
Bride To His Darkness

Asking help from the enemy was the last thing Samantha ever planned on doing, but who knew she would find her fate irrevocably sealed in the hands of a notorious Vampire Lord? In a world where Humans and Vampires have chosen to co-exist, the sacred orb of GreenHollow in the Northern Empire goes missing on a rainy night, right after the death of their ruler who was murdered in cold blood. It brought upon them an endless drought that can only be reversed when the sacred orb is found, and returned to its rightful place in the Empire. Ivan Chevalier, the heir and most feared son of the murdered Vampire King, has only two motives in life - to find his Father's perpetrator and behead him, his second motive is hunting down the sacred orb and restoring GreenHollow to what it used to be during his Father's reign. But when both motives lead him to the hands of his enemy's daughter, he has to choose between getting rid of her, or using her to his advantage by turning her into his blood slave. Samantha Dufort, a simple girl from EmptyHollow, is on the run with her younger brother after witnessing her Father being brutally murdered by a Vampire Lord. On the way, she gets abducted by slave traders. Forcefully separated from her younger brother, Samantha finds herself in a brothel, where she is trained to become a courtesan till she comes of age to be sold out. Her encounter with a mysterious man in white whom she referred to as her 'angel of death' saves her from a misery that only led Samantha into the cage of a Vampire Lords den. Tricked into becoming his puppet, Samantha tries to find different opportunities to escape the Vampire's den, and the Vampire Lord in person. But will she succeed when no one has ever left the Palace walls? Well, she was going to be the first to escape from these walls and find her missing brother. Twisted and trapped in the webs of Vampire politics interrelating with humans, Samantha discovers the main reason for her existence, a reason that could lead to changing the course of Empty Hollow. What happens when the Vampire Lord isn't the only darkness she has to run away from?

Sky_Li_9922 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
375 Chs


"My sweet little Samantha, since you still grieve your Father's death, I shall grant you only one request. Remember to choose wisely, as you might not get a second chance like this in the future." A cruel smile played on his sinful lips as he circled the devastated golden-blonde-haired woman, his intimidating shadow entrapping her whole being in its inescapable darkness.

Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap!

Every tapping sound of his shoe made her more aware of the rogue monster that he was.

With her gaze temporarily fixed to the ground, the sight of his foot approaching her was seemingly quiet on the wooden floor, but in her head, she could hear every step he took, every beat it made, every dread it brought, and the trepidation that came with it.

She could barely breathe the same air as him. It felt suffocating to be by his side.

"Well, what will it be?" His deep velvety voice made her breath hitch uncontrollably in her throat. His tone was unusually calm, sounding rather considerate with mixed loathing, but Samantha's mouth remained unmoving.

One request? Samantha held back a pained laugh like it was a joke.

He offers her one request after taking away her rights to live or die?

What sort of request was he expecting from her? In his eyes, she was nothing more than his personal plaything, his favorite game toy, and this - this was just another level of the game he wanted her to cross, and if she failed terribly, there were lines of punishments that secretly awaited her.

He was that dangerous.

"I believe I'm talking to a human being, not a wall." A half sneer curved his lips at her reticence, "If you can't decide for yourself on what you want, my little lamb, allow me to--"

"Save me." Samantha quickly blurted out at the last minute, her mysterious emerald green-eyes clashing with his crimson colored death eyes.

"I want you…. to save me."

Outside the candle-lit private room where they had had this conversation, kinky laughters and all types of men walked around the narrowed corridor with their lovely courtesans clinging onto them.

They looked highly pleased to entertain their clients that night. Mixed laughter enveloped the air, but inside the private room, it was deathly quiet.

The fancy room had frozen in silence, and the candlelights on the table flickered lightly. In a quick flash, the rondel dagger Samantha had carefully hidden under her sleeve, immediately connected to her enemy's chest before he could blink.

She pushed the blade all the way in till only the hilt was left, and she did this without batting an eye, neither did she consider the punishment that awaited her actions if she failed.

Their gazes remained glued, unflinching, and if there was one thing he noticed in those tear-filled emerald green eyes, it was her pain, her hatred, her anger, but not regret.

"I will keep making attempts to sever your head from your body, and you shall save me from perishing in the hands of you. This is my request." Her whisper was sharper than the blades of the dagger she had stabbed him with.

For the first time since he's had her captive, a vengeful smile cracked her dried lips, and something in his eyes flickered at the sight. The blade was still deeply plunged in the left side of his chest, drawing out trickles of blood that stained his white shirt.

"Feisty, not bad." The young Vampire cooly praised as his gloved hand gently clasped around hers, looking completely unaffected by the blade that had pierced him deep, and with his cold fingers wrapped around hers, he pulled it out.

"Did you really think a mere blade could get rid of the likes of me? You dare belittle me by using a weapon as weak as you?"

His white-gloved fingers shot up to her neck, grabbing it as he made her stare into his eyes that gleamed with equal hatred and pure amusement. "I will do exactly as you've said, little Lamb. I shall save you from the likes of me since that is your request, but no one out there can save you from me. You will be my blood slave, and forget about escaping me for the second time, that will only ever happen if I let you out of my goddamn sight."

The smile on Samantha's tired face seized at his tricky words, and to her horror, the area where she had stabbed him no longer bled. His wound had healed, save for the stain of blood that colored his shirt.

But how is it possible? Silvers affect Vampire's, do they not?

He gently took the blade from her shaky grip, setting it aside.

"Shall I tell you a very short tale about me?" His beady eyes stared deeply into her puzzled ones. "The question is, will you be able to handle it?"

He chuckled darkly like he already knew the answer to her silence. "Of course not, you won't be able to, you're too weak to win the likes of me. But here's this, I am no ordinary vampire, and it's been a very long time since a mere mortal smeared the blood of a royal Vampire. Like Father, like daughter. I liked it, and that makes you even more interesting to keep."

"You are a psychotic Monster." Samantha seethed into his face, but her voice cracked when his hold around her neck tightened, closing her throat.

"Shhhh darling," he whispered softly, watching her face go red as it became difficult for her to breathe. "I like my women when submissive, don't try this shitty attitude with me next time, or I'll have the life of your brother hanging on a thread with me."

Thank you for picking my book!

Note that this novel is entirely fiction-based

Its historical but the settings are not based on facts!

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