


  “Remy!” I shouted as I rushed towards the wrecked car. Terror closed around my throat as I watched the aftermath, broken glasses, smoked, crumpled metal. I was suddenly brought back to that accident, making me fall to the ground.

  Shell-shocked, I felt my life was sucked out of me.

  Everything blurred around me. Rushes pushed through me here in there, yet I was still kneeling on the ground as my gaze fixed to Remy.

  I couldn’t take it anymore. I couldn’t handle another loss.Jesus, not again.

  “Percie! Percie!” Someone was nudging me, but I couldn’t respond. I couldn’t move. It felt like I would fall apart if I did.

  “Percie, come back to me, please? Come back to me.” That voice was so familiar, that touch, those eyes.

  “Percie, please?”

  Hailey.My emotions wreaked havoc in my heart.

  “You need to get up.”

  “Get up?” I asked in confusion.

  “Yes. Please?”

  What happened?