
Bringing Along a Dating System

Thank you for choosing Heart ♥ Capture System~ to go along with you on your journey! Please press [Start] to continue... ----- This is the story of how Han Ganxing goes from a shy boy who has no experience in love to a casanova who captures hearts in the blink of an eye.

SauceMaster64 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Heart ♥ Capture System~

"Heart ♥ Capture time! Yahoo!"

A wave of energy enshrouded the whole room. The greenish aura went through every nook and cranny, exiting the door and eventually making its way outside.

"Scanning current world. Time to finish: 99 years, 11 months, 29 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds... 0% [|_________]"

"58. 57. 56..."

"Uhh... 100 years scanning time?"

Han Ganxing dumbfoundedly stared at the countdown.

Impatience coursed through him.

"I can't wait that long! I'm not sure if I can live that long either!

Might as well not have given me a system than to tease me like this. I feel like a donkey having been led on by a carrot on a stick."

Han Ganxing's excitement fell from the peaks of heaven to the very bottom of hell, so fast that it made a large crater on its floor...

Now lacking any motivation, his body loosened up and crashed into his bed.

Not long after, he fell asleep, in large part due to his immeasurable disappointment.


When he woke up, he checked the system immediately. Part of him hoped that the system had only been kidding with the century-long loading time.

"Scanning current world. Time to finish: 99 years, 11 months, 29 days, 19 hours, 36 minutes, 18 seconds... 0% [|_________]"

He closed it again. Only the goddess knew how disappointed he felt right now.

A couple of knocks entered his ear. "Come in."

"Young master... old master told me that sparring is cancelled for today." The maid squirmed inside his room.

"Heh..." Han Ganxing already predicted that sparring would be cancelled today.

'Father is too busy arranging my birthday party.'

"Also... old master wanted me to inform you that he will be leaving for a trip starting today. He has already left."

'Father... has... left? Not arranging my party?'

Startled, he stared at the maid, his shocked expression frozen in place.

"Err... I will be taking my leave now. Please call me when and if you need anything..."

The maid exited his room, but he didn't notice her departure. He was too busy comprehending what she just said.

"Father... specifically left today, on the day I turn into a teen? Ha, I don't believe it. He will surprise me later tonight."

Han Ganxing's disbelief at the situation forced him to make excuses.

With a smirk that reeked of unrealistic hope, he walked out his room and went to eat breakfast.


Shi Wenyang pat Han Ganxing's back as he sat on a chair in the corner.

As the son of one of the richest merchants in this town, it was a given that a grand celebration was in place for his birthday. The problem was that the said rich merchant was nowhere to be found. In other words, his father had, contrary to his expectations, left for a supposed trip.

As he wasn't here, the butler had substituted as the host of this event. There were many visitors that greeted Han Ganxing, whether it be his peers or those that wanted to get close to a rich man's son.

Aside from Shi Wenyang, no nobles attended. How could they, with his lowly position as a mere merchant's son.

Activities made the venue lively and cheerful. It seemed that everyone in the room was happy... well, except for Han Ganxing. The disappointment caused by the fraudulent system paired with his father's disappearance during his birthday were enough to send him into a slight state of depression.

Of course, he never showed a forlorn expression in front of these people.

I have to act professional, act professional...

After everything ended, the butler sent everyone away, with Shi Wenyang insisting she stay.

"Hey... Ganxing, it's okay, I'm here."

Shi Wenyang offered her arms, and he accepted them. He jumped into her hug, and a small teardrop escaped from his eye. She pretended not to notice as she softly stroked the back of his head.

"M, my father. Missed the day I turned into a teen..."

Ah, how ironic. I am acting all childlike in front of a child.

Tears continuously flowed out. Han Ganxing made sure to stay as discreet as possible. Of course, that didn't change the fact that he had already soiled her dress with tears...


At night.

Shi Wenyang offered that she sleep beside him. Without any reason to refuse, he agreed. She saw Han Ganxing as a child, and he saw her as one. There was no ill intent from either party. Although when he agreed, her face seemed to have turned red a little.

Is she embarrassed that she has to share a bed with a kid like me?

After the fiasco that was his birthday, he could sleep peacefully, knowing that Shi Wenyang would be here to accompany him.

"What an exhausting day."

He laid down on the bed, waiting for Shi Wenyang to arrive. Before she could, however, he had already fallen asleep...


He slowly opened his eyes, the large interface in front of him yet again. The annoying beep sounded in his mind again, disrupting his sleep at exactly... 2 minutes and 3 seconds.

At that time, he felt a finger poking his cheek.

Shi Wenyang was there, leaning her head on her hand and with her other, poked him endlessly while she knelt on the floor. She wore a white robe, one that seemed... a tad bit inappropriate for a kid.

She didn't seem to notice that he had woken up since her head was looking towards a different direction. He quickly closed his eyes again.

"Hmph, you dare to leave me awake as you wander around in dreamland... Ganxing, you're so cute."

Hearing these made him jitter inside. He didn't know what particular feeling it was, but it made him happy.

It also reminded him of a certain someone from his previous life.

He resisted his urge to thank her for being here. His eyes sealed shut, his lips closed tight, his body not moving an inch.

"...I can't tease you for being a child anymore, huh? You're already a teen after all."

Shi Wenyang lied on the bed facing him. She fell asleep soon after.

After he heard her silence, he let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Wenwen."

Now, it was time to check out what happened with the system to disturb his sleep like that.

"Scanning current world. Time to finish: 99 years, 11 months, 29 days, 7 hours, 0 minutes, 31 seconds... 0.002% [|_________]

Notice: Scan of area, Corner Town, has been completed. Start the demo?"

S-start the demo?

I could do this?

Once more, Han Ganxing's excitement reached new peaks.

"Of course, start the demo!"

He quickly pressed the start button, barely holding back his urge to scream. After all, Shi Wenyang was sleeping beside him, he couldn't disturb her.



"Hello, hello! Welcome to the Heart ♥ Capture System~!"

Suddenly, the plain white interface transformed. All sorts of cutesy decorations surrounded the border, including but not limited to: a brown teddy bear, a small white cat wearing a blue ribbon, a rainbow with clouds on both ends, and a unicorn covered in sparkly glitter.

A "moe moe[1]" type of sound seemed to echo only in his mind.

Seeing and hearing all of this, he had a blank expression on my face. His expectations lowered a little...

'Well, this much is nothing if the system is overpowered.'

He hesitated as he pressed the [Start] button.

What showed up was an empty circular platform, lit by a spotlight from above. It gave off a lonely feeling. Above it was an empty bar, and beside that was a gear. What functions these served, he didn't know since they were darkened.

There were three buttons on the bottom, but the other two were locked, so the only accessible option was the leftmost one.



Don't tell me...

The button was pulsating, as if it was telling him to press it. After hesitating, he decided to do it. What else could he do if not that?

A book showed itself, flipping through its pages before closing in front of him.

A button was under the book, with the text reading [Roll (free, x3 left)].

Before he could press the button, a dialogue box popped up.

"Here is where you roll your target.

Caution: After rolling, you are locked onto the target until you capture their heart/s.

Free 5-star for first roll!"

"What kinda system is this...?"

Han Ganxing closed the dialogue box and, still feeling dazed, pressed the [Roll] button.

The book shook a little glitter off, and it opened. The thick stack of pages flew away, until only one remained. The page was basked in a bright light, forcing him to close his eyes. After what seemed like an eternity, the glow began to fade.

The page was adorned with a golden border, and 5 stars were present on the top.

The centerpiece of the page was the character... and a familiar face showed itself.

"...Shi Wenyang?"

[1] moe moe means cutesy

[2] gacha means lottery

I'm testing out this fast phrases function...

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