
Bride of the werewolf king

Joy_Michael_ · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Father_ in_ law

Mia stood there looking at them. She really appreciated it that Sebastian spoke up for her at the same time wondered why she was being dragged into the conversation. She at her father expecting eyes than at Sebastian's which shows no emotion. Although she is against the idea of Lydia staying, she knew she should not contradict his words.

"Dad, I know you are worried about me but I think I will do just fine. I won't fully be able to stand on my own two feet if I always have someone to fall back to". Mia found an easy way out.

"See?" Sebastian said with a raise brow feeling proud of her. He took her hand and walked away with her but then he stopped in his track. "Remember that if she ever falls I will be here beside her". He then walked away leaving them puzzled.

"Take her inside" Sebastian order Luke who immediately carried out his order. He personally excurse her back inside to prevent any other person from dig their own graves unknowingly.

"What just happened dad". Lydia said in anger.

"Let it be. Let's go back home". Noah said to his family.

"No dad I want to stay". Lydia insisted.

"That's enough Lydia, stop making a fuss". He said before gesturing them to follow him out.

Lydia was not ready to accept her reality. 'No.This can't be happening, I can't leave yet. I have to think of something'. She muttered to herself.

Noah suddenly heard a weight drop along with everyone grasped. He turned around only to see Lydia unconscious on the floor. He immediately became worried.

"Help! Somebody help me" Bridget cried out. Everyone looks on with concern.

"Hurry, someone should take her to one of the guest room and call a doctor". Someone said from the crowd.

"Honey please help let's take her to the room" . Bridget urge her husband.

"Yes". Noah tried to lift her with the assistant of a young man. The man put on his shoulder and hurried to the room with Noah and Bridget following behind. They suddenly heard a cold and angry voice behind them making them halt half way.

"Don't you dare take another step". Sebastian ordered dropping the temperature to zero degree.

"But.." Noah tried to reason with him.

"This is not a shelter. Take her to the hospital she won't die that is if she is really sick"

Everyone just looked on silently not daring to make a sound.

"What to you mean by that? Your majestic." Noah inquired.

"Don't make me repeat myself. I'm just giving you face because of the fact that you are my father in law. And if your daughter keeps resulting cheap means for her to stay here, She won't have a head to think about it next time".

"But.." At that moment that heard Lydia groaning in her young man's arms. She finally looked around weakly and then asked the man put her down. Her feet wobbled when it's touched the ground but man quickly helped her.

"Thank you" she whispered. Lydia looked at her parents confusedly.

"Mom, dad when happened?"

"Sweetheart, just collapsed".Her mother replied with concern. Noah kept quiet looking at her. He knew that Lydia can be a little possessive at times.

'was this just a show?'. He looked at her with disappointment.

"See? She is fine" Sebastian said out loud.

Everyone started whispering amongst them.

"Look at how shameless she is. Didn't she think about her family reputation before causing a scene?".

People started saying a lot of things about her.

Noah was so angry that he pulled her along with him outside.

Everyone went back to their normal activity after they as if nothing ever happened.

"That useless girl, she can not handle a simple task". Daniella was furious.


Mia was led into a large room way bigger than the one she had been staying. She was surprised and wondered if they mistakenly walked into the wrong room.

"Luke, I think we are in the wrong room". She turned to Luke.

"No,This is your new room. You will be staying with Sebastian from now on. Your things have already been moved here."

"Wait! what?" Mia surprised with the new change.

"Don't worry, if you need anything just inform the maids they will help you out". Luke explained before he quickly walked out.

Mia around the room which has no extravagant decor. It was simple giving out manly vibes. She looked at the king size bed and wild thought started invading her mind.

"Are we really going to do it tonight?" She muttered to herself with a flushed face.

"Gosh! What what wrong with me?" She touched her face feeling shy.

Back at the party at the party, Sebastian finally had enough of the cunny wolf and decided to excuse himself from the party.

Sebastian walked into his study with Luke behind. He took a bottle of drink from the shelf before taking his seat. Luke sat opposite him looking as he pour the drink into two glass. Sebastian took a sip and then breath out.

"Do you think something went wrong?" Sebastian suddenly asked Luke who look puzzled.

"What went wrong?" Luke asked to understand what he was talking about.

"Mia. Maybe something went wrong on her coming of age ceremony and that might be the reason why she have been able to shift". He explained.

"Maybe". Luke shrugged. "But what exactly happened tonight " he asked for the details.

Sebastian recounted what transpired in the woods.

"Hmmm. That's strange". Luke admitted.

"Exactly. That's why I want you to look into her past every little detail. Don't leave anything out." Sebastian instructed him.

"Okay " Luke replied. He gulf down the remaining drink and took up. "I have somethings to take care of. See you in the morning". Just like that he left Sebastian alone with his thoughts.

Sebastian decided to head back to room after taking care of some stuff. He opened the door and entered his room. Sebastian was stunned by the site that welcomed him.

To be continued.