
Volume One Information

Please do not read this unless you have finished the first volume (chapters 1-21).



Thomas Gunnell, also known by his stage name, Tommy Gunn, had taken over the body of a young boy named Gren. When Thomas was still alive he worked on several movies as an extra but died after starring in his biggest role so far at the age of twenty-eight. There are many internet theories about how his death wasn't actually an accident but none of them have been confirmed so far. Right now the two leading conspiracy theories are that the director had him murdered to gain publicity and that the previous actor that was going to have his part killed him in the hopes of getting the part back.

The movie was later released after the police had closed the case and was a major success despite the fact that it was released late. Many movie studios tried to replicate its success by making their own wild west movies but the majority of them flopped and critics agreed that Grizzled Gun--the movie that Thomas died in--was the last great wild west movie ever made. Thomas Gunnell had no next of kin and his will stated that the orphanage he was raised up in would gain all of his property upon his death. This donation would later help them expand the orphanage's activities and would allow one young orphan to become a successful geneticist that would later go on to create the world's first genetically engineered super-humans.

Gren was a young boy that lived alone with his mother in the town called Newton. Due to many years of malnutrition he has not grown larger than an eight year old child despite being twelve years old. He has brown hair, green eyes, and a pale skin color due to spending his time indoors to help his mother instead of working the fields like the other kids in the village. Gren had learned how to read, write, and calculate numbers from an older woman that lived in the village. His personality before Thomas took over his body was more withdrawn and obedient. As Gren he was more of a breasts person but Thomas thinks butts and thighs are better.


Much of Annie's past is a mystery but she's a somewhat muscular woman with tan skin, blue eyes, and scarlet red hair. Her butt and breasts can be called shapely but not large. Thomas and Estella only know her name and the fact that she was part of Susan's group of bandits. Annie had to take care of her little sister after the death of her parents who were traveling merchants. In order to get off the streets, Annie had joined a group of mercenaries that were financed by a rich merchant. The money was guaranteed as long as Annie could finish the job and the merchant even offered to give Annie's sister a live-in job as an apprentice maid. Annie jumped at the offer but came to regret it after spending a few months as a mercenary. Her sister had been raped and murdered by the merchant while Annie was sent on a mission that was meant to kill her and justice had been denied. Annie suspects that the merchant bought out the guards which is why she was framed for her own sister's death. Annie met Susan after this incident and because of him she found a new reason to live: revenge.

Revenge will prove difficult in Annie's current state. After the explosion caused by Susan's explosive cannon ball; Annie lost her right leg, two of the fingers on her right hand--the pointer and pinky--and she is covered in severe burns with her right eye being burnt shut. Annie was incapacitated for much of volume one and it's unknown how much she has seen and heard. In the end she survived to make it to a healer but the results of the healing magic remain to be seen.


The princess of the Eastern Greenskin Alliance. Much like the name of her tribe, Estella has green skin but since she's a hobgoblin it's a pale green. Despite her pale green skin she's considered a beauty with large breasts and black hair. Although the goblins around her call her a princess, no human civilizations recognize the tribal leaders or their children as royalty. She's decent with a bow and has the minimum required combat skills that hobgoblins are taught in her tribe. She left her tribe with her fiance as part of a tribal ritual--the ritual is meant to symbolize the harmony and partnership between allied tribes as the daughter of the tribe's chief is married off to the son of another tribe's chief. In an unfortunate turn of events she and her husband-to-be encountered Susan's bandits; this resulted in the death of her fiance.

When trying to get revenge against the bandits she ends up leading her people into a trap which causes them to either be dead or missing as she couldn't confirm whether or not there were any survivors. Before the cannon ball exploded she was knocked down by Annie by accident but Estella believes that Annie did it on purpose. Estella meets Thomas while dragging Annie from the explosion site and asks him for help. Although she likes his singing voice she's still not aware that it was Thomas that was singing in the village.


Susan is a man's name--a specific man's name. Other than him there are no other men named Susan. He claims that his parents named him Susan because he was born in a small village of Sus but this has not yet been confirmed. He's more gentle towards girls than he is boys because he believes that boys must be raised to be tough. The only tough woman he has ever met is Annie and because of her apparent man-hating nature he couldn't put trust in her. He treats his daughters like they're princesses and--just like real princesses--he'll use them to create connections with powerful people after they reach the marriageable age of 13.


Jane is short for Janine. It is Jane's misfortune to have met Thomas when he was hungry since he now associates her most with meatballs. This is both because she is shaped like a ball and is made out of meat. Actually, it'd be pretty accurate to call her a meatball... Anyways, Jane is eleven years old and is one of the leaders of the younger daughters--largely due to the fact that she's, well, larger than the rest of them. She loves to cook and eat so it's only natural that she'd grow up to be so round.

Jane's meeting with Thomas could be considered a turning point in her life. For the first time in her life someone seemed to be nice to her from the bottom of their heart--even if it only seemed that way due to his acting. She just wants someone to like her for who she is. Is that really too much to ask?


Shelley is a nine year old girl that's adventurous and likes to pretend that she's a pirate when playing with the boys. Some might think that there's no real difference between a pirate and a bandit but to her there's a huge difference. Pirates are cooler! Her adventurous nature gets her into trouble which is why Jane is so close to her--she's always being scolded for getting into trouble. Considered by her fellow sisters to be Jane's lackey, Shelley doesn't really get along with them. Due to her father not condoning her adventurous activities he doesn't really dote on her like he does the rest and this has caused her to act out so that he'll at least pay attention to her.


A pair of beastman siblings that were found by Thomas and Estella in an abandoned village. Their race is similar to that of a Black Labrador but their faces are human in every way besides their jaws slightly jutting out. Most of their body is human in shape besides their legs which are unmistakably dog-like with the shape of a dog's hind leg but with a larger paw which makes it impossible for them to wear shoes. Their hands are shaped like that of humans but with large claws instead of nails and fur growing on the back--making it look more like a monkey's hand rather than anything related to a dog. The brother's name is Rexxar and the sister's name is Lily. Thomas ends up freeing them before leaving the abandoned village--unable to find out just how squishy their foot-pads actually were.


A unit of measurement. One Balder is worth 7,500 points.


An expertly-crafted doll that was stripped naked by Jane and Shelley so that they could put a dress on Thomas. If a grown man was seen holding it in its current form he'd definitely be arrested.

Unmentioned/Unnamed Children of Susan

Susan has many sons and daughters--in fact one would say that he had way too many of them. One of his daughters--a twelve year old girl--ended up dropping the cage that Thomas was in. The majority of them will never have names.



Newton Village is where Thomas finds himself reborn and where he's captured by Susan's bandits. Underneath the village was a huge cache of treasure which is what Susan was looking for. It's currently unknown to Thomas why the treasure was down there but most of it is in his possession so it's not like he cares where it came from. Unbeknownst to Thomas there was a single copper coin wedged between some stones so he didn't collect all of the treasure.


A port city to the south of Newton Village. It's small compared to Adierton and Fort Togo but is well-known for its fishing. It is thanks to Valkland that Newton had as much trade as it did and a decent-sized garrison. Valkland's slums are built on top of docks away from the main port.


Originally a fort on the border between two nations. Fort Togo was key in the defense against many invasions but now it's a bustling trading hub since the two nations have been joined into one.


A large city run by the Adier family and the former capital of a small nation. It's surrounded by tall stone walls and at the very center of the city is a castle inhabited by the Adiers. Thomas hasn't seen much of it besides the gate and the dungeon but he's excited to finally be in a fantasy world's city for the very first time.


Solaris-07 is the official name of the planet that Thomas is on but he hasn't found out what the locals call it yet. It is classified as a lower world which means that only a minimum amount of magic can be supplied to magic beings. Large-scale magic battles are impossible as only a few individuals will have a magic supply large enough to cast more than a few fireballs each day. Nobles pride themselves on their large magic capacity at birth, blissfully unaware that even the strongest of them would be considered weak in a middle world. It's practically impossible for a magic being to become a god in a lower world and the more powerful gods will find themselves unable to supply themselves with enough magic in these worlds. There are three major continents on Solaris-07 but one of them is completely covered in ice so it's uninhabitable to normal lifeforms.



100,000 - Administrator Gift

7,500 - 1x Balder

90 - 9x Rabbits

630 - 2x Black Iron Slave Collars

Total: 108,220


96,000 - 192 Cubic Meters of space for Pocket Dimension

5 - Socks

250 - Dagger

400 - Buckler

400 - Helmet

600 - Vest

350 - Left Gauntlet

250 - Left Pauldron

200 - Boots

175 - Short Bow

200 - Longbow

30 - 2x Firewood

30 - Flint Rod

20 - Scraper

1,750 - Cart

50 - 5x Skewers

60 - 3x Large Plates

800 - 2x Barrels

60 - 3x Canteens

25 - Bucket

5 - Soap

10 - Ladle

Total: 101,670

Remaining Balance: 6,550

Confirmed Equipment Costs:

Cotton Socks (5)

Unscented Soap (5)

Wooden Ladle (10)

Small Iron Skewer (10)

Firewood (15)

Iron Water Canteen (20)

Iron Scraper (20)

Wooden Bucket (25)

Flint Rod (30)

Large Iron Plate (50)

Wooden Short Bow (175)

Wooden Longbow (200)

Medium Leather Boots (200)

Medium Iron Pauldron (250)

Iron Dagger (250)

Medium Iron Gauntlet (350)

Wooden Barrel (400)

Iron Buckler (400)

Medium Iron Helmet (400)

Medium Iron Chainmail Vest (600)

Wooden Cart (1750)

I'm not entirely sure that I got everything. Let me know if you see anything missing.

Annie was originally written as having lost her entire right hand but it has been revised to being only two fingers on her hand missing as that was a mistake. Originally she was going to lose her entire hand but I thought that I revised it before uploading the chapter.

I completely forgot to deduct points when he bought socks and it caused all of my point calculations to be off by 5 points.

Darth_Gizmocreators' thoughts