
Chapter 10

The rain had subsided when Buchi finally reached the Opal Manor's vicinity. He drove smoothly inside, with Bolt humming beautiful notes as if he was made of soundproof engines. He finally parked infront of the main house (rather carelessly) and instinctively the two adults alighted and began to walk towards the entrance door, unperturbed by the vague figure that stood before it.

"Good afternoon Juanita" Buchi regarded the older woman casually.

"Mr Chairman? What in God's name... ?!" She exclaimed, scanning Buchi worriedly with affectionate eyes. She did not like the fact that he was soaked.

"I'm fine Juanita. It really is nothing... I swear" Buchi whined like a kid about to be scolded. The woman seemed to relax a bit by his assurance.

"Oh another one." She said, a hint of annoyance present in her voice. She was referring to the new car. "What did you call this one?"

"Bolt" Buchi replied curtly.

"You do know you're being profligate?" the woman eyed Buchi.

"Juanita I wouldn't buy him if it were not necessary. He's a life saver"

"Indeed he is" the woman regarded him with contempt.

"Juanita are you scolding me?" Buchi suddenly asked but the woman did not reply him — not immediately.

"You're not going to introduce me to the guest?" She asked turning back towards the entrance door, and the adults followed behind her.

"Juanita this is Dera. Dera this is Juanita. She's in charge of the Opal Manor" Buchi said introducing the two women to each other.

"Nice to meet you Mrs" The older woman said to Dera with a cheerful smile.

"It's a MS, but the pleasure is all mine" Dera corrected politely.

"Are we cool now?" Buchi scowled at the woman, but she did not react to him. "Anyways I'll go change my clothes now. Juanita please show her to the guest room, and when she's done, direct her to the dinning room. I'll be waiting there." He instructed, then left the women.

Dera's emotions were still riotous, engaging in dangerous somersaults as Juanita led her to the guest room. She was lost in her thoughts, trying to figure out what had really prompted Buchi's change towards her. True she had craved for it, but it had come so suddenly that it scared her in a delightful manner. Why am I even blushing just by thinking of him? She asks herself. So much for a grown woman.

Juanita finally abandons her in an opulently decorated enormous room, with a ceiling-to-floor style window; after dropping off a few things for her: a lingerie and a beautiful white, but somewhat skimpy gown. Dera stares about the room uncertainly. She's not shy. She just feels strange being in this part of the Opal Manor. She shrugs as if shaking off the thoughts and enters the bathroom.

Dera finally exits the bathroom a few moments later and meets Juanita sorting her soaked clothes into a fancy disposable bag. The older woman still carries on with her chores, not minding Dera's presence. She finally exists the room silently with Dera's old clothes; understanding that Dera did not feel comfortable changing infront of her and needed privacy. Juanita still enters the room a few moments later. This time Dera is completely dressed and the gown isn't short as she had thought. It's just a little above her knee. Juanita motions her to follow and then she leads Dera to the dinning where Buchi sits idly, engrossed in the book he's reading. He does not even notice the women approaching him. Dera was all red now, blushing furiously because of Buchi's breath taking look. He was forty-three just as she was, but somehow he still managed to maintain a strong physique. His lightskin frame was clad in a gray sweatshirt and loose black cargo pants. His bulky biceps were somewhat visible and it got her wondering what his abs looked like now. She could sense her belly churning against the butterflies that somersaulted in it, and it made her angry at herself. Why was she feeling this way? Wasn't she a tough woman anymore?

"Oh have a seat please" Buchi offered politely, yanking her off her head as he offered her a seat. "Here, have this" he added, passing her a tea cup containing a strange liquid. Dera collected the cup warily and hissed after taking a sip from it.

"It's bitter!"

"I know. It's medicine, for the cold." He chuckled softly, amused by her reaction. After a short while, Juanita was approaching them again, with other maids behind her carrying trays of assorted food. They were still serving the Chairman and his guest before the doorbell rang.

"Juanita the door please." Buchi instructed, still savoring his meal. "Who's that?" He screamed a question at Juanita, after hearing her open the door.

"It's your wife sir!"

Dera froze at a spot and her face turned pale immediately. She wasn't scared of Jennifer; she was just not prepared to cross paths with her yet — At least not in this position — not as as a stranger in her territory. Dera squirmed about her seat nervously like a wounded animal — for some reason she felt guilty, even though she had done nothing wrong.

"Dera!" Jennifer screamed excitedly as she entered the dining room. With few long steps she was already by her side and she arrested Dera in a tight bear hug. Dera was bemused now. Why was Jennifer pretending to be excited to see her? They had never been friends as long as she could remember. Jennifer finally released her after what seemed like ages, then went and settled her fully developed feminine figure on her husband's laps — It was a spiteful show of supremacy.

"Darling, you didn't tell me Dera was coming. No, you didn't even tell me she was back." Jennifer said, adjusting her weight on her husband, forcing him to release an involuntary groan. She was seducing him, giving him a boner.

"It was not important. She's my client you know" he managed to say, his voice raspy as he contained the groans threatening to escape from his mouth due to Jennifer squirming about his crotch. Dera watched the two couples from her own end. She was furious but she contained it because she was not in the right position to.

"I want to go freshen up. You coming?" Jennifer enquired, finally standing from where she sat.

"M-maybe some other time" Buchi stuttered embarrassed by the question. "Why don't you carry on dear. I need to drop Dera at her place so I can finish my work." He said rising to his feet and Dera joined him too, abandoning her food. Jennifer nodded curtly, giving her consent and the two left immediately. A few moments later, Buchi and Dera were riding out of the Opal Manor. They did not use Bolt this time. They used the SUV, Johnny.

The drive to Dera's place was an awkwardly quiet one. They did not speak to each other except for the one time Buchi murmured an apology because of the incident at his place.