
Broken and pieces

Layla Payne's life has been a rollercoaster of emotions since her father's passing. She thought she had found love and comfort with her boyfriend, Luca Walker, but that illusion was shattered when she caught him in bed with his so-called "friend" on her birthday. The betrayal and heartache led to their separation, and Layla struggled to move on. Enter Logan, her influential boss, who brought a glimmer of happiness into her life. However, their joy was short-lived, As Layla and Logan's relationship deepens, they face a new challenge when Logan ex returns, and Luca claiming he's changed and he still loves her and wants a second chance. Layla soon found herself facing a series of challenges and crises.But, little did she know, a new bombshell is about to drop! With her past experiences, Layla has become stronger and more resilient. The story is about to take a thrilling turn! Will Layla find a way to overcome these challenges? Will she choose between Luca and Logan, or will she forge a new path? Stay tuned to find out!

FANYI · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Chapter 17 -The unannounced visitor

"What are you doing near my car?" She slowly raised her head, and her eyes met his. Her heart sank, and she knew she had to think fast to explain herself. Layla quickly thought of a distraction. "Hey, don't come back poking around people's cars!" she shouted in a random direction, trying to divert attention.

Logan looked in the direction she was facing, but seeing no one, he understood what she was trying to do. "What are you doing now?" he asked, amused. Layla let out a laugh. "there was a kid vandalizing cars around here," she said, pointing to his car. "I didn't know it was your car. "

"You should check if he damaged anything," she said, turning to head back, but Logan's voice stopped her.

"Why were you in the garage in the first place?" he asked, his tone curious.Layla was taken aback, not expecting him to question her further. "Ehhh..." she stammered, quickly thinking of an excuse.She turned to face him, a demonstration accompanying her words. "Walking exercise," she said, gesturing as if stretching her legs. "I was just getting some exercise, walking around the car garage."

And you couldn't walk around within the office, it's in the garage," Logan said, his voice laced with amusement. He knew exactly what she was looking for, and his gaze seemed to pierce through her facade.

Memories of the previous night flashed back into his mind. After leaving the hotel, he had realized Layla left her bag in the car. "Was she stupid?" he thought to himself. "She would have stopped him." He had changed course and headed back to pick her up, only to arrive and see her getting into Nathan's car. He had driven away angrily, feeling a mix of emotions he couldn't quite process.

Layla's response, "Walking can lead you to places," brought him back to the present moment. He raised an eyebrow, his eyes sparkling with a knowing glint. "Indeed, it can," he said, his voice low and mysterious.

Logan's expression remained skeptical, but he didn't press the issue further. Layla breathed a silent sigh of relief, hoping her hasty excuse had convinced him.

"I'm heading out, and I'll be back soon," Logan said, his eyes locking onto Layla's as she listened attentively. "Get the files I need to sign, and cancel any appointments I have for the next week." He paused, his voice firm and authoritative.

"Yes, sir," Layla replied, already mentally checking off the tasks. She was inwardly rejoicing, thinking this might be her chance to prove herself. She has not received an important task before or Mr Thomas assisted her. So this is a big one to her and she plan on not making a single mistake.

"And don't forget to book a business class plane ticket to Paris," he added, his voice reminding her of the importance of the task. "The whole business class, not just a seat. I want the entire cabin reserved for just me."

Layla nodded, her mind racing with the details. She was determined to get everything just right, hoping this might be her chance to impress Logan and prove her worth.

"Find the number in whatever documents Mr. Thomas gave you, and search for the caretaker of my home in Paris. Call them to restock," Logan instructed, his voice clear and concise. Layla nodded diligently, trying to absorb every word without missing a detail.

"Prepare all the pending files I need to attend to, so I can take them with me. Get the bank statements and all the project files ready," he continued, his eyes scanning the surroundings as he spoke.

With a final nod, Logan entered his car and drove away, leaving Layla to watch him disappear into the distance. She let out a happy sigh, "My weekend is going to be long," she rejoiced, already anticipating the tasks ahead.

As she made her way back to the office, Layla felt a sense of purpose and responsibility wash over her. She was determined to get everything done efficiently and effectively, eager to prove herself and make a good impression.

As soon as she entered her office, Layla noticed a parcel on her desk. She approached it curiously, unsure of what it contained. Upon opening it, she was relieved to find her bag, which she had left in Logan's car the night before."When did Logan pass by with it?" she wondered aloud, "He would have told me rather than stressing me out like this." She shook her head. She quickly checked for her phone and wallet, chuckling to herself as she thought, "He won't have touched my money."

As she rummaged through her bag, she found the heels and wine, just as she had left them. But to her surprise, there was an additional packet of chocolate. She wondered if Nathan had added it as a sweet gesture.

Her attention then turned to her phone, which showed several missed calls and a message with the picture she took earlier with Nathan phone . The message read, "Get my drawing quickly, I can't wait to see it." He had also added, "Make sure you have lunch." Layla's face flushed as she smiled at the thoughtful messages.

With a renewed sense of focus, she began making plans to tackle the tasks Logan had assigned to her. She felt a sense of determination and purpose, eager to prove herself and make a good impression.

Just as she was sorting things out, the telecom phone rang. Layla immediately answered, putting on a professional tone, "Good morning, this is the office of the chairman. Who am I speaking to?"

From the other end, Amy's voice replied, "This is the office of the receptionist. Is Miss Layla Payne available, please?"

Layla's curiosity piqued, she responded, "Yes, that's me. Is there a problem?" She waited for Amy to respond, wondering what this could be about.

Amy's voice came back, "A lady, an older woman, is looking for Layla Payne ." Layla's mind raced, trying to think of who it could be. She thought to herself, "It can't be Thea, so who could it be?" She asked aloud, "What's her name?"

Amy hesitated before responding, "She wouldn't tell." Then, in a whispered tone, she added, "But she said she's going to get you both whipped for not seeing her." Layla's eyes widened in shock, and she let out a loud "Ehhh!"

As Layla smiled upon seeing the woman who came to see her, she stood up and walked closer to her. The woman, who never failed to look beautiful and young, exuded a radiant aura. She had always said that she wouldn't stop dressing in the latest fashions, wearing perfume, or adorning herself with jewelry, not even for her husband's sake.

"Mum," Layla said, as she approached the woman, causing Amy to look on in surprise and embarrassment. "She's your mom?" Amy asked, her voice laced with confusion, as she had assumed it was a formal meeting.

Layla nodded, "Yes" not her biological mom, but Thea's mom. And ever since she met her, she's been like a mom to her. Layla embraced the woman, and as she rested her head on her shoulder, she felt a weight lift off her shoulders. It had been a long time since they last saw each other, and the reunion felt wonderful and rejuvenating.

"She looks beautiful," Amy said, trying to find her place in the conversation. "Layla's mom is also my mom," she added, smiling apologetically.

Laura, with an authoritative voice, replied, "You'll be seeing more of my face around here." Layla just smiled, as both she and Laura continued their discussion.

Layla's expression turned disappointed. "You would have told me you were coming,". Laura said her tone hinting at a hint of hurt. "If not for Galvin, I wouldn't have known you were walking hand in hand with Logan." She paused, her eyes narrowing slightly. "If he's giving you trouble, let me know, and I'll put him in his place." They both laughed.

They arrived at the eatery near the company, and Laura ordered a class of coffee for herself and a glass of orange juice for Layla. As they sat down, Laura said, "Thea won't pick up your calls," her voice laced with hurt. "I had to come see you myself." Layla smiled and covered for Thea, "She's always busy, and currently, she's not in the city. You know how much she loves her job."

Laura sat up straight, her eyes narrowing. "Don't you dare deceive me," she said, her tone firm. She seemed to sense that Thea was avoiding her. Then, she changed the subject. "Grandpa's birthday is in two weeks," she said, her eyes fixed on Layla.

Then, Laura dropped a black ATM card on the table, indicating unlimited transactions. "Get the two of you dressed nicely, hair done, makeup done, and get a gift for Grandpa," she instructed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Layla nodded, smiling, but planning to reject the offer. "Mum, you know I can't take this," Layla said, as she pushed the card back towards Laura.

"I knew you were going to reject it," Laura said with a smile, anticipating Layla's response. "I need a new painting, and you can take your payment from it," she added, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Layla hesitated, "But mum, it's still too much for that."

Laura's expression turned impatient, "Hey! I'm a mother, can't I give you two allowances?" She picked up the card and pressed it into Layla's hands. "Also, send some to your mom, you need to take care of her too."

As Laura headed back to her car, where the driver was waiting, Laura pulled out a large package wrapped in cloth. "I'm sure you miss my cooking," she said with a knowing smile. Layla's eyes lit up, "How did you know the ones Galvin brought were already finished?" She took the package, savoring the aroma of her mother's cooking.

"Don't starve, alright?" Laura waved goodbye as Layla entered the passenger seat and the driver drove off.

As Layla stepped into the elevator, her phone rang, displaying an unknown caller ID. "Hello?" she answered cautiously.

"You won't pick my calls, but once I use another number, you answer," the person on the other end shouted, His voice familiar and laced with anger. Layla's eyes widened as she realized who it was her brother, Ashton. She quickly ended the call, not wanting to engage with him.

But Ashton called back, his voice piercing through the phone. "Is it until Mum dies that you'll come see her?" he accused. Layla's response was calm and firm. "You can slowly say that you know". "Mum is sick." Ashton retorted, "I'll send money for her treatment, so stop calling me."

Layla's emotions simmered as she replied, "Heeeeii, it not like Mum did anything bad by having you?" Ashton shot back, "She doesn't need your money, she needs her daughter!" The elevator doors opened, and Layla stepped out, her mind racing with the conversation.

She had never hated her mum, but the lies about her father and the circumstances of her birth - a one-night stand and subsequent rejection - still lingered, causing a deep-seated pain. She quickly brushed off her emotions and approached her office, only to be by the stare of Mr. Logan, who seemed to have returned earlier than expected. "Why are you back so quickly?" she asked, her mind preoccupied.

"I'm busy, I'll call you later," she said, hanging up the phone with no intention of calling back. The conversation with Ashton had left her unsettled, and she needed time to process her emotions.

Logan noticed Layla ending the call and gazed at the package she was trying to conceal, his eyes lingering on it for a moment. Layla caught his gaze and quickly pushed the large, cloth-wrapped package behind her feet, trying to hide it, but it was too obvious.

"It was from my mum," she said, attempting to diffuse the awkward moment. "What about what I told you about?" He asked, swiftly changing the subject.

Layla hurried to her desk, carefully placing the package on her seat. "I already left the documents needed to be signed on your desk. Book a flight for you, the whole business cabin," she emphasized. "Call your caretaker and prepare the necessary documents for travel."

Logan nodded, impressed by Layla's attention to detail. "Alright, get them prepared first thing in the morning. Be at the office, and I shouldn't have to wait for you," he instructed before leaving.

She wanted to thank him for getting her stuff, but before she could even utter a word, he abruptly left. She was taken aback, her gratitude unexpressed, as she watched him disappear from her office...