
The Beginning

Long ago,In a small city found at the outskirt of a town called "Xinzhang" were a great and brave warrior was born. He grew up to become an immortal because a great power of darkness strick him before going for the war of "Xinjiang" meaning the war of no return.

[LATER] He came back home after being the only survival after the war of no return. So the villagers were shocked because they knew very well that no one survives in that war. As he came back from the war,a strong and sad news broke him down. He was told that their village was attacked by the "Clan of Qurshi" and his wife got killed.

[Earlier] Before he was leaving for the war, his wife was 6 months pregnant and it was known that one month after he left, she delivered a bouncing baby boy that was named after his grandfather "Taihi".

Taihi inherited the power of darkness from his father through birth.

After living with the villagers for so long he always helped them and always stood for justice.

He befriended "Aigou" who was the son of "Bingwen".They did everything together then one hot afternoon something bad happened in the village. The village was attacked by the Qurshi Clan,the strongest clan among all the Clans were the mother of Taihi got killed. This made Bingwen to escape from the village with the two boys and settled together at the city were no one knew them.

So Bingwen admitted the two boys into a boarding school where they were to be educated. So both brothers grew up and became the best fighters in their school of martial art at the high level.

One cool after,Bingwen then decided to tell Taihi about the death of his father who was a great warrior and what brought about his sudden death.

Taihi upon hearing the news became sad and left home to have a drink at the local bar.

The wind from east fought with west,clashing here and there,very dusty and unclear vision,a man came through very tired and weak. He fainted at the village's river side then a fisherman took him and sent him to the village. When the fainted man was seen by the old men and women,they began to whisper to each other.,That's the husband of "Ai",the mother of Taihi. When he stood up,he asked of his wife and the sad news was thrown to him.

Jinxing the father of Taihi was told everything that happened and his unseen lost son called Taihi. He became furious and shouted very loud then his body was blazed with flamming fire of the power of darkness.

The villagers started running with fear of death. They run with all their might and made it to the outskirt of the village. Jinxing with just a hand raised brought down the whole village into ashes. He then went on a search to find his lost son. He searched nearby village for weeks without finding his son. Jinxing out of anger destroyed every village he visited and could not find his only son.

He searched and searched then he came to a bare land were he commanded a castle to appear from the ground and it appeared. He sat on his throne of blazing fire then ordered strong ,brave and mighty creatures who took the form of humans to search the city and kill everyone they met but he made an offer to live the person alive if only the person can stand for half a day with shaking or moving his body.

He then sent a letter to the king of the city to know what was about to happen and the challenge that was thrown to the city. When the people heard it,they never took it serious. This time was due and the creatures started to kill them but the person only survived when he/she obeys the offer. The death of the people started to hit the city and the refugees were hoping and fearfully waiting for the creatures.

Bingwen upon hearing the news knew the root of the death but it's was late for him to save the city. Taihi and Aiguo came out of their hostel and stood outside. Not just a minute yet they saw the teachers running down the school so Taihi stopped a teacher and asked"master what's happening? ",the teacher told them everything happening and added 'run for your lives!',the creatures are here,just after he had done talking, he saw the females also shouting and running out of their hostels and calling for help. Taihi then shouted to alert also run for their lives. Not too fast the creatures surrounded the school and started killing them. Some of them stood to obey the offer including Taihi and Aiguo. Suddenly Aiguo became tired and started to shake,so one of the creatures was about to kill him then Taihi became angry and he started to fight the creatures with his powers. He destroyed half of the creatures with his powers. He fought brutally with them and conquered the creatures by killing all of them inside the school. After he was done,the surviving students and teachers started to cheer him up. He jumped and flew away with Aiguo to their house were he found Bingwen still standing. He fought and killed the creatures in their house then locked the main entrance to stop others from entering then he came back to Bingwen,his adopted father. Bingwen then told him the person behind the creatures and were his castle was.

To Taihi's Surprise,it was his father who was behind the death of the people. He took his weapon and fled to the castle to fight his father. Bingwen tried to stop him but he never listened to him.

Taihi upon reaching the castle built by his father,he became shocked to see how huge it was and it was not even guarded by anyone nor any fearful creatures. He walked quietly with a little fear looking for his father, suddenly a loud voice came from behind . He turned to see a great hall of empty seat but one big one situated in the middle of the castle. Jinxing asked calmly,'what are you in need of young man?', Taihi out of anger cried out,'I want you dead' and he added I'm here to avenge the death of my people in the city and I'm in no fear of you man!.