
Broken Alpha: Louis's Journey

After his wife’s brutal murder, Alpha Grey was never the same. Instead of protecting their son Louis from further harm, he blames him for her death, subjecting Louis to mental, emotional, and physical abuse. Determined to escape his father's torment, Louis flees home hoping to find peace. Still, his troubles continue as he uncovers family secrets that force him to return home for his father's aid. However, his father could not see past hatred, leaving Louis alone to reclaim what was taken from his family. As territories go to war, the question arises: will Louis rise to the challenge and regain what was lost or face his demise?

Jessica_Lewis_9044 · Fantasia
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21 Chs

Chapter 11

Louis POV

Punching a hole in my bedroom wall, I was beyond furious. Out of days for Derrick to appear had it to be today. He wants me to be miserable just like him. Derrick has another thing coming if he thinks he will keep abusing me like before. I refuse to allow him to steal my happiness.

It took everything in my power not to hit him back. I knew it wouldn't be a fair fight if he decided to shift into his wolf form. I kept my cool and stood my ground against him. I had to prove to him I was no longer the little boy he used to abuse.

Soaking in the bathtub, I started planning my escape route again. I looked over the previous plans Dr. Johnson made years ago. Some of the information was useful. It was even better now that I was older. I wouldn't have to live in Fox Village with Alpha James for an extended period before I could challenge my father for his title.

I planned on avoiding my father for the rest of my life. Out of sight, out of mind. It would keep the house peaceful, and Libby wouldn't have to mediate between us. I had nothing left to say to him. He only kept giving me false hopes. I was tired of being let down by him. He needs to get help sooner than later.

Finally, calm down enough to sleep when my father knocked on my door. He started apologizing to me; nonetheless, his words sounded like a broken record. Nothing he uttered convinced me he would change. I've heard this sorry-ass apology numerous times and am fed up with his speech. I questioned him, letting my emotions run freely out of my mouth. I did not care if it hurt his feelings or not. There was no point in him trying to persuade me to forgive. I have forgiven him more times than he deserved. I could not stand to look at him any longer; thus, I slammed the door in his face. Regardless of whether he was my father, I refused to let him treat me however he wanted.

My emotions were consuming me. I needed to go somewhere to release this pent-up anger. Sneaking out of the house, I went to the fitness center to work out. I spent a few hours there punching the boxing bag. Afterward, I went to train with Beta Anthony.

Libby and I walked to school. The weather was perfect. It allowed me to clear my mind. I did not want to bring my personal affairs to school. We met up with our friends, also known as The Squad, and went to class together. My body was sluggish; my eyes lids were weighed down. Nodding in and out during the first period, I guess my friends could pick up on my body language for them to keep looking at me awkwardly.

"Bro, you look like crap this morning. Did you not sleep at all last night?" Trevor was very observant.

"No, I had a rough night. I could not get comfortable. I will take a nap during the lunch period." My body was physically and emotionally drained, not to mention sore. I was trying my best not to be a jerk towards them.

"No, you can sleep during history class. I'll watch your back and even help you complete your work." Trevor was highly concerned about me.

"Thanks, bro. I appreciate that," I was very appreciative to have a friend like him.

The fellas hid me in the corner after the teacher took attendance so I could nap. I was grateful for that nap. I woke up energized and ready to eat. I was glad lunch was next. The rest of the day went by fast. I thanked the fellas again for having my back.

"Do you guys want to play basketball this weekend?"

They all replied, "Sure."

"Awesome, let's meet around noon. Then we could go get some to eat after we change clothes." Hanging out with them gave me a reason to stay away from the house.

I stop in Beta Anthony's office after school to discuss the pack, upcoming events, treaties, and my father. I was OK with everything we talked about except for my father. He was off limits.

"Beta Anthony, do you think it's alright if I move in with you and Kim? Something is telling me if I stay there any longer, something terrible will happen." If I were to stay around my father, there would be no misunderstandings between us.

Beta Anthony did not answer me at first.

Scratching his head nervously, "Let me ask the Alpha first. I don't see why not. You are always with me anyways." At least Beta Anthony understood where I was coming from. I stayed at Beta Anthony's house for dinner. Kim made her famous chicken noodle soup. I was filled to the brim.

I eventually made it home and passed out for the rest of the evening. I woke up a little after two in the morning. I still had three hours before training. I was starving, making myself some breakfast. Sitting at the table, my father came into the kitchen.

"How long do you plan on avoiding me? How long are you planning to stay at the Beta's house?" He was curious and depressed at the same time.

"I guess he talked to you about why I wanted to leave this house; consequently, you should already know the answer," I did not have to say another word before he walked away, speaking incoherently to himself. Why does he insist on being in my life?


Grey POV

"Louis can go stay with Beta. He no longer wants to deal with me," I was depressed that my son no longer loved me.

"Are you sure, Alpha? I don't want to take your son away from you." Beta Anthony understood my feelings.

"You can keep him safe better than I can. Derrick does not want him happy. At least if Louis is with you, I know you would guide him in the right direction." No matter how hard I tried to persuade myself, this was the better solution. At least I was still near him and could catch a glimpse of him here and there.

"OK, Alpha. Once he calms down enough, I will send Louis back home." This was not the first time the kids had stayed with Beta Anthony because of Derrick; thus, they already had their rooms in his house. Beta Anthony has been like their second father for a long time.

"Well, it looks like the house is going to be peaceful since that little shit is gone," Derrick happily chirped.

"It's going to get even more peaceful once you are gone. I cannot believe this was your game all along. You wanted to get rid of Louis forever, so you picked fights every chance you got" I was furious. How could he be so happy another part of him had left? Even though I could still see Louis, we didn't have a father-and-son relationship. I was his worst nightmare.

"He'll be back. Get your panties out of a bunch. He always forgives you and comes running back," Derrick was laughing menacing.

"This is not a game, you stupid mutt! This is real life. My life that you keep messing up! When will you realize I love my son even though you hate him? Whatever resentment you have against Louis, you must drop it now." I was done dealing with the same stress repeatedly he was causing. I don't want to lose my son forever.

"Are you threatening me, you retarded human? I can make your life a living hell. You have no control over me. You barely control our kids. Learn your place, or I will make you lose everything you care about."After Derrick threatened me, there was silence.

My headache disappeared. I was relieved that Derrick had left. I still took my medicine just in case Derrick went into a fit of rage. The medication not only helped my mood swings but sedated Derrick.

Libby was sitting on the couch playing on her phone while the TV watched her. Grabbing a beer from the fridge, we watched a movie together until dinner was ready.

"Where is Louis at? I haven't seen him since school let out today."Libby ask.

"He's going to live with Beta Anthony again until I get my wolf under control. Derrick and your brother are not getting along right now to be in the same house." Tears fell from my eye while telling her this.

They were inseparable, and now because of me, they are living separately. Tears slowly filled Libby's eyes as she ran from the table, causing her chair to hit the floor. Libby was devastated that Louis had left her here with his worst nightmare. My daughter was my last hope of happiness. If I lost her, there is no telling how my mental health would be affected.

This pain was unbearable. A run would be nice; however, I had already taken my medicine, and Derrick was sedated. I sat back on the couch, drinking another beer. There was nothing left for me to do except swallow my pride and accept the consequences.