

7aesthetic · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

10 scars

Jeongguk's POV

Jimin looked so peaceful sleeping in the nights blue light. I watched him awhile, only to notice something horrifying. The bracelets and silly bands lowered on his arm, revealing some gruesome looking cuts at his wrist.

There's no way this could have been an accident. Jimin is a... cutter. Realizing this pained me. I sat there in shock for several minutes. It made me realize how little I actually know about the guy. He refused to bring up anything from his personal life. It seemed a bit odd at first but I now understand he had his reasons for doing so. I came to the assumption that he was bullied. He seems timid, shy, quiet and keeps to himself. These are usually traits that are associated with bulling. For some strange reason I felt like I failed him. If we met earlier I feel like I could have protected him.

I lifted his arm gently to further my inspection. Seeing wounds on such a soft and delicate boy pained me. I was deeply curious to what his story was. I planned on confronting him about it tomorrow. If he decides he doesn't want to open up then thats perfectly fine. I'll just do my best to be there for him.

I stayed awake for hours thinking about how I would confront him. I didn't want to scare him off or make him angry with me. Before I knew it the clock had already struck four-am. Crap, I needed to get some sleep. I laid my head down connecting it with the soft cold pillow that resided next to me.

While I drifted off into a much needed slumber my mind tracked back to old memories, ones that I'll never be able to forget.

When I was fourteen I had a friend named Kathrine, but everyone just called her Kat. We were exceptionally close. Being the hormonal teen that I was I had feelings for her. She knew this of course and said she just wanted to be friends. I was okay with that, though I did feel a little bummed for a time.

Me and Kat knew each other since second grade. We hung out a lot when her parents were over. Like I mentioned before, my parents are always inviting people over without much care. They just enjoy the company. Me and Kat shared many great moments together. When we entered highschool we made many friends. We would all get together on Fridays and hang out for hours.

One Friday she told me something, something I should have taken more seriously at the time. She struggled with her words, trying to open up to me. She told me she was becoming very depressed and her life was getting hard. Her parents were putting too much weight on her. They'd ignore her when she tried to tell them how gritty and pressured she felt. They didn't bat an eye, they didn't do anything, anything other than stack the pressure. They just brushed her off as some teen going through one of those stages. What really hurt me though was that I didn't do anything to help her. I continued my life like I would have normally. I was ignorant and too blind to see how bad she was actually hurting. She eventually started cutting. I hand't even known until things got bad.

One night an ambulance was called to their house. There was a lot of commotion outside. A lot of the neighbors gathered, curious as to what happened, same as me. It wasn't until later that night people started talking, saying that Kat... Kat tried killing herself. I didn't know what to think. I felt like I'd been hit a thousand times over in the head with a brick. This situation was foreign to me. I hadn't seen or experienced anything like it before.

I couldn't fall asleep for two nights, trying to make sense of what happened. I was still too blind to see it. A week passed and Kat was finally released from the hospital. She came to school the next day, seeming very distant. I didn't want to lose her so I did my best to cheer her up. I followed her around the whole day trying to start a conversation, but she didn't speak a word, not a single word. I hadn't given up though. I told her what was going on around the school while she was gone. I filled her in on all of the chaotic events. I told her most things, but left out the rumors and talk going around the school about her attempt at suicide.

The next day was like the last, and the day after... and the day after. She was completely closed off from everything and everyone. Then finally one day behind the school she finally spoke. She told me every, foul, hateful word her parents blared at her. They called her stupid and ungrateful. This is when I started getting the sense that something was awfully wrong. I tried to comfort her but my words were weak. I sounded like a child reciting a line for a play. But I did mean every word I spoke to her. I asked her to promise me never to try anything like that again. She gave me a short smile before agreeing to it. That day I went home feeling good. I felt happy that I wouldn't have to lose her. I spent the rest of the day like I would any other. I finally slept well that night, after struggling many days with my insomnia.

I woke up the next morning feeling jolly. I hoped out of bed, dressed myself for school and trotted down stairs to the living room, hoping to get a bite to eat.

"Morning mom, morning dad." I said throwing them a wave. They didn't respond, or at least not for awhile. I stopped and watched them curiously. The look they wore worried the life out of me. Something was obviously wrong.

"W-Whats wrong?" I asked, halting my body movement. I flicked my gaze between both my mom and dad like a light switch.

"One of our friends... one of the Margret's were here. They... They told us." My mom choked up.

"W-What is it mom." I asked again, my words mixing with fear this time. My mom placed the back of her hand over her mouth and turned away from me, like she was... crying.

Then my father spoke. "Mrs. Margret came over this morning and..." He released a loud sigh that echoed through the bottom floor of the house. "She said, that Kathrine... killed herself... She committed suicide last night."

That moment everything stopped, almost as if some one pressed the pause button. I thought to myself, this couldn't be happening. She promised me... SHE PROMISED. I couldn't believe it, I just couldn't. I busted the front door open and examined the neighborhood. There were several cars parked outside of Kat's home. We didn't exactly live near each other but close enough to where I could see her house. Our neighborhood was pretty spread out so it was easy to see many houses from where I lived. The cars outside of Kat's home pretty much confirmed to me that what my parents said was true. I collapsed on the ground and bawled my eyes out. I felt like such a failure. I couldn't do anything to save her. Or rather, I was already to late when I tried saving her.

I was a mess for so long after that tragedy. It took me three years to get my life back on track. During that time I became quite distant myself. I questioned myself, I questioned morality and a slew of other things. I just didn't know where to go from there. My sleeping problem grew much worse than it had previously. I had to take pills for awhile to help me fall asleep.

I eventually just had to tell myself to move on. I cherish my time spent with her, even so, I needed to let go of what happened. I eventually joined several sports clubs to help me clear my head, to get my mind off of the whole situation. I stuck with swimming and football. Between the two I was definitely better at football, but swimming was more effective when it came to clearing my head. I became a staple to the football team due to my exceptional skills. I quickly gain fame in the school as most jocks here did. I made many new friends, the ones that I have today. They can be extremely clingy and annoying, but they're still my friends so I can't give them too much heat.