
Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World

Dear Audience and Readers, We are thrilled to bring you the translated version of the sensational novel, "Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World". As the translation team led by MarDoGeaR, we have worked tirelessly to deliver an immersive and captivating experience for you. However, we need your support to continue providing you with quality translations. "Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World" tells the extraordinary tale of a young man named Zhao Hai, who suddenly finds himself transported to another world. In this new realm, he discovers that he has inherited a unique and magical farm. With the ability to grow crops and raise various creatures, Zhao Hai embarks on a journey to carve out his place in this unfamiliar land. But this isn't just a simple farming story. As Zhao Hai explores the diverse regions of the new world, he encounters formidable challenges and cultivates profound relationships. With his ingenuity and the help of his newfound allies, he must face off against powerful enemies, navigate political intrigues, and protect his farm from those who seek to exploit its potential. Throughout the novel, readers will be captivated by the intricate world-building, rich character development, and gripping plot twists. From cultivating mystical plants to breeding mythical beasts, Zhao Hai's adventures will keep you on the edge of your seat, eagerly turning the pages to uncover what lies ahead. The translation process has been a labor of love, aiming to stay faithful to the original while ensuring a smooth reading experience in English. We have taken great care to capture the essence of the story, its humor, and its emotional depth. It is our sincere hope that our efforts will transport you into the magical world of "Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World." Now, we kindly ask for your support. By purchasing and sharing the translated novel, you not only enable us to continue our translation endeavors but also show your appreciation for the hard work that goes into bringing these stories to you. Your support is vital in ensuring that more captivating stories from different worlds can be shared with a wider audience. We are immensely grateful for your support, and we sincerely hope that you will join us on this remarkable journey. Together, let's explore the boundless wonders of "Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World." With gratitude, The MarDoGeaR Translation Team.

MarDo_GeaR · Jogos
Classificações insuficientes
90 Chs

Study and Literacy

Chapter 34: Study and Literacy

Merine could hardly believe her own eyes. Adam never liked reading when he was young. He would cry when forced by his father to read. Although he had a basic understanding of good and evil, he never showed much interest in reading. She thought that making him read was futile.

Although Zhao Hai had been performing well these past few days, he hadn't mentioned anything about reading. Merine believed that while Zhao Hai had become sensible, his aversion to reading hadn't changed.

However, she never expected that Zhao Hai was actually a bookworm on Earth, someone who cherished books. Leaving books aside was like leaving behind a part of himself. In the first few days, he hadn't read because he had just arrived in this world and was preoccupied with the dangerous situation he found himself in. It was natural for him to not be in the mood for reading.

Zhao Hai didn't notice Merine's actions at all. His full attention was focused on the book. Although it was a miscellany, it contained a wealth of information about the local customs and society, which proved to be very useful for Zhao Hai.

Before coming to this world, Adam was just a playboy. His knowledge of the continent's customs and society was limited. Now, on this peaceful continent dominated by the five major empires and twelve other countries, as well as various races inhabiting different regions, the territory was vast and diverse.

But what Zhao Hai found even more fascinating were the forbidden lands on the continent. Black Wasteland, his current fief, had already become a forgotten death trap for most people. However, Carrion Swamp behind Iron Mountain was one of the five great forbidden lands on the continent, notorious for its poisonous environment. People got angry just talking about it.

The other four forbidden lands were: Accra Mountain, a domain of magic beasts where few other races could survive; North Polar Icefield, an icy world with extremely low temperatures where only a few ice-elemental magic beasts could survive; Blazing Island, a small island in the sea with active volcanoes and a forbidden zone due to the constant eruptions and earth fire; and Demonic Abyss, a legendary place believed to be like the Demon Realm, but without any confirmation. Occasionally, magic beasts from Demonic Abyss would appear on the continent, but they were rare and unseen by most.

Carrion Swamp was famous for its toxicity, where everything, from magic beasts to undead creatures, carried poison. That's why it was considered a forbidden land.

Before, the information about these places in Adam's memory was fuzzy, but the miscellany contained some records. Although they weren't very detailed, they were enough for Zhao Hai's needs.

Being a bookworm on Earth, Zhao Hai realized that he had arrived in a world similar to the novels he used to read. This world had magic, battle qi, magic beasts, elves, dragons, and dwarves — all the things he had read about. Because of this realization, Zhao Hai made up his mind to stay low-key. He didn't know how powerful the experts in this world were, but witnessing Merine's water magic irrigation earlier made him realize that these people were formidable. Merine effortlessly irrigated an area of ten mu (6,666 square meters) with her magic. Someone like Merine wouldn't be easy to deal with in combat.

Putting down the book in his hand, Zhao Hai realized that although the content of the book wasn't very useful, it gave him a better understanding of this world. He realized that experts in this world were different from what he had read in novels before. In those novels, it was said that magicians were not good at close combat and soldiers lacked long-range attack abilities. But in this world, it was completely different.

Magicians were physically weaker than soldiers, but with simple magic spells that didn't require lengthy incantations, they could instantly cast low-level magic. A powerful magician like Merine could use 3rd-level magic almost instantaneously. Such a magician was not to be underestimated, and soldiers wouldn't dare engage them in close combat.

On the other hand, soldiers possessed battle qi, but it wasn't something they could unleash at will. It required time to accumulate. However, even an ordinary soldier could wield a bow and arrow or other long-range weapons like javelins or throwing axes. Their strength shouldn't be underestimated.

Zhao Hai stood up slowly, took a deep breath, and looked out the study room window. The window was covered with paper, a common sight for commoners on the continent. Some noble families used glass, but it wasn't popular due to its high construction cost.

Opening the window gently, Zhao Hai took a glance outside. The study room was on the third floor, and the lighting was good. He could see the fort and the outer square clearly. He could even spot Meg busy with her work. There were also women arranging straw mats in the courtyard, but he couldn't see Meg among them. It seemed she was preparing materials for the straw boats.

Zhao Hai couldn't help but smile bitterly. These people were easily satisfied, but they were unaware of the looming danger in their lives.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Merine's voice came from outside, saying, "Young Master, come out and have lunch. It's already noon." Zhao Hai was taken aback. He hadn't realized time had flown by so quickly. He glanced outside and saw that the people who had been arranging grass had returned to their rooms to have their meals.

Zhao Hai nodded and walked downstairs with Merine. By the time they reached the dining room, Meg had also returned. They sat down, and Merine had already prepared lunch.

After they sat down, Zhao Hai turned to Blockhead and said, "Blockhead, these days I've had Merine make straw boats. Your main task is to gather grass and find some men to help. Meg and the others are not strong enough, so they'll need your assistance."

Blockhead agreed, and Zhao Hai then turned to Stonehead. "Stonehead, help Blockhead collect the stones he needs. Place them aside in sufficient quantities, and I'll take care of transporting them. It'll be more convenient that way."

Stonehead also agreed and then Zhao Hai turned to Secure. "Secure, be careful when mining the quarry. Pick a few stones less if you have to, but prioritize your safety."

Secure also agreed, and Zhao Hai turned to Chrysanthemum. "Chrysanthemum, organize everyone to start arranging the straw mats now. Once they've learned, you'll accompany Merine to make the straw boats. The boats don't have to be too big; they just need to accommodate about ten people. Don't worry about wasting materials; there's plenty of weeds on the mountain."

Chrysanthemum also agreed, and Zhao Hai turned to Merine. "Grandma Merine, I think we should construct a lookout post on the summit. It can be used to observe Carrion Swamp and keep an eye on the surroundings of the castle. If there are any magic beasts or undead creatures approaching from the swamp, we can be prepared in advance."

Merine thought for a moment and nodded. "Young Master's suggestion is right. We should construct a lookout post. I'll make the arrangements after we finish lunch. Young Master, don't worry. Take your time to read when you have the chance."

Zhao Hai was taken aback by Merine's words. He hadn't expected her to encourage him to read. However, he had made a decision to prioritize the castle's matters for now, so he nodded and said, "Don't worry, Grandma Merine. I'll find time to read. But for now, there's too much to do in our castle. Once things stabilize here, I'll focus on my studies."

Merine nodded. Meanwhile, Meg and the others looked at Zhao Hai with a perplexed expression. Having grown up with Adam, they knew his character well. Now, hearing him talk about studying earnestly was hard to believe.

The meal proceeded, and Zhao Hai ate quickly. Soon, he finished his food and immediately headed to the study room. He was eager to learn more about this world.

Merine looked at Zhao Hai's departing figure with delight in her eyes. In this world, although martial prowess was highly valued, scholars were also respected. Even in Aksu Empire, many important administrative positions were held by prominent scholars. The kings had realized that a nation couldn't thrive without intellectuals. This was one of the reasons why Merine was happy. Drinking the Water of Nothingness had made it impossible for Zhao Hai to study magic and battle qi. Now that he had the space, which was akin to a place of preservation where he could hide when danger arose, no one could force him to do anything. However, this wasn't enough. He still wanted to earn the respect of others, but without being able to study magic or battle qi, the only way to gain respect in this world was through scholarly pursuits.

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