
What do I do?

Dear you sent for me?. Yes dad I don't know what to do and that's why I need your help.Am here for anything you want daddy will solve it all.

Dad my board of directors want to vote me out of the company, because they said am strict and I also don't have love to go around, they gave me a year to put my affairs in order and get married and have a child or say goodbye to Gold Fashion magazine.

I heard what my sister was telling my dad and I can't help but feel guilty for her worries, because I was the person that put fort the petition to the board in other to make my plan a success and it was with the help of my accomplice that they accepted that what we wanted for Gold was a good thing but seeing her like this was eating me up.

My child their is only one way you can solve this problem within a year time. Tell me dad I will do anything you say as long as I will be able to keep Gold Fashion magazine.

Golden am your father and I won't decisive you at all but the only solution to your problem is marriage. Did dad just say what I heard,there were so many emotions in me but reacting to them were something I couldn't do even if I tried,but as my dad kept talking I only watched his lips move not hearing any other thing he was saying,who was going to marry me,I can't even stand myself and any man will want to have sex with his wife but I can't let him touch me because I will feel disgusted if he lays his hand on me. I was broken and I couldn't ruin another man's life for the sake of saving myself.

little sis,I know you must be going through a lot and not knowing how to process them can be difficult,but I have a perfect solution and you won't even lift a finger. Tell me sister I am at a crossroad here and don't know what to do.

You will have to marry Kenneth,after all he is your boyfriend and turning to your husband won't be hard. Kenneth that good for nothing that has been a leach on me, marrying him is a really bad idea,but at as this time my brain was only working to find the solution to my problem and I hope Kenneth will be willing to help me out.