
Volume Two Information

Please do not read this unless you have finished the second volume (chapters 22-65).

Returning Characters:

GREN (Previously THOMAS)

The main protagonist of the story. His childlike body and lack of physical strength has caused him to put people in harm's way. Due to the events in the second volume he has resolved himself to get stronger; even if he has to hurt himself to do so. His physical strength won't improve in a short time so he dedicates himself to learning magic while doing workouts in his spare time. His reading habits have caused the women in his life to need to take more care of him since he'll often skip meals and sleep while getting too focused with a spell book.


Gren's first wife(self-proclaimed). Not much of Estella has been seen since she got her pet. Her and Purrnina can sometimes be seen running around as Estella tries to give Purrnina affection when Purrnina doesn't want it. Likes to cuddle Gren but he doesn't have a fluffy tail so she still prefers Purrnina.


Annie thinks of herself as Gren's older sister after he purchases her but Gren neglects her to go on a trip shortly afterwards. Although she's crippled now she still tries her best to do things for herself. Originally better with her right hand, Annie now challenges to do mundane things with her left hand.


Perhaps the person that has lost the most in this volume. Susan is unsure if any of his younger daughters are still alive and lost many of his sons in the battle against the Duke's army. While able to defeat small armies on his own using his mighty club, the automaton released by the soldiers proved to be a tough enemy; destroying much of his right arm before he was able to destroy it.


Jane's death wasn't glamorous. Her head hitting the corner of a crate caused her to get knocked out and the automaton finished her off. Jane's body is now in Gren's pocket dimension, waiting to get a proper burial.


Although it's unknown if any of her sisters survived, she saw that the only sister that cared about her was dead. Shelley decides to hitch a ride with the Church of Healing Light acolyte that she saw struggling to walk while carrying things. It was easy to sneak in to the carriage since she helped open the tent flap and carriage door for the acolyte and the knights thought that she was supposed to be there.


A naked doll now covered in Jane's blood. Gren took it from Susan's tent set up in Newton and gave it to the women after washing it up.


Rex, full name Rexxar. He's a tough boy that was trained by his father to hunt from a young age. Does not forgive anybody that tries to harm his sister, Lily.


Physically weak but intellectually strong. Lily is a little girl gifted with her mother's brain and can already read even though she's barely out of her toddler stage. Although she's scared to be away from home she still has her brother, Rex, to rely on.


A unit of measurement that has fallen out of use by the main character.

New Characters:


The owner of the former Flours Bread & Baking Company. She has been baking bread and confections for most of her life. Formerly married to a draconoid that would be gone for long times to go on adventures. After her husband's death she was forced to raise her two children, Jasmine and Jacob, all alone for the last thirteen years. Giving birth to half-draconoid children wasn't easy on her and in both cases she needed a procedure by a surgeon and a healer. Her own experiences with giving birth have made it where she doesn't want more children of her own in the future but hasn't stopped her from wanting to hold her own grandchildren.

Her meeting with Gren was originally to be his guardian but she soon develops a more intimate relationship with him after he visits her at night. The fact that she and her daughter now share the same husband gives her some discomfort but she has decided to accept it since both her and her daughter are happy. Jessica finds herself relying on Gren for financial support when her bakery gets shut down by the current Regent of Adierton. After discussing things with Gren, Estella, and Jasmine, it has been decided that Jessica would be the leader of their new mercenary guild.


Jessica's daughter and originally shy half-draconoid girl that was bullied a lot by human children when she was growing up. Her strength has proven itself almost as useful as her ability to breathe fire. Her mother has been trying to show her how useful her demihuman body is by getting her to pull the carriage, heat up the bathwater, and even light the stove from far below. Jasmine regretted the fact that she was a half-draconoid and just wanted to find someone to love before she met Gren.

Weak to affection, Jasmine soon fell to Gren's advances and is now in love with him. Jasmine's feelings for Gren have made it where she strives her hardest to please him.


A draconoid man that hasn't made a physical appearance yet. The son of Jessica and the brother of Jasmine. Married to a demihuman woman but Jessica didn't tell Gren what kind of demihuman she was.


The leader of the Adierton branch of the Genrich Trading Company. In direct charge of their slave trading operation and is the only supplier of demihuman slaves in the entire city. The second son of the current head of the Genrich family.


The attendant responsible for guiding Gren and Jasmine through the Genrich Trading Company. As part of the company policy she managed to get three percent of the revenue from Gren's purchases.


Gren's mother and the goddess worshiped by the Church of Healing Light. An excellent healing magician with no peers. Said to be able to resurrect the dead. Originally thought to be deceased but was confirmed by the system to be alive.


The high priestess of the Adierton branch of the Church of Healing Light. Has a younger sister and a daughter but because of the Church's rules she is unmarried. Her daughter is currently a water magician for the Church. Her sister is Georgia, the captain of an order of knights under Gabriella's command.


The captain of the Hildr's Grace Order of Knights and little sister of Gabriella. Originally wanted to name her knight order "The Knights of Healing Light" but that name was already taken. Each knight order's name must be confirmed by the main headquarters.


Current Regent of Adierton while his father, the Duke, is away on a trip. Follows his grandfather's footsteps and wants to use the Goddess and her child to solidify his power.


The twin brother of Robert. Currently the captain of the Adierton defense force and has significant sway in his father's private army. Considers himself to be inferior to his twin brother and often follows his orders. Reluctant to follow in his grandfather's steps.


A spy working for Robert. Decent at his job but plagued with bad luck that causes his missions to fail more than they should.


The advisor for Robert. Terry initially worked for Duke Adier but changed sides after realizing that Robert would allow him to gain more money and power. On the surface he appears to be advising Robert and sends reports back to the Duke but his reports are full of misinformation and half-truths.


The three knights assigned to protect Gren. It's decided that they will pretend to be mercenaries while staying with Gren. They don't appear in volume two except as nameless knights under Georgia but Gren briefly met them at the cathedral.

Slave List:

The descriptions and notes as they appeared in the list handed to Gren in chapter 34(not in order).

Female Elf(1) - Green hair and gold eyes | Note: Will not eat if separated from sister.

Female Elf(2) - Green hair and gold eyes | Note: Will not eat if separated from sister.

Mimic - Black blob that changes shape | Note: Can not wear a slave collar. Plays tricks on customers and staff. Has not tried escaping yet but is a flight risk due to natural abilities. All members of this species are female.

Female Minotaur - Dark skin with furry legs and hooves | Note: Very strong. Does not speak the common tongue that well. Claims to be a warrior and refuses to work.

Female Fallen Angel - Dark skin and black hair/feathers | Note: Thought to be cursed due to her color but the Church of Healing Light has confirmed that there's no curse.

Female Gorgon - Bottom half is a snake and there are smaller snakes for hair | Note: It's unknown whether or not the snakes are controlled by her.

Female Arachne - Bottom half is a spider and can create a strong silk | Note: Watch out for webbing when cleaning her cage. Recommended for tailors.

Dryad - Tree-like and very slow | Note: Requires high quality soil, clean water, and sunlight. Sap is very slippery, making it a popular lubricant. All members of this species are female.

Female Bunny - A bunny-like beastman with floppy bunny ears and tail | Note: Too short to recommend as sex slave. Can jump high.

Scylla - Aquatic, has tentacles instead of legs. | Note: Suckers do not have teeth. Moves fast on land despite being an aquatic race. Requires a watery environment. All members of this species are female.

Female Insectoid(unknown race) - Three sets of arms(one having scythes) and a tough exterior. | Note: Quiet and not much is known about their race. Possibly a risk due to the arm scythes sticking out her back. Has sharp teeth and eats meat.

Female? Demon? - An unknown species with pure white skin and large red hands with claws on them. | Note: Does not seem to understand the common language. Not aggressive so far but nothing is known about the race. Seems to like sweet foods. Sex currently listed as female due to its outward appearance.

Female Insectoid(Wasp) - Has a big needle on the tip of her posterior, pink and black stripes instead of the usual yellow and black, seems to be a variant. | Note: Unknown effect of venom. Possibly deadly.

Female Harpy - Green and blue layered feather pattern, arms are actually wings, has bird legs. | Note: Good at flying due to having a thin body with large feathery wings. Can not fly if she gains weight. Males of this species are usually called by a different name but listed as female for clarification.

Female Wolf Beastman? - An unusual wolf beastman that has more characteristics of a wolf than usual, looks like a wolf that has been forced into the shape of a human. | Note: Do not sell to anybody that she shows aggression towards. Perfect for people with a fetish for animals.

Female Kobold(Brown fur) - A kobold with brown fur, looks like a dog. | Note: Do not feed by hand.

Female Kobold(Black fur) - A kobold with black fur, looks like a dog. | Note: Will bite front paws when nervous/scared.

Female Dwarf(1) - The largest dwarf, has brown hair and eyes. | Note: Seems to be the leader of the group. Has an extensive experience with mining.

Female Dwarf(2) - Young dwarf, black hair and brown eyes. | Note: Has a small amount of experience with mining.

Female Dwarf(3) - Darker skin tone than a usual dwarf, brown hair and light brown eyes. | Note: Constantly complains about not having alcohol. Seems to be an alcoholic. Some experience with mining.

Female Dwarf(4) - Slightly older dwarf, has graying black hair and extremely dark brown eyes. | Note: Really hairy. Some experience with mining.

Female Dwarf(5) - Young mixed race dwarf, red hair and golden eyes. | Note: Has a larger magic capacity than regular dwarves but still not enough to use magic. Little to no experience with mining.

Female Merperson(scales) - Has shiny yellow scales covering her head, arms, sides, and tail. | Note: Has webbed hands. Requires an watery environment.

Female Goblin(s) (Current number in stock: 5) - A goblin with female characteristics. | Note: Sell to an orc as a sex slave or something; nobody else is buying them and I can't tell them apart.

Extra note: One of them ran into a wall and seems to be dead.

Female Imp - Pink skin tone and small horns, peach fuzz hair on head and black eyes. | Note: Previous owner died in an explosion. Keep away from explosives.

Female Fox Beastman - Reddish-orange hair color and gold eyes. | Note: Has a confrontational personality and wants to be spoiled. Would likely be popular in a brothel. Only has three tails.

Female Centaur(donkey) - Grey fur, donkey tail, and donkey ears, has brown eyes with weird irises. | Note: Seems to like pretending to pull something around her cage. Weak compared to full-sized centaurs and not recommended as a replacement for a draft horse.

Female Undead? - A woman that used to be human based on her looks, fitted with several magic devices on her body that seem to keep her alive. | Note: The previous owner mentioned that she can stay alive without magic stones but that magic stones are required if you want her to be useful. Seems to be some sort of magic experiment.

Water Elemental - An amorphous being made out of water that can take any shape it likes. | Note: Requires extremely cold air to keep shape. This species is sometimes called a Snow Woman. It is unknown if this species has a sex. DO NOT PLACE IN ANTI-MAGIC CAGE!

Fire Elemental - An amorphous being that gives off an intense heat and seems to be made of lava. | Note: Do not put in enclosed spaces. Requires an area with good airflow that can withstand the heat from its flames. It is unknown if this species has a sex. DO NOT PUT IN ANTI-MAGIC CAGE!

Female Goat Beastman - Has goat legs for her lower body and a human upper body, two curled horns on her head, has light brown hair and pale blue eyes. | Note: Upper body is attractive enough for her to be sold to a brothel or as a sex slave. Seems to have a gentle personality.

Female Four-Armed Demihuman - It's unknown what species she's from but she's young and has four arms, a small horn in the center of her head, and a light red skin tone. | Note: The species has only been seen recently and is known for its strength but this one is currently too weak to be sold for manual labor.

Female Deer Beastman - Has antlers and brown fur with pure white eyes. | Note: Not blind. Her eyes are just naturally white.

Female Giant - Looks like a larger human with black hair and black irises. | Note: Insists on saying that she's just a human. Demihuman status independently verified by former neighbors.

Female Cyclops - Has a small horn on her forehead and a pale purple skin color. | Note: Has one eye. Not sure why that wasn't mentioned in the description.

Female Dullahan - Has a head that can be separated from her body(without her death) and still has a connection to it, white-haired with pale blue skin. | Note: Not an undead. The glowing part of her neck is scaring some of the other demihumans at night so make sure to cover it with a cloth.

Female Succubus - A demon race woman with bat wings, brownish black fur on her bottom half, and sharp talons. | Note: Also known as a night demon. Gives off powerful pheromones when aroused. Do not let male staff members near her.

Female Living Statue - Similar to a gargoyle but with a female human's appearance. | Note: Seems to eat rocks. Not sure where the waste goes.

Female Cat Beastman? - An unusual cat beastman with a cat face/body, black fur, yellowish green cat eyes, and sharp claws. | Note: Extremely dangerous if hungry.

Female Insectoid(Scorpion) - Has a black exoskeleton covering parts of her body and three pairs of arms, has mostly human features except for the pincers on one of her arms and a tail with a stinger. | Note: Stinger has a venom that will incapacitate anybody stung. Although the venom can not kill a healthy adult it is best to be careful around her.

Female Fairy - A small woman with insect-like wings, has an unusual pink hair color and multi-colored irises. | Note: Most people seem surprised to see that she's larger than they had imagined. She can not fit in a small jar.

Female Cat Beastwoman - Missing her limbs. | Note: Sell her to a nice family.

Female Centaur - Older female with horse lower body. | Note: Used to be a great replacement for a draft horse but has lost her ability to pull carriages due to her advanced age.

Female Skeleton - An undead created using a woman's skeleton. | Note: Tell people about her backstory if they seem interested in her. Usually undead would not be sold here but she's well-behaved.

Female Chicken Beastman - A woman with chicken features. | Note: Extremely low intelligence.

Female Vampire - A woman with golden hair, red eyes, and sharp teeth. | Note: Extremely violent. Do not remove the metal mask on her face. Requires blood.

Female Horse Beastman? - An unusual centaur that has mostly human features besides her tail and ears. | Note: Extremely powerful legs. Great at running.

Female Hyena Beastman - Looks mostly human with the exception of the fur on her head, a tail and ears, has brown and black fur. | Note: She is a female despite having what appears a penis. Please do not put her in with the males anymore since she caused some of them to become aggressive when she was in heat.

Female Wolf Beastman - A young wolf-like girl with grey fur. | Note: Seems to cry at night which might be annoying to some customers.

Female Sheep Beastman - A very fluffy sheep-like woman with white fur. | Note: Needs to be shorn regularly.

Female Bunny Beastman - Green fur and skin. | Note: Seems to be a rare mix between a goblin and bunny beastman.

Female Merperson(no scales) - White and grey skin, has extremely short hair. | Note: Can't breathe underwater. Requires a watery environment.

Female Bear Beastman - Black fur on head, arms, and back, has a bear nose, mostly human features but has bear ears and a tail. | Note: Strong and good for manual labor but becomes lazy when it's cold outside.

Female Caterpillar? - Really fuzzy caterpillar body with a human face. | Note: Seems to like eating dryad leaves. Really low intelligence.

Female (Unknown species) - Only has a mouth and two ear holes on her head. | Note: Has good hearing. Looks almost human with the top of her head covered.

Female Dark Elf - An elf with a brown skin tone and black hair. | Note: Seems to dislike elves.

Alraune - Upper body of a woman and lower body of a flower. | Note: Uses her roots to move around and vines to help her grab things. Can release pheromones at will. All members of this species are female.

Female Lizardperson - Has blue scales and mostly human facial features except for the nose and ears which are just holes. | Note: Scales are tough and she has a decent amount of strength. Has a "bent" personality.

Female Insectoid(Ant) - Brown exoskeleton with a light brown skin tone, has two pairs of thin arms with three fingers on each one. | Note: Seems to attract ants.

Female Ape Beastman - The only animal features she has are large furry arms. | Note: Has been seen using her arms to walk around.

Female Beastman(Unknown species) - Has grey and white fur on her body and a long fluffy black and white tail. | Note: Eats fruits, nuts, leaves, and even bark.

(Below are slaves that were not on the list above)

Female Cait Sith - Black and white fur pattern, small. | Note: Talks a lot and is very spoiled. Will be hard to sell to people that don't have a weird fetish.

Female Orc - Short for an orc. | Note: Good for physical labor.

Female Human - Good at taking care of patients. Former servant of a noble family.

Female Human - A magician. It's unknown which type of magic she can use.

Female Human(injured) - A former scout for a mercenary group. Missing two fingers on her dominant hand and also a leg.



The Kingdom of Seka is the kingdom that the Adier Dukedom belongs to. The Adier Dukedom is the largest territory in the Kingdom and takes up nearly half of its total land. There are no marriage laws due to the founding king abolishing them for personal reasons but it's considered socially acceptable by most citizens to marry at the age of 13. Many kings have tried to create a legal restriction against marrying or having sex with people beneath 13 but some of the more powerful nobles have rejected those proposals.

ADIERTON (continued)

Built on top of massive ruins that have not been fully explored/excavated. Sometimes dangerous animals will appear and threaten the citizens so Adierton's soldiers are better-equipped than most standing armies. The cost of the army's upkeep requires the Duke's soldiers to take on missions as mercenaries.

NEWTON (continued)

The battle between the bandits and the Duke's soldiers have left the village even more devastated. It has been retaken by the Duke's army and will require years of rebuilding. Shortly after Gren left the village for the second time it has been shut down by the soldiers and all travel through it is banned. Merchants must now take a longer route around it which takes them through a neighboring country to the east if they want to go to Adierton.

VALKLAND (continued)

With the path between Adierton and Valkland blocked, the cost of fish products has gone down since they're being sold in bulk to those in Fort Togo and the cities to the west. The worsening economy has caused the already poor slums to become even more dangerous for the citizens.


The Kingdom of Grandolla was briefly mentioned by Gabriella. The king of Grandolla is rumored to have claimed that he slayed the Goddess and that he had stolen her abilities, becoming a new God. The people are mostly skeptical about his claims but the goddess's disappearance has left many people convinced.


The Merchant Republic of Doga is a rarity as it's the only civilized land without a monarchy or theocracy to control the people. The Republic is controlled by five merchant families, each one competing every thirty years to be the head family.


A theocracy that follows the Doctrine of Healing Light. Said to be the place where the goddess first appeared. The headquarters of the religion is located in the only major city. Non-believers are not allowed to enter the holy city.


A mining village on the border of the Seka Kingdom and Land of Healing Light. The location of the FMC's first mission.

Due to the time skip there will be no point balance calculations. If a person or place is not mentioned then it's because nothing major happened involving them.

Darth_Gizmocreators' thoughts