she used it to block. She began breathing heavily.

Without giving her a chance to recover, Vee sprinted toward her, her red eyes glowing brighter under the full moon that positioned in the sky like a silver coin. Tessa braced herself, anticipating Vee's claws that were tearing through the air to her direction. With the claw aiming for her face, she immediately leaned back, seeing the claws cut through air, missing her face by an inch. She immediately regained her composure and landed a punch on Vee's face but it lacked the force due to her weakend hands.

She threw another punch but Vee was fast enough to catch her fist, grabbed her arm tightly and hurled her against the tree again with so much impact Tessa felt the Earth spinning underneath her for a second. She landed on the ground, coughing out blood. Tessa looked over at her friend and saw her sprinting toward her once again and she forced herself up to her feet to try and defend her attack.

But Vee, a predator born from hate and anger, her claws flashing like shards of moonlight as she closed in for the kill. With a snarl of triumph, she hit Tessa's weak blocking arms away and seized Tessa by the throat, hurling her through the air with a strength born of ancient rage. Tessa crashed against the gnarled trunk of a towering oak, the wood groaning in protest as her body rebounded from the impact. Stars exploded behind her eyes as pain lanced through her skull, her vision swimming in a sea of shadows and agony.

Not sparing her, Vee closed the distance between them, grabbed her from the floor and threw her again against the tree she threw her from before. Slamming against the tree forcefully, Tessa felt a bone break from her rib. She cried out in pain, landing on the rough Earth and barely able to stand up. She managed to get to her knees just before she felt a set of sharp claws buried into her sides.

She growled in pain, tears dropping from her eyes as Vee used her claws buried inside her to raise her up to her feet. She pulled out her claws, grabbed Tessa's neck and slammed her against the tree forcefully once more before sending her to the ground. Rolling to a stop on the ground, Tessa immediately saw Vee standing above her. Vee kicked her head hard, drawing blood from the impact.

Vee knelt down with Tessa between her knees. She pinned her to the ground and began pounding her already bruised face with punch after punch. "V...Vee" Tessa cried, tears running down the sides of her eyes. Vee paid no attention to her pleading eyes, she was consumed with rage and hate. She let go off Tessa's neck and began using both her fists on her, landing punches on her bloodied face. "Ve...Vee....pl...ease" Tessa cried, pleading weakly but to no avail.

Tessa couldn't believe she was at the mercy of her once bestfriend. In that moment she didn't recognize the girl beating her with the aim of ending her life. Her eyes weren't that of the warm, happy and loving Vee she once knew. All she saw was hate, anger, rage and murder. She raised up her hand Slowly to try and stop her but Vee caught her and twisted four of her fingers simultaneously, breaking them. Tessa screamed out in pain.

Vee felt the presence of someone appear beside her. She stopped her assault and looked up to see Damien standing there with an emotionless gaze. He said nothing but dropped the stake he was holding next to Vee. Seeing this, Vee took the stake and brought her attention back to Tessa. "Vee....Ve...Vee...please" Tessa cried weakly, her eyes housing fear.

Paying no attention to her cries and pleading, Vee gripped the stake tighter, raising it up to plunge it into her heart when Damien grabbed her by her jacket and pulled her away from Tessa swiftly just as a stake pegged on the floor between them and Tessa. Vee realized the stake was aimed at her and Damien saved her life.

They looked up towards the location from where the stake came from and saw Silas racing toward them. Within seconds he got to where Tessa was lying helplessly on the floor, bruised and battered. "Tessa" He called with a shocked look. He crouched next to her, examining her. Seeing the damage done to her, his anger quickly filled up, turning into rage. His eyes glowing as he stood up to face Vee and Damien.

Seeing his little sister in that state was the last sight he ever wanted to see. Seeing how beaten and broken she was, snapped something in him. He had never gone into rage before with how levelheaded and cool he was, expertly controling his emotions. But seeing the suffering state of his little sister he had sworn to protect and coupled with the full moon, he gave up control, letting himself go into bloodrage.

He growled at them angrily, his claws coming out. Damien and Vee took a fighting stance, preparing to take him on. Vee knew they had the advantage with the fight being two against one. Plus from what she knew, Damien was a menace, a force to be reckoned with. She thought Damien alone could probably take Silas and come out ontop easily, so with them both fighting him, it would be a walk in the park.

"Perfect timing. I'll end your brother you hold dear to make you feel the pain I'm feeling all over again before ending your life" Vee called out to Tessa who was coughing out blood. Hearing that threat from Vee, Silas immediately dashed at them both, aiming to take them at once and end the threat against his sister's life.

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