
Broken Mate

Tessa found her world turned upside down when the mysterious white-haired Omega showed up in her home. With him bringing her her first experience of love, also came trouble and war. She found her life had been built on lies and secret. Her heart shattered and her world came crashing down when she believed her lover was murdered. She thought it was the end of her, not realizing it was the beginning of many heartbreaks, battles, secrets being unearthed, masks being broken and war being unleashed. Will her love prevail and bring peace or will it bring war and the destruction of the werewolf world. Let's find out!

Jp_foresight · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
61 Chs

Phase Two

Alpha Maynard stood addressing the pack. After the intrusion of the Black Lotus during their last gathering, he had to call a new meeting, but this time about himself and not Tessa, about the new development of the pack. He had an announcement to make and with how everything was playing out, he knew he had no time to waste anymore.

The whole pack stared at him quietly and still in surprise. They've been listening intently to what he had to say. A new wave of change was happening and it was happening too fast for them.

Alpha Maynard continued "You all saw how our last meeting ended. Although some of you might still be feeling startled by the bombshell of a news dropped on you all but....this isn't the time to be surprised or confused. We are at war and if we are going to survive, we have to act first...."

"But we don't have an Alpha!" One of the pack members called out and the others agreed

"Our only hope and heir is now with the traitors" Another added

Alpha Maynard exchanges with Derek who was among the crowd. He smiled and then shifted his attention to the others once more. "She wasn't our only hope. Considering we don't have an heir, as the right hand Beta of the pack, I am to be new Alpha and....I AM! The new Alpha" He announced and then took their reaction into account.

They reacted just as he had predicted. Confused but accepting. He knew no one would dare object. He was their only option and they knew it. "I guess no one has a problem with that..." He paused and when no one objected, he bobbed his head and smiled. "Good. Now down to business. We are at war like I said and do not be afraid 'cause I will lead you all through this and I promise you we are going to survive and come out victorious. Now I need you to carry out my orders diligently without question or delay. First things first, I want all borders leading into this town and our territory secured. My son Derek will be in charge of that. Not even a fly should go out and in without my permission. Enemies or allies, I want it reported to me before letting them in" He ordered with a stern tone.

"Secondly...I want you all healthy Betas who are able to fight to get ready. Like I said there's no more waiting around. We have to strike first. So get ready we are going to war" He concluded, ignoring their whispers.


"Calm down Vee. Your pacing is making me edgy" Nate pointed out, tryiing to calm the worried Vee down. She's been acting like that since she returned from the pack meeting. Nate understood why she was acting like that but he knew she had to be able to think clearly to make her next move the right one.

"Calm down? I'm sorry weren't you in the same room as the rest of us when my bestfriend got taken away by our enemies? Or you didn't hear the part about how she isn't from our pack? Or is it how Beta Maynard has taken over the pack? Which one wasn't clear to you???" She blurted out

"I understand things are a big mess right now but you still have to calm down to figure out what to do next..."

"Isn't is obvious and simple what I'm going to do next?" She gave him a questioning look. "I'm going to get Tessa back. That's the most important thing right now. I have to find her get her back"

"That's risky, very very risky. The Black Lotus has her. Do you think they'll just hand her over to you? And that's even if you are able to track them down" He stated

"I have to try" She shrugged with a determined look.

"And what about your new Alpha?"

"I don't know about that yet. Exposing him to the pack for what he is will be hard...and even if I manage to, the pack might not do anything about it. They see him as the only option right now" She explained.

"That is true" Nate agreed

"First things first, I have to go find Tessa"


Staring out the window, Cassie had her phone against her ear, listening intently to what her father was saying on the other end of the call. "Yeah, you were right after all. He's crowned himself the new Alpha of the pack and I don't think any of the pack members are going to stand against him seeing as no one opposed him" Cassie reported

"Well then the opportunity is slowly presenting itself. Any other new update?" Alpha Damon asked

"Not much else. He's tightening the security around the borders. And he's getting ready for war" She replied

"Yeah I wouldn't expect anything less. With the girl being gone, nothing is holding him back. Who would have guess she was from the enemy's clan?! With how ambitious he is, I wouldn't be surprised if he was planning to attack other packs. So I need you to keep your ears and eyes open. And tell your brother to call me, I haven't heard from him"

"I will" With that she ended the call just before she heard a knock on her door and then it clicked open with Nate walking in. "There you are. Where the hell have you been? I just got off the phone with father and he wants you to call him" She reported.

"I will" He replied, sitting on the bed.

"You have to get your head straight asshat. This isn't the time to be letting your emotions drive your actions. This is the opportunity we've been looking for, the opportunity to prove how worthy and competent we are to father" She pointed out with excitement in her voice.

"I don't feel like proving anything to him. I don't have a reason to. You've always been the one obsessed with becoming the next Alpha. I am not...and I don't think I will be able to join you in carrying out this spy project of his" Nate replied

"All because of a girl??? Look around you, everything is in chaos. Everyone is fighting for their pack. We have to do the same"

"Everyone fighting for themselves might just be the reason we lose this war. How are we going to survive if we can't even unite against our common enemy. You should think about that too" He argued, standing up to his feet. "I have to go for a walk" He concluded and walked away.


"So what's the plan now? Now that you have what you've always wanted, are you going to agree to the merger with the other packs? We have to get Tessa back" Derek questioned, arms folded and eyes fixed on his father who was busying moving around his office and looking for God knows what.

"Nonsense. I haven't gotten what I have always wanted and I'm not agreeing to any merger right now. Tessa is not the priority right now, not with what we are about to do" He replied, still focused on what he was searching for.

"And what are we about to do?" Derek asked curiously.

"Expand our pack....we are going for the weakest Alpha and pack first. Alpha Ammon"

"You can't be serious? You're going to attack our ally? That's absurd. Don't forget you'll be risking the lives of our pack members too. And that isn't good with the main war fast approaching" Derek argued, strongly against the plan.

"Here you are" Alpha Maynard smiled, bringing out a bunch of keys and holding it up. He looked over at his son with smile. "Don't worry, we won't be risking the lives of our men. Not when we have alternative"


Twisting the key in the lock, it made a clang sound that echoed. Alpha Maynard pulled the now unlocked door opened and then stepped into the dark cell. "Well well. It's been a while. It's your lucky day...the day we've been waiting for is finally here. I have freed the rest of your people and they are out, waiting for us to join them" Alpha Maynard explained.

His eyes were fixed on his most priced possession. He had waited for this day for years and was excited to unleash is acquired power on the rest of the werewolf world. He kept staring down at him with a smirk.

He brought out the keys to chains he was about to unlock. "It's time to repay me for my mercy and kindness, for sparing your life that night at the cliff...." He paused and bent down close to him, pulling his hand and inserting the key into the cuffs of the chain. "You're ready to fight for me, aren't you? Damien" He smiled, with Damien now staring at him.

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