
Chapter 38 - Out of Business

Gren told the women to wait for a bit while he went to go tell Jessica about the situation. Jasmine stayed behind to help. They were out of the house for a few hours but Jessica seemed to be still in the bakery. Gren headed to the front of the house.

"Gren! You're back! Was that you two that was making all of that noise outside? Did you find what you were looking for?" Jessica seemed happy to see him.

"That was probably us. We did find some strong people but there's a bit of a problem." Gren paused for dramatic effect. "I don't know where we'll put them."

"Just find a place. You're planning on cleaning out the underground area, right? There should be room for them down there. For now they can just stay in Jacob's old room. Ah, Jacob is my son's name." Jessica didn't understand just how many people he had with them.

Before Gren could explain the situation someone burst into the bakery and shouted out. "Greeeennn!" If Gren wasn't behind the counter then he would have gotten tackled. "I missed you!" The hobgoblin woman reached over the counter and hugged Gren, kissing him when she finally pulled him closer.

"You must be Estella." Jessica interrupted their little reunion. "I'm Jessica, his mother-in-law and lover." At that shocking reveal, Jessica gave Estella a smile.

The grip that Estella had on Gren had gotten stronger. Her voice was filled with a hint of anger. "What does she mean?"

"I, uh, married her daughter and had sex with her last night." Gren pointed towards Jessica when saying who he had sex with. Gren didn't want Estella to find out this way but it would be better to be honest about it.

Estella looked shocked but a customer just walked in. "You two go talk in Gren's room while I tend to the customers." Estella decided that it was best not to argue in front of others.

Gren pulled Estella by the arm after she let go of him. He still wasn't sure what he would say to justify his actions. He brought her upstairs to his room and sat down on his bed, patting the spot next to himself to get her to sit.

Instead of sitting down she pushed him onto the bed and pinned him down. "You fucked two women on the same day that you took my virginity and even married one of them? What's wrong with you?" She was trying to keep her voice down and yell at him at the same time.

Gren didn't realize it was her first time since she didn't bleed or seem to be in pain at all. "It was too sudden. I admit it. However, I care for all of you and can provide for all of us. Even our future children." Gren's words about children got Estella to remove some of the strength from her grip which allowed Gren to shake her hands off of him. He pulled her in closer and hugged her. "Stay here with me. Let's start a family. I'll prove that I am worthy of all of you."

Estella sighed and pressed herself against him, accepting the hug. She gave him a peck on the cheek. "I'm just mad that you didn't talk to me about it and made such a big decision without asking me about my opinion first. Also, you slept with me first so I'm the first wife." She sat up, still mounting him.

"I really did miss you. It was only a day but I felt lost without you." Estella gave Gren a sly smile. "Hey, our first time was in the dungeon so we didn't really get any privacy, right?" Gren nodded, knowing what she was going to suggest. "So, how about we..." The door opened and Jessica walked in.

"Gren, a soldier is in the shop and says he has something for you." Jessica didn't seem to care about what position she caught them in. Gren and Estella separated from one another and Gren followed her out the door. "Don't worry, I'll return Gren to you in one piece so you two can have your fun later." Estella threw a pillow at the door as Jessica was closing it and then Jessica started laughing. "It looks like she's not so angry at you anymore." Jessica liked to tease Gren.

When entering the bakery there was a soldier with his helmet off helping himself to a buttered roll. Judging by the sound he made while eating it, he seemed to be enjoying it. Jessica still had her trademarked smile on her face and Gren couldn't tell her feelings about him taking food.

The soldier quickly ate the roll and then pulled something out of the pouch he had tied to his waist. "Gren? I was told to come down here and hand you this. This badge is used to confirm your identity as a citizen of the Kingdom of Seka and allows you passage in and out of all of its cities." The soldier pointed to one of the remaining rolls. "Do you mind if I have another one?"

"Go ahead." Jessica wouldn't argue with a soldier over a couple of coppers. The guard quickly ate it up and seemed satisfied.

"It's just that I really enjoy the taste of the bread here. It's a shame that this is the last time I'll get to try it." Jessica's smile left her face.

The soldier put on his helmet and left, talking to four soldiers that had been waiting outside. By their side was an impatient-looking fat man wearing nice clothes. The original soldier left as the remaining group entered the building.

The fat man was holding a rolled up document with a red seal on it. "Jessica Flours?" Jessica nodded, clearly worried about what the man was going to do. The fat man handed her the document. "This notice is for you. We have received several complaints about your bakery. By the order of the Duke's Regent, I have come to shut this business down."

"But why? What could they complain about?" Jessica was distraught. She was born and raised in this bakery. Her family had owned this building for generations.

"According to the complaints there were several people that became ill after eating the bread from here. The Regent has decided that the claims were numerous enough to be considered true. Not only must the business be closed down but the Regent has ordered you to pay a fine of 100 gold in the next week or else you and your family will be enslaved to pay off the debt." Jessica had collapsed to the floor.

"I've never changed the recipe. How could people get sick from my bread? I don't have that much money." Jessica had tears in her eyes.

"I don't know the details of the complaints made or where you get the money. Just make sure that you pay the mayor's office the fine you owe within a week." The man left along with most of the guards, leaving behind a crying Jessica and angry Gren inside the bakery. One of the guards remained behind, telling people the bakery was closed.

Gren was angry at the regent but directed more anger at himself. He was too weak. He couldn't even say anything to defend Jessica. He needed to get stronger.

Gren crouched down and hugged Jessica. "Don't worry. I'll take care of the fine. You don't need to worry about anything." Gren didn't know how he could allow her to open up her business but he had more than enough money to pay the fine and keep the family afloat.


The fat man returned to the regent's office after delivering the letter.

"Is it done?"

"Yes, Lord Regent. The letter has been delivered."

"Did they mention anything that would ruin our plans?"

"No. Ms Flours even said that she wouldn't be able to pay the fine."

"Good, we don't want a repeat of what happened yesterday with the aphrodisiac."

"The person responsible has been punished. It won't happen again."

"Leave... Wait. Inform my brother to tighten the security around the gates. I'm sure that boy will try to run, just like his mother."

"Yes, Lord Regent. I'll go right away."

I grabbed a granola bar to have for breakfast this morning. I felt very hungry several hours later when making dinner. I just noticed that the granola bar was still on my desk. I hadn't eaten anything in the 8-10 hours I've been awake. I don't know how that happened.

Also, I don't have enough for cat food until tomorrow so they get tuna. Thanks, person that spilled all of their groceries in a parking lot and decided not to pick them up due to the cold. My cats appreciate your sacrifice.

Darth_Gizmocreators' thoughts